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[复习资料] 2012年成人高考高起点英语所有格误用辨析

发表于 2012-6-25 15:37:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  1.中文:你做完功课了吗?2 |( K3 e' w- M0 C. O! w1 g  z
  (误)Have you done homework?+ [$ |8 {: J/ c7 ]  u6 q1 R4 C" ~
  (正)Have you done your homework?(表示做功课用do one's homework.)# n9 e1 N6 P0 D+ g1 F3 X% ]
9 B& G- @  d+ u; M  (误)Those are some books of our teacher.* V9 i( i4 w- m* H' b( _7 s
  (正)Those are some books of our teacher's.(应用双重所有格形式。)3 d+ j- S. _4 A$ L- D
( E3 p+ q/ X0 s( g/ p" \  (误)This is my brother John book.
7 K* p, ^1 Y4 y. u' Z2 u  (正)This is my brother John's book.(John是brother的同位语,John的书用John's book.), s4 J! X/ e  y/ W
  4.中文:警察抓住了他的胳膊。, \1 ^* Q; Q) r; C
  (误)The policemen caught him by his arm.
2 M6 L( ~2 ?+ U; Z5 ~8 W7 f  (正)The policemen caught him by the arm.(抓住身上某个部位用the,不用代词的所有格。)2 Q' M+ `0 L2 v1 C) O+ E8 T
  5.中文:一个十岁的孩子9 f* a* G; j+ ]
  (误)a ten years old child
" ]5 W7 h3 m# S( K# G: v4 B% p  (误)a child of ten year old
, X6 @: g# m" b& v  (误)a ten year old child0 T% q6 q- b0 M
  (误)a ten-years-old child
7 Q6 q6 W% X' e* e$ w. v/ @  (正)a ten-year-old child

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