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[考试试题] 在职攻读教育硕士学位英语词汇题详解(八)(1)

发表于 2012-7-13 14:20:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  141. All foreign visitors are requested to _____ with the regulations in this area.
- N6 z& W  T1 D. h0 n) x  A. agree B. comply C. consent D. conform
. n0 A& m+ s1 _  X  m  [答案]B. comply.
0 x! i5 A  l5 Q; d# y' W, {  [注释]comply with(=act in accordance with a demand, order, rule, etc.)遵守:People who refuse to comply with the law will be punished.(拒绝遵守法律者将受到惩罚。)conform(to)使一致,符合;conform to rules符合规则;conform to the customs of society(遵从社会习俗);consent to 同意,赞同;consent to a plan(赞同计划)。
; g1 \. `7 U  ]8 B) }2 _% K( |" E  k  142. Thomas Edison considered genius to be _____ one per cent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.; J! m' f+ G* g, C& F
  A. composed of B. constituted in4 p! n- V0 W8 \$ H0 u
  C. consisted of D. comprised in# ^/ {! B$ y- X, u
  [答案]A. composed of.1 R. k  x3 y5 M9 b7 _3 W+ N0 q& B& E
  [注释]be composed of由......组成。Consist of由......组成,是不及物动词,不能用被动语态,故不合题意。
4 |, \; l  N. V& e& r9 F1 e+ x  143. Although Lucy was slimming, she found cream cakes quite _____.
6 U- B& a$ O) G& G% V- h  A. irregular B. inevitable0 g& E* D) X: {0 m) U8 l
  C. incredible D. irresistible) _8 `- o; C" L. M  B, F
  [答案] D. irresistible2 }4 G* O* Y: G; {. I
  [注释]irresistible不可抵抗的,诱人的,1)I had a irresistible desire to run away,2)I can't refuse this offer; it is irresistible.3 j0 y$ E$ w: q, q- k6 n
  Irregular 不规律的, 不合规则的:1)the trains from here are irregular.(这里发的火车是不规律的。) 2)These procedures are highly irregular.(这些程序是非常不合规矩的。)
* p( k$ z; P4 g, ?7 i- j  incredible 不可避免的,不可信的:1)Old superstitions are incredible to educated people.(旧的迷信对受过教育的人来说是不可信的。)2)His story of rescuing six drowning men is incredible.(他说他救了6个溺水者,这是难以置信的。)
  Y/ r- n6 k8 w; U  inevitable 不可避免的:1)Traffic delays are inevitable at a holiday weekend.(假日周末交通耽搁是难免的。)2)Pain is Inevitable when one breaks a bone.(骨折是疼痛是难避免的。)
% Q* @: @6 x" Q+ x* o# L! s  本题译文:虽然露西正在减轻体重,但她觉得奶油蛋糕是诱人的。5 G7 s* D" i# \- L
  144. In order to _____ the rising production costs, the subscription rates have been increased.
7 V( E" y" A7 L" [! e* F  A. add up to B. look up to C. cut short D. keep up with+ z8 Y) v7 C. V1 H( J/ `
  [答案]D. keep up with.
: \' {$ e& ~, H* L' u0 \5 w  [注释] keep up with跟上。参阅。88注释。Add up to参阅.2注释;cut short 详见.38;look up to(=admire, respect)赞美,尊敬:We look up to the old workers as our teacher.(我们把这位老工人尊为我们的老师。)本题中rates意为“价格,费用”。: y7 k8 l2 j3 J+ u% _9 B/ X" T
  本题译文:为了跟上生产成本的上升,预定费已提高。- ^4 t, g: [0 C# R
  145. Your essay is quite good: just _____ it _____ with a few illustrations and quotations.* w" a2 `+ a" n/ ^1 n7 p
  A. put .. up B. touch .. up+ I) d5 L, q& R/ j! O1 A' G1 u! R
  C. cut .. out D. write .. off
( ?2 R  e. y1 H+ I  [答案]B. touch up.  b% [7 G8 V! k, @) `- r. D, ]
  [注释] touch up(=improve or perfect by small additional strokes or alterations)润色,修饰:1)The last part of the article needs to be touched up.(这篇文章的最后一部分需要润色。) 2)He touched up the picture by strengthening and shadows.(他把画修饰了一下,使光明部分和阴暗部分的对比度更鲜明。)
( `1 q' ~5 h5 W  put up留宿;cut out 删掉;write off报销,勾消。
  t7 T& {1 B7 v( D. j. m* L+ c2 L  本题译文:你的文章很好;只要用些例证和引语修饰一下。

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