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[考试辅导] 2012年GCT考试英语词汇复习指导(四)

发表于 2012-7-12 13:04:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  词汇自测练习 4. (20个)  1. D bother 1. 烦扰,打搅
$ H/ L2 e6 Z/ K4 w# Z& u7 ?   I can't bother him with my little affairs.
4 I8 S+ N2 g3 C& y9 W  我不能因自己那点小事去打扰他。# {1 ?( D2 M2 ^1 S. i' M
  2. 使恼怒
1 [- M& \/ O0 x9 K# F- _4 r3 m# y   The way my brother talked to mother bothered me.
; b# J7 a$ M- D$ @, D  我兄弟对母亲说话的那副模样惹我恼火。
5 \& |- }( n) J. r! ^8 A1 n  offend 1. 冒犯;触怒;伤害...的感情9 L$ K. U" n. q& S
   We were offended by his vulgar language.- u/ n$ t) w) I; ?& g. W9 m
  我们被他的粗话所激怒。& I" I- F) K5 v, X
   I hope I haven't offended you.
- ?9 Q# ?, ?, p# z0 U  我希望我未冒犯您。, W( T  y1 _9 j0 b6 n+ b" r
  2. 使不舒服, o% \- N5 i' C0 P  q
   The smell offends me.
( F  u# I8 P- N  s2 ~* B/ n# ]' d- m  这气味令我作呕。$ i' d! d. x$ g$ J
  2. B predictable 可预言的,可预料的
1 k2 V% T9 j, E% P3 V( ^" C7 R! @   The outcome is not always predictable.+ \1 ~2 ^; z2 ~( g8 ?( [7 l' `
* s9 G3 X. ~* p( U5 n# t  reasonable 通情达理的,讲道理的
3 Q$ ?3 h2 v, o6 `4 B5 _- u   Our mother was always very reasonable.
* r" b: d! d4 y4 z  我们的母亲总是非常通情达理。
) F# @. a# x# w$ d9 Z+ L, P5 \  3. B idleness 1. 懒惰;闲散;安逸
/ Q) u( |* c- ?: p   He can't bear idleness.. Y4 S$ x9 M9 G4 E2 ?
  他不能容忍懒散。6 l# \$ D; ^# W0 ~' W3 y2 `1 E
  2. 失业(状态);赋闲$ i* A& T+ x% s7 Q5 a7 @
   The closure of the large factory made many workers live in idleness.
7 B# O* i; m8 T* @& v. t, s' y  那家大工厂的关闭使许多工人失业* ?" n+ |6 O' c( `6 E* ^8 M
  poverty 1. 贫穷,贫困0 Y5 T# I" v( l; `! y+ F
   His family lives below the poverty line.
! f- {  H* o8 s4 W1 d  他的一家生活极端艰苦。
4 e" T+ w5 I; D6 G   He lived in poverty.
& V$ `8 L) v; }; u. i' X: C) S  2
8 [; G+ R1 c" u* T  他生活贫穷。: Q7 {) {% ?# K- @( j
  2. 贫乏,缺少(of / in)# ]! W9 }* {/ \. d2 [! v
   The article shows a poverty of imagination.
: w" z! |' H* A9 S  这篇文章显得缺乏想像力。: E% o( B7 m- V7 x- H0 N
  4. A schedule 1. 表;清单;目录
4 M8 B- m- Z  W   Have you got a schedule of postal charges?; N/ o$ C+ e  L5 Y' G
  你有没有邮资价目表?2 n" |4 d5 m  Y$ q4 W& {
  2. 【美】时间表;课程表;(火车等的)时刻表. G* Y. S9 V) [' f/ W' n6 y8 g
   The teacher posted the schedule of classes.
( N0 e3 \8 k, g+ C  教师将课程表公布出来了。
$ K' g7 [5 T! [3 q1 Q! ^  3. 计划表;日程安排表
  [; ?! h5 j9 n2 ]; @   They have planned a tight schedule of travel.' L! r9 ^% P+ p' D2 P: j
, w: M3 p0 R5 W, T  scolding 责骂;斥责[C][U]1 e; M; _" K6 {" ^6 |! j" J8 c
   John got a scolding for coming home late.
$ ^  [# {( R7 Z. y  约翰因回家晚了而挨骂
' O5 @. q! x: |5 Z  skyscraper 摩天楼,超高层大楼
" g6 d/ q7 ]' W, v* g( W0 R1 o6 M: _   The skyscrapers block our view.
; K: C: g, y# e0 A  摩天大楼挡住了我们的视线。9 |+ v) [2 y( c& C  U* G
  speculation 1. 思索;沉思;推测(about/on/upon)$ n' }  ~! I* ?! O
   There has been a great deal of speculation about the Prime Minister's resignation.2 I& b" w% o  V# `" l! N/ B
; T# z& h5 Q4 X' n( `! n# r  2. 投机;投机买卖(in)5 g$ R" ^& v2 Y. j
   His speculations in stocks led to his suicide.. e" @% X9 l3 B2 K+ s0 k( ]3 f' n
  他在股票上做投机买卖致使他自杀。- {( h5 V% o" H- @  r) H5 o
  5. C range from…to…(在一定范围内) 变动动, 变化
" M* Z9 G5 Q- f8 U' H9 B9 @  alter 1. 改变5 j/ n9 H+ ]  Q: q
   Has she altered her mind?7 }' {" _  O( M. r0 k
  她改变主意了吗?) @, S/ ^6 W. j, c
   The city has altered almost out of recognition since I left there five years ago.
3 b' o2 Z8 Q- R8 G  自从五年前我离开以后,那座城市已变得几乎认不出了。
3 r1 y$ F: F- @' ?& s   alter for the better/worse
; L* f5 `+ c* u, d- w  变好/坏6 ^! n0 h7 M. _" |& A
  2. 修改- H0 [+ u; k) Z- Q5 w" m/ C% H
   The tailor altered the jacket to fit me.$ f- j9 }* F2 t% w; l' P# M7 O
  裁缝将夹克修改得合我的身。8 B8 o: C1 d4 m; C! @) P
  3" R1 \/ e2 J1 v1 p
  6. C sensitive + to 1. 敏感的;易受伤害的(to)# K$ z6 B$ X) R. b/ H" A6 ?7 }! h! C
   Donna is sensitive to strong smells.0 o8 ?8 |0 w2 F/ E( Q& k5 S. M2 u6 H! _
  唐娜对强烈的气味很敏感。/ m" v* q$ M; D; E' F# S- R& l
  2. 神经过敏的;易怒的(to / about)
" P" w5 ]+ ^* I/ k4 c7 p   He is sensitive about his failure.
7 }& j" e) F6 a" a) a  人家一提他的失败他就生气。
# \7 K1 v2 |$ A; t4 k& b* W+ L  scared 1. 吃惊的, 吓坏的; 恐惧的0 X3 }/ a1 ~  s* W% e. y, e
   a scared look$ ^  W6 p! ]; |
  吃惊的面孔0 U# h& i# g4 N
  2. [方]害怕的, 不敢的 (=afraid)
! v# A6 m7 F* n4 _( `4 ]* i   I'd be scared to do that.
' Y3 p, Y: l; F8 h3 E* b7 Y* W; \  我怕做那件事。
! E0 ]8 {( _# L" N& D$ U9 @  7. D capital 资本;本钱[U]1 C7 M* l6 t  S% Z2 V) O8 y
   The corporation has enough capital to build another factory.
% v/ Z8 ^3 _( h! h  这家公司有足够的资金来兴建另一家工厂。! |% A- Y# O) K% c5 A( t
  investment 投资;投资额;投资物[U][C] (in)1 B+ q3 B- r/ p8 x
   He made a large investment in the business enterprise.
# B# U. f$ B8 C  他对那个企业作了大量投资。
  C! k9 R4 G! m3 {! A% q+ o9 a   His investments amount to five million dollars.

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