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[法硕辅导] 2012年考研英语作文常用高分句型(应用文)

发表于 2012-7-12 13:23:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  应用文高分句型$ `& ~& e! x' Z. h4 F2 f
, d9 O& c1 n: X  开头常用句式
# {( B& }% B" m8 @5 I5 P& `# i9 U  This is to inform you that I intend to resign from my current potion.
$ ]9 H, s8 ~( `  S* Z  I am writing to inform you about my decision of resignation.6 \1 Y9 f4 ?) G* ?1 \, U
  I feel very sorry for having to give up my position as …
, R" W$ t9 u+ j1 }" \0 g$ b5 W  I feel reluctant to give up my present job, but I …
2 a: J8 `8 Q9 n# j  I am sure it will come as no surprise that I wish to resign my position as…+ j2 z; X' ~" h9 E0 J! M0 X  a
& Y: V) z' L8 O. i6 ^8 R/ R9 ?7 I5 X  I sincerely hope that you approve of my resignation. I am sorry for any inconvenience caused.
+ y. Q7 W% e! P8 U  Thank you for your caring and consideration in these several years’ working.
  |1 U0 x  T  A  I would appreciate it if you would accept my resignation before…
; |% U' ?* Y* F  Thank you very much for offering me the opportunity to work with the outstanding staff here.
: k4 }( U0 S# I  My best wishes for the company’s continued growth.
, j/ J  J- H: X  其他常用句式3 W- N1 }4 K6 w
  I have enjoyed working with you and the staff in … company in the … years.
" D, m. n6 Y$ q5 [9 }# S& @! s3 Y' P  You have given me plenty of help and encouragement.& ^' `2 N. N" _# \& C
  I find it is inappropriate for me to take the position as … for the following reasons.
+ u* R. C) b# m( _  I have expected the job to be interesting and challenging, which turns out to be the opposite.  n* _$ Z& s1 p4 s1 G9 f( p7 _
  I will be able to help you find a replacement for my position.- Z5 U/ k. ~# P: Q& r8 l
  Thank you for all the patience, wisdom, and experience that you shared with me.; O$ w  i  K* C" k3 a
  There are a few factors involved that I find intolerable.
$ a( ?) n+ L% O; J  Please let me to take this chance to thank you for the rewarding experience I have enjoyed during my employment.
' n% d( U( i# }+ z. b- z4 f$ [  请求信3 x9 Y" O- @& {7 A5 I& F
. L: q$ M; ^; x. E2 I2 G1 N  I am writing to formally request to …
7 w+ _% i, E- l/ M, g4 d  We shall be greatly obliged if you …
% B( g+ h# A: ]- B/ ~  May I ask you to consider …
- h8 _( {4 ?2 b! [  Could you be kind enough to …5 I! J9 i- s1 p$ y# N9 {! K
  I am writing to seek your assistance in …?1 T# j6 @- f' P$ m# L* X
  I am writing to request you to make an investigation on the matter of …
' s/ j" l- }# [  Will you be so kind enough to give me some information about …1 @. Q  U/ E5 D1 X( w
  Would you be kind enough as to…?0 L) I8 Z7 {7 \; |4 J
  I would very much like to ask for your permission with this letter to…?# q. B0 Z7 M7 e8 z
  结尾常用句式. ~9 q! ]6 m! v* c" W" G& w# i! u
  I am looking forward to hearing from you.
" Z4 p) }% i2 t$ j# K  Thank you for your kind assistance.
! w+ z" x0 x9 H$ d: h  I shall greatly appreciate your answering my questions.
% v% g' |9 Z4 H' {5 K2 `, v  I would like to thank you for your generous help in this case.
6 J9 e7 w, j4 R* u% c  I should remain grateful to you for the great help…1 X. m1 j% S+ C7 {7 W4 d
  I would appreciate your considering this matter and getting back to me at your earliest convenience.( O) _7 O0 I+ j6 m3 j# U
  I do appreciate the favorable consideration you have shown to me.
/ \$ m& @8 B- _8 A. h( P  Thank you for your attention to these requests.) Y! \" k5 d; V, C+ M6 @
  其他常用句式8 o- C$ g2 J" R2 G% o6 H" [
  I’d like to suggest that…
1 c9 b& h) f' o& z9 n  May I suggest that …
1 q# m5 @2 \4 ?$ S" k' D  In my opinion …
+ w# h2 U  y) ?8 Y+ G+ l0 i) z! B/ A0 k( o  I would like to make a recommendation that…6 P* b5 {! ]7 m' J- d2 R; E1 }
  I am writing to advise you of…
5 x/ `  T" ~( M/ F: l+ b% E2 t  If I were you, I would…( W5 l4 l* O/ I# P' E; @
  Could you possibly…?
9 I' a  o3 ]' H) b- u- |3 @5 E  Is there any possibility of…?
7 l7 d6 E& H* o# ~- m  [  The reasons for … is that…7 i' n5 u* _8 u" |1 x
  If you have questions, please feel free to contact me at…
1 S8 H+ p, T5 Q 

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