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[英语] 考研英语语法重难点精解(28):虚拟语气(1)

发表于 2012-7-20 22:31:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  虚拟语气是谓语动词的一种形式,用来表示假设,或用来表示命令、建议以及说话人的主观愿望,有时也可以使语气缓和、委婉。虚拟语气作为一重点语法,在各类考试中占有相当大的分值,所以理解该语法,不管对于考试,还是在日常应用中都有相当大的作用,本节将就考试重点作详细讲解。 % m4 X- I: ?* h

. ]- K9 G# z5 O  一、虚拟语气的用法/ }, y4 k8 _8 d- f9 b% k1 q
0 K2 @- O1 D7 G4 N  主句 从句 现在 would/should/could/might + do be→were/do→did 将来 would/should/could/might + do were to + do/should + do (只能用should) 过去 would/should/could/have done had done 注:有些语法书中在“与将来相反假设”的条件从句中也有do→ did,这样就和“与现在相反假设”的主句、从句完全相似,其主要区别在于各自的时间状语上,另外如果在“与将来相反假设”的条件从句中出现should+ do,那么主句中就避免使用should+do,可以用would/could/might+do。
* {5 z3 F. s# v: z% @- s6 p  例句: If you were to examine the birth certificates of every soccer player in 2006s World Cup tournament, you would most likely find a noteworthy quirk.
8 Q- O: n9 H/ [/ T  (选自2007年Text 1)
  [: g: t1 A" i  分析: 该句是复合句。, K, s9 I+ \5 h! o# h- H" n8 n
  译文: 假如你去调查2006年世界杯上每位足球运动员的出生证明,你很可能会发现一个值得注意的现象。  U' I* l& L  L
  例句: If that happened, passionate consumers would try to persuade others to boycott products, putting the reputation of the target company at risk. (选自2011年Text 3). o* |2 y  G/ w: e& A5 @
  分析: 该句是复合句,表示与现在相反的假设。其中,分词短语putting the reputation of the target company at risk在句中作状语,表示结果。
2 q4 N( U! j9 T' ?; |/ E+ m  译文: 这种情况一旦发生,充满激情的消费者会尽力说服他人抵制产品,从而使目标企业的声誉处于危险境地。
% T9 {; B$ i2 u+ H( [1 Y9 s- W5 o  例句: Everything here would have been destroyed utterly, if his wife hadnt called the fire brigade.. \& O* ]& [! E& g* H' s
  分析: 该句是复合句。( l# E( C7 O% O( |! A
  译文: 要不是他的妻子给消防队打电话,这里的一切就被彻底地破坏了。
) P, B1 Y' s9 T: k$ Q3 G2 A& v% Z1 ]
+ @5 c/ x/ f2 i% d& h+ t  有时条件从句和主句时态不一致,可以根据主句、从句动作发生的时间分别运用相应的虚拟语气。6 h) F3 D0 S5 a! c# ]
  例句: He would be studying at the university now if he had passed the entrance examination.4 {5 P+ b. {/ U- J- O3 E
  分析: 该句是复合句,主句表示与现在相反假设,而从句表示与过去相反假设。% N' Z; E6 E  m8 o; E" T
  译文: 如果他考试通过,现在就应该在大学里学习了。
5 F9 i  }9 o6 x% W* B* g8 D% i4 j+ P/ d: v# M. [3 |9 h
  三、条件句中连词if省略' P# d, P( Q* U* v! X# K: S
  若条件句中的if省略,则把were, had或should置于从句主语之前,形成半倒装句。
" |$ t2 ]5 d2 g9 A  例句: The businesses are risky, but should we succeed(but if we should succeed), we would be rich.
; P6 h! p3 u! N. F' {& k9 a  分析: 该句是由but连接的并列句,其中should we succeed是省略if的倒装句。
7 F9 u1 D. K+ Z$ t+ B3 Z- M) _3 z: _  译文: 做生意是冒险的,但是如果我们成功了,我们就会很富裕。6 b7 d2 t$ J) f" N: n* M
  例句: The millions of calculations involved, had they been done by hand (if they had been done...),would have lost all practical value by the time they were finished.
" e( U: t2 f8 A: N  分析: 该句是复合句,had they been done by hand是省略if的倒装句,by the time引导状语从句。
7 j( I/ H/ g9 Y5 _9 h+ @9 Q  译文: 所涉及的数百万次运算,如果用手工进行,等到完成时,恐怕早就失去所有的实用价值了。
7 j& c" i- q& R* T2 M" k+ Z
& F; \5 Z0 r5 u) E* n) g  四、使用介词或介词短语的条件句
" b% @% P, D* r5 h9 N8 \- t  条件句中有时用without(with), but for, but+从句, under...condition, in the absence of (没有……在场)等介词或介词短语,也可通过上下文暗示来表示,而主句将根据情况运用相应的形式。. Q3 w+ B$ I6 d; ^. i% Y& M
  例句: Without us there would have been no response to the invasion of Kuwait, no peace in Bosnia and no deal to halt North Koreas nuclear ambitions.* r; H  n! c3 X1 R4 z3 a' W
  分析: 该句是简单句,介词短语without us相当于从句if there had not been us。
! J- F  S0 x8 U5 }  D  译文: 没有我们,就没有人制裁对科威特的入侵,波斯尼亚就没有和平,也就没有制止朝鲜的核野心的行动。
- ?  ^! z; @' _0 E: D+ k/ h; _; A, x  例句: But for us, any number of nonproliferation, environmental and humanrights standards would be afar cry from what they are today.
" f: U: }+ v0 g7 q: v6 e3 v  分析: 该句是复合句,介词短语but for us相当于从句if there werent us,what they are today作介词from的宾语。
$ d! v# W6 b7 l% i' c% `  Y. m  译文: 没有我们,任何防止核扩散、环保和人权水准都将与现在的标准大相径庭。

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