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[考试辅导] 2012年在职硕士申请学位英语作文范文八

发表于 2012-7-3 12:10:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
同等学力申硕外语是必不可少的,其中英语写作又是非常重要的,平常需要加强训练的,多掌握一些句型结构,多记忆一些经典句型,这样在真正的考试过程中才能得心应手,游刃有余,给阅卷老师留一个好的印象,多得一些印象分数,下面由启文在职研究生招生信息网编辑来为大家整理汇总2012年在职硕士考试英语作文范文:$ c% ^4 X& L0 \' q" D* G- E3 f7 Y
第八篇' f- p* M- \# N) |
Directions: For this part you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic City Problems. You should write no less than 120 words and base your composition on the outline below:- O8 @& w/ |: E; \% m
: z. c6 e3 \+ K# @" D) a2.比较明显的大问题有......
6 z$ d: k0 n, a) t4 ]/ n3.我对这种现象的想法。
, t, Y* V' S: f3 k% M/ F/ |City Problems
( h9 o; h0 Z1 H  b1 zNowadays, millions of migrant workers flock into cities in search of jobs and better
0 q! [. _# y- h) h- E7 Z6 Uliving. However, with the sharp rise in the urban population, many problems arise in the development of cities.5 l8 u# k1 H0 E0 X. g; ^' z
Firstly, cities become more and more crowded, putting much pressure upon transportation, housing, sanitation, education, employment and so on. City services and facilities have been strained to a breaking point. Secondly, a growing number of private cars emit huge amount of carbon dioxide, leaving the air mercilessly polluted. What is more, the city is also threatened by rising crime. Not a single day passes without the report of someone being robbed, kidnapped or murdered. Last but not least, city-dwellers are not only separated from the natural world but also isolated from each other, even not knowing the name of their next-door neighbor.
2 D" O0 Z  ]3 h4 w  TAll these problems have harmed the attractiveness of the city. Unless there is some improvement, more and more people may seek to live in the suburbs.
/ I' N8 l5 ]( |7 P相关阅读:
! S' j+ a/ l8 U在职研究生英语高分作文必背句型汇总(完整版)
$ \, F" N" \0 H" @在职研究生英语完形填空之固定搭配词组(完整)& W  ?3 c. S- L& i2 S( ~

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