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[考试辅导] 2011年GCT考试英语词汇复习指导(一)(2)

发表于 2012-7-12 13:04:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  11. A the sovereignty主权权[U] (over); W/ ]5 w' c' K5 f
   It's neighboring country demanded sovereignty over the island.
# {9 c, M$ ~; t" g% o, b  它的邻国要求对该岛拥有主权。' G: C; k+ G5 _! Q+ L
  authority 1. 权,权力;职权权[ U] (for) / [to-v]
! c  w# B' c; M! o/ t- X   Who gave you authority to do this?% ~9 B( E: A: |5 g2 t
  3. o& U4 n/ g. [3 Y$ L' j1 O
1 {8 t  H, Z; [  2. 官方方,当局2 c9 `9 y% N& `9 K! a9 n
   The authorities did not interfere with us.
9 o" V3 H( B" L8 k- T& D3 v. j0 V, w5 w  当局不干涉我们。
) h$ _5 `- R3 D/ @  T" q  12. B embrace 1. 拥抱: d/ J( |, U- K/ S6 u8 L
   They embraced each other warmly.
0 J& K- A" {/ A, x7 [5 i  他们相互热烈拥抱。/ n/ @1 [! D9 h
  2. 包括,包含4 N/ p+ g, q9 B" z' A, K; Q* m
   The cat family embraces lions and tigers.
3 ^2 y% A: o1 o3 o  猫科包括狮和虎。
6 e$ l0 D" _& ?5 |* M! \6 i5 b2 v  J  3. 抓住(机会等);欣然接受(提议等)6 Z% {4 L4 K% c4 i" f" V. a* `* J
   She embraced his offer to help her with her English.8 z- X0 x9 }8 G  o
5 s0 v) W; A( e: L9 u2 N+ [- A1 X; `  13. D render = give (给予)
/ K6 b% m9 N0 d5 C   恕不找赎 Render exact fare!' ?& r: s$ ~0 V7 Y- h0 U
  pursue 1. 追赶;追踪;追捕
# w# G. @- g$ M1 h- N   The policemen pursued the bank robbers.4 w; ]6 b  G! t- W
  警察追赶抢劫银行的罪犯。0 H& v0 b$ Z5 p0 v8 s* R. q
  2. (疾病等)纠缠;跟随
" K- n- m( ?1 h* \8 r* T   He has been pursued by misfortune.2 \& x/ a) G4 g! E5 m: b
2 V! k( h' k+ A' F2 d  3. 追求;向...求爱
% I. C2 y) W5 v& `' h0 E. g   She pursued the goal of perfection in her art.: J" i# z( h3 @6 ]
  她的目标是追求艺术上的完美境界。5 q: p, t3 j! b
  14. A 固定搭配 be proceeding against 起诉…;
. k/ b' T1 o& l& h/ y( ?5 `+ Z" u  revolve 1. 旋转转,自转[(+on)]" l. H; C5 K0 V
   The wheels began to revolve slowly.
  X0 d, K3 M+ C" Q  d; ]0 H1 K  车轮开始慢慢转动。
$ U# o4 _8 s. e0 A4 U1 O" ~0 r' y  2. 沿轨道转[(+round/about)]
& x, D# j0 x1 p# ?   The earth revolves round the sun.
# Q9 U; l" g& {& r/ C1 C$ |8 k8 Y  地球绕着太阳转。
9 h3 ?" L% J: y. d3 E  3. 周期性出现,循环往复1 m' m& h4 s( w3 l4 \% s8 h
   The seasons revolve.5 J: _7 \% h, W5 }0 J$ X
  R( U% O! v% y/ J3 z  revolving restaurant旋转餐厅0 y2 }; E8 e* w" y8 b; q
  4+ B# m+ s( x; R, p8 @6 G
  15. C arbitrary 1. 随心所欲的的,武断的
9 j: y- t% j# h   This is an arbitrary decision.
( W" L! B) ?  Y) T  这是个武断的决定。8 d" v9 z& M2 Y: o
  2. 反复无常的,任性多变的
2 Z1 ~7 X2 P6 i4 Z' f, p   She married an artist with an arbitrary character., W" [  w# ~- a
  她嫁给一个性格反复无常的艺术家。' l/ Y8 K% l0 K  M9 ]
  artificial 1. 人工的的,人造的;假的6 G9 h$ e! E0 h% j$ r" A
   The room was decorated with artificial flowers.
+ i! s  p+ x# H' t  W( f  房间用人造花装饰。
  v$ H6 Z& U. {6 T1 a0 r3 ^6 h  2. 矫揉造作的的,不自然的
7 w4 v; Q# N5 i$ T* d* [   Her artificial manner made me sick.4 P/ q7 d$ t& ~, g7 e3 ]
  她那装腔作势的样子令我恶心2 P) _* T) s8 d$ b
  16. A impression
2 m7 v0 M, q! @   It leaves me a deep impression.
0 D$ a  K, V% V- X* p. b  这给我留下深刻的印象象.: g' ^2 O1 i- u, r5 K5 S
  sentiment 1. 感情,心情;情操[U][C]- v; n3 w, D7 m6 t# S0 O
   The song aroused patriotic sentiment.$ ~  S, D' n; b* |
  这首歌唤起了爱国情操。9 q: s; f( j) Y+ f5 K3 d
  2. 情绪绪[C][U](for/towards)
* T4 d8 |9 K3 O   They have hostile sentiments towards us.  d6 B6 r/ p1 Z8 U
6 g) B; z  [+ o- m5 U  c! N4 j3 }  3. 感伤,多愁善感[U][C]
; B1 A, w/ v% D9 H   She is a woman of sentiment.' O$ {$ ~$ Z9 E( m. G
' o  l" N- H# a: m: v$ |- o" S; w  4. 意见见,观点点[C] (on)
+ E$ j8 K+ @3 o# _% G; |: S   I share your sentiments on this matter." G+ U" D! t8 t  z$ o: g& H
  在这件事上我与你意见一致。* ]9 g& }0 |+ S" }: o
  5. 简单的致词;感想; X3 n, n2 P" L6 j& a2 T4 r5 J' Z
   Mr. Jones was called on for a sentiment.7 u- Z# k0 r% J' X7 w. S# y  g
  琼斯先生应邀发表感想。$ d- l/ {6 L6 t
  17. D 固定搭配second thoughts (三思后) 改变想法
5 C. f; n+ ]: i/ Y& H8 ]   Travel brodens the minds
6 c& \$ e  `/ V/ o4 v  旅游扩大视野
' r8 ]9 [$ o5 ~- ~* J# U/ n  5. m' W5 N/ d0 F9 q
  18. B 固定搭配 none other than不是别人而正是* E/ L) f' u& H& R; S' b
   The new arrival is none other than the President.) J6 W! o3 M. k! j$ l" ~
  刚来的不是别人正是总统。) n. u$ u7 _# x0 |- c5 b3 V
  19. B 固定搭配 lay sb. off 使…下岗;
9 q) b' P5 ]) ]1 x  drop out 退学5 b3 n7 e  q5 w8 M4 n
  20. C 固定搭配 do without 将就一下;(没有…也行)

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