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[考试辅导] 2011年GCT考试英语词汇复习指导(三)

发表于 2012-7-12 13:04:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  词汇自测练习 3. (20个)  1. C confirm 1. 证实;确定[+(that)][+wh-]
4 T. @3 \, Y, [* N2 a   His letter confirmed everything.
! R( W) [( z7 t0 q; x  他的信证实了一切。0 ?6 c5 E* f% u- `) R
  2. 坚定;加强1 X- H; V% K6 C  r! j2 X  `+ }
   The latest developments confirmed me in my belief.: S" g! f" F9 V% f
+ j" {; z, x) W4 w" L- v& d  mend 1. 修理,修补;缝补
/ [1 j0 \3 }2 e7 g   He asked her to mend his socks.
3 A" ?4 J) A; C' S" N6 d: y  他叫她替他补袜子。
) p4 `5 r( R" Q4 \' c  2. 改善,改良;纠正,改正+ \; A$ c6 K9 K# q
   He pledged that he would mend his ways.
1 o" A! n. ?, x; B% H/ {  他保证他将改过自新
" X' {2 a1 ^. o% S3 ^  2. C congratulate sb. on sth.- a5 `7 f: V6 F3 }  w% D; d
  mount 1. 登上,爬上;骑上;骑在...上
3 d9 j/ Z! B& O) p  G   They mounted a small hill. 他们登上一座小山
  K! u* h8 ]  w  2. 发动(攻势),进行(袭击)
( y% W4 d) n' N3 ~7 n& v   The Opposition mounted another attack on the government." l( M$ g+ [, X* i* K) Z
- b. F: X' s" e  3. D consist of由…组成1 ~6 W- k5 N& v( W$ A
  face up to勇敢地对付;面对事实
4 z1 o4 K! B$ V- ^3 l   He had to face up to the fact that his family disapproved of his wife.: G% }5 S) \1 v
$ T9 z4 V: D8 S! F! z1 z   He faced up to his difficulties manfully.
. Y6 U0 h/ N  E- {  他以男子汉的气概勇敢地面对困难。* v$ ?! K, ?# z. J. Y( u
  get across 1. 使...被理解
! l; {* ]. w  W& L9 H9 m   I couldn't get my point across in the debate.9 G& t5 g  \7 S. u- E7 f4 w$ W# k
! B* @  T5 ^0 s, v' ]7 h! H5 h   He found it difficult to get his idea across to them.  g2 c6 Z; J7 P3 i3 X
& m4 A/ B9 h% ?0 n& V2 I  2. ~: h$ q, {  v* ]) f/ B" }9 n
  2. (使)越过;(使)渡过
0 @3 ^9 x; w) R% W  give rise to 引起% T2 _; G) c. _, R
   These bad conditions have given rise to a lot of crime.- q* t3 ]8 q4 ~" q# J! E
" l! D$ q" l& L  4. D conquer 1. 攻克,攻取1 K' b3 k/ x! }4 V7 f
   The city was conquered overnight.
, z9 T, r' z" J  M) r, r- X  那座城市在夜里被攻克。' \* U0 ~9 B/ Q- ]6 g$ v4 ^
  2. 战胜;克服;征服;成功地登上
! ?7 }0 \( O1 I! _8 }5 W   I finally conquered my fear of heights.
+ h( C: J' q1 U, s  我终于克服了我的惧高心理。
4 W8 p" u8 @2 |" M  persist 坚持;固执 (in / with)3 }+ l5 R  Z! }) T0 @- ?3 _8 v
   Why do you persist in writing these things?
4 b  C4 U1 {7 i! K" H% f  你为什么要坚持写这些东西呢?
- `$ Q( m5 ]! P9 I  P, F) S  5. A critics 批评家,评论家) ]6 z1 g/ B$ ^) v7 {# k
   He is a very famous film critic.8 p# b% K  ^+ L+ s
0 R# F; `9 f8 G* M  n/ j  6. C restrict 限制;限定;约束[(+to/within)]
+ u+ l: X- F" }, u   Membership of the club is restricted to men only.
+ E. `; Y4 m8 f# i! [  该俱乐部的成员仅限于男士。- v3 u. C3 w. p# f$ G3 z! u
   His activities were restricted by old age.
# c# }2 U0 F3 z# j- }/ ]  他的活动因年事已高而受到限制。. H1 v6 G' \+ x! T. ?
  complain 1. 抱怨,发牢骚;诉说(病痛等)[(+to/about/of)]
& z8 O- p, D9 t% U0 ]# q  a) I've really got nothing to complain of.9 ~! a- e; _9 g6 m
  我确实没有什么可抱怨的。( |! @3 r( s2 }/ Y: f- U
  b) He complained to me about the food.0 m+ C( n' x8 ^9 E" x
+ B; G5 o8 x, u# a$ {: `. Z& f( q  2. 控诉,投诉[(+to/about/of)]+ N+ O, G. u4 v& c) s) f& z
  c) He complained to the police of the boys stealing his apples./ d8 P6 G& N& o: g! |" E5 o+ I
  f) S: r( E- A; J  7. D run into 1. 撞到6 k; g/ `% }4 S  K+ L0 A" ?9 Z4 S
   The bus got out of control and ran into a wall.7 {3 j( x, E! y0 p
  公共汽车失去控制,撞上了墙。. j. g4 j2 N$ N7 c8 @" `6 n' ~$ j8 X
  2. 偶遇& ?5 Y# J# T/ [7 {: `* C! U
4 m- j+ d) f6 l2 V   I ran into an old girlfriend yesterday. It brought back memories.$ G" S3 a0 S) b. Y" q0 Z  B
* D* o& D+ m! L* y5 `   I ran into an old friend in a pub.% f, z" P1 c  F2 P. J
' [! w$ f% Q7 G; q8 H6 ?  refer to 提到/ L4 b: ~6 k4 E+ B# a
   Don't refer to this matter again, please.7 g( r8 F8 |3 ~# c/ [/ L. j8 q  E
/ Q5 _' ^2 R5 l1 R5 Q  deal with 1. 与...交涉,交易;应付;处理
9 D: I5 N% P; e   He has learnt to deal properly with all kinds of complicated situations.4 H! Q) U$ l! O* p
  他已学会恰当地应付各种复杂局面。+ L5 P. n) d7 a" |5 H9 L( r6 V
  2. 关于
! H- J+ m3 f5 C   This book deals with an important issue.0 x8 ~  Q9 N+ p8 V1 V8 Z
  这本书论及一个重要的问题。, W; c" ]- S! I3 c* |
  8. B hang on 1. 握住不放
- Z. T% t; }* i2 Y$ f) I  W2 H   He hung on until the rope broke.

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