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[英语] 跨考:2012考研英语二大小作文真题权威版

发表于 2012-7-20 22:31:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2012考研英语二大小作文真题权威版 ( Q0 C( u8 K: T: B
  Section IV   Writing 0 S* V1 _) u6 N* M; ?2 L1 v
  Part A/ ]' S4 b6 n/ c0 }* O# s5 C
  47. Directions. g* w; S4 |0 Z  p
  Suppose you have found something wrong with the electronic dictionary that you bought from an online store the other day, Write an email to the customer service center to0 U6 V* s& f* ^5 o% x, c7 y; g: W- b
  1) Make a complaint and
* Z" J; L- [/ i" y  2) Demand a prompt solution6 ~2 [/ c. N& v
  You should write about 100words on ANSERE SHEET 2
. ], v, c7 y; d' \( i6 ^  Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter, Use "zhang wei "instead.
# M) o6 n; d! {' _! T  48、write an essay based on the following table .In your writing you should  i5 s, E2 Y& \2 X; W4 f0 R
  1) Describe the table, and
& \3 P' d# t5 L% v) N+ M  2) Give your comments
& U6 T! s8 d2 U& v/ r  You should write at least 150 words (15points)+ |) A7 U$ ^  O' v
  Z) [: o, J) p  x

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