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[英语] 考研英语语法重难点精解(26):主谓一致(1)

发表于 2012-7-20 22:31:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  主谓一致(Subjectverb Agreement)
4 i8 H. t; l! Z. ?6 Z+ O  e$ I3 u  句子成分间或词语间必须在人称、数、性等方面保持一致,一致这一语言现象在日常应用及各类英语考试中出现较多,最主要的一致关系是主谓一致。
% J3 \5 t8 L% ^
# t& w9 v8 R; L* }: t0 h8 C  一、主谓一致的分类" `+ F$ G  R# K
  1.语法一致,即主语为单数形式,谓语动词也采取单数形式;主语为复数形式,谓语动词也用复数形式。4 y! {, n( M1 G/ u  `8 w: a
3 Z7 }  W: t- R( {$ [3 R  3.就近一致,即谓语动词的人称和数往往和最靠近的词语保持一致。# U# k$ q, [% y6 o6 x
. f0 E: R% C, s2 n- @
* U' P* C1 Q9 g( k  (一)what从句或其他名词性从句作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式
4 [( v( x2 _3 A8 F6 b  例句: All I have to do is to go to my CD shelf, or boot up my computer and download still more recorded music from iTunes.(选自2011年Text 1)
, a1 E3 s/ a8 ~9 m" x5 W  分析: 该句是复合句,其中,定语从句I have to do前省略了关系代词that,修饰先行词all,all that相当于what。
0 Y- ?. e( o0 {* u! F0 `8 t8 p! X2 ~  译文: 我要做的是走到我的唱片架旁,或者打开电脑从iTunes上下载更多的音乐录音。
5 ~2 }* V$ ]0 n# H! g: O  例句: He claims to be an expert in astronomy, but in actual fact he is quite ignorant on the subject. What little he knows about it is out of date and inaccurate.(1997年第7题)
- Q3 o9 ~) P/ Z! W4 l$ r  分析: but前后为一组并列句,而What little he knows about it is out of date and inaccurate是一个复合句,即主语从句,what little he knows about it在主语从句中作主语。6 x" E# d0 M  x3 G7 m1 c
  译文: 他声称是天文学的专家,而事实上他对该学科一窍不通。所知道的一点点也是过时的且不准确的。! v7 Q3 D% |6 R3 g! b' e$ `
  例句: That these seas are being overfished has been known for years.
3 d* }9 p" c- Q  (选自2006年Text 3)0 t4 Y' N) V/ N* K
  分析: 该句是复合句,其中主语从句的主语由That these seas are being overfished充当。  K# v# Q. w: u' _: g& F
  译文: 众所周知,人类在海洋里过度捕捞已经很多年了。
9 G$ Q1 I: z/ C( v, @# r+ {
) }& B. f: K; U! {2 M9 Y9 [* R7 }  (二)主语后跟有由特殊连词引出的词语时,其谓语动词的单复数由主语决定
3 q  ~( n% J! ]! k1 x  这样的连词有as well as, rather than, together with, along with, but, except, accompanied by, in addition to, including, instead of, like, more than等,有时这些词也可以置于句首。.' ^4 U- q, ?7 S1 V* k
  例句: The pollution question as well as several other issues is going to be discussed when the Congress is in session again next spring. (1996年第36题)
; M8 b0 [- [3 |6 ^1 G0 j! g  分析: 该句是复合句,本句中主句主语后接as well as...,谓语动词的单复数和主语一致。3 v8 D) \4 S# }$ u
  译文: 明年春天再次举行的国会会议上将讨论污染及其他一些问题。8 F, w: O3 ]- P, A% W! W
  例句: Johns uncle, together with his two relatives, suggests that we (should) stay here till next weekend.$ J# f  @8 }9 m3 g3 C" l6 X6 m
  分析: 该句是复合句,suggest后的宾语从句that we (should) stay here till next weekend用虚拟语气。
; O7 [, Z! d, Q0 Y  译文: 约翰的叔叔还有他的两个亲戚建议我们待到下周末。+ h& E1 G' h) d7 u8 u* `8 K' A
  例句: Together with another two scientists, he is publishing a paper which not only suggests that one group of humanity is more intelligent than the others, but explains the process that has brought this about. (选自2008年Use of English)
, B+ f3 T0 D. T  分析: 该句是复合句,句子主干是he is publishing a paper,介词短语together with another two scientists作状语,表示伴随, which引导一个定语从句,修饰a paper,其中包含了not only...but(also)这一句型,that one group...than the others作suggests的宾语,that has brought this about是一个修饰the process的定语从句。& ^) m  v7 n4 ?  F8 y: F& x4 H
  译文: 他和其他两位科学家准备一起发表一篇论文,在文章中他们不仅提出某一族群人比另一族群人更加聪明的观点,而且还解释了引起这种结果的过程。
) @% A+ ?: d, B0 d& X3 `* l
( S( N2 S- F" f; G, B  Y9 S8 f  (三)主语为a portion of(一份), a kind of, a series of等短语7 X6 T! g7 c7 \
  该情况中谓语动词根据形式一致原理用单数形式,但如果主语为portions of, many kinds of时,谓语动词相应采用复数形式。
6 y9 m" b% i# y3 Z& S( w0 a  例句: Next year, after a series of mergers is completed, just four railroads will control well over 90 percent of all the freights moved by major rail carriers.
, h, Z  p8 H/ F0 z  (选自2003年Text 3)3 h8 Z6 C9 N1 t) _
  分析: 该句是复合句, moved by major rail carriers在主句中作定语修饰all the freights。
5 L3 k1 e# ^, m  译文: 明年,在一系列的合并完成以后,这四家铁路公司将占主要铁路公司货运总量的90%以上。, @7 g: A/ n% I; W
9 e' {1 t& F" a4 Y" x
  (四)there be句型1 X: J5 h; l/ t2 @$ t
  be的单复数根据就近原则,主谓一致。.6 E/ \. V4 g8 O6 a$ c! X# ?& W
  例句: There are thirteen or more of them, and if any is missing a deficiency disease becomes apparent. (选自1996年Cloze Test)
  O. z# M& @4 C; A  分析: 该句是由and连接的并列句,其中and后是一个复合句。, M& n2 `+ ?9 x! |, J5 g5 G' B
  译文: 至少有13种维生素,若缺其中一种,维生素缺乏症疾病便明显可见。" c7 c5 Q) ]! }* x% H2 W3 h8 Q
  例句: There are a number of bestselling downshifting selfhelp books for people who want to simplify their lives; there are newsletters, such as The Tightwad Gazette, that give hundreds of thousands of Americans useful tips on anything from recycling their clingfilm to making their own soap; there are even support groups for those who want to achieve the mid90s equivalent of dropping out. (选自2001年Text 5)3 Y- C0 I0 S  W$ P0 T2 P+ w
  分析: 本句由三个分句构成,在第一个分句中,定语从句who want to simplify their lives 修饰people;在第二个分句中,定语从句that give hundreds of thousands of...修饰newsletters,其中介词短语from recycling their clingfilm to...修饰anything;在第三个分句中,定语从句who want to...修饰先行词those。
, h% h! C4 s9 W0 [% n) j+ u' A$ D  译文: 对那些想要简朴生活的人,有许多畅销的关于“顺其自然”生活方式的自助书;还有像“守财奴报”之类的通讯,给数十万美国人提供包罗万象而且实用的指导,从胶卷的再利用到自己制造肥皂;甚至还有支持小组,帮助有些人实现90年代中期逃避社会现实的理想。

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