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[考试辅导] 医学考博摘要写作经典范文

发表于 2012-7-20 22:52:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
医学考博摘要写作经典范文- a2 w- j$ B; N/ K4 o
: s- d/ q8 k  d* E    烧伤严重程度不同,对烧伤病人的急救方式也不同,急救前须仔细观察烧伤部位。烫伤和阳光灼伤一般为一度烧伤,在浅色皮肤上,看起来像是一块红色或浅红色的斑,但在深色皮肤上可能显现不出来。
! O7 K9 I9 t$ ~3 n    通常情况下,轻度烧伤不需要医疗急救。
4 s1 s6 N+ @- A    二度烧伤严重一些。将烧伤部位浸在凉的流水中,直到疼痛减轻。对于任何烧伤,不可涂抹软膏(ointment)、黄油、酸奶(yogurt)、洗涤液(lotion)之类的东西,那样只会加重感染及体液流失。用消毒纱布(sterile gauze)轻轻擦吸受伤部位。除非烧伤面积大,水泡(blister)多,肿得厉害,一般不需要绷带包扎。如果皮肤或者水泡破了,不可使用凉水,应使用干燥的消毒敷料,并尽快去医院。一定要在受伤数小时后再检查烧伤部位,有时水泡会起得晚一些,而且烧伤的程度比原来估计的要严重。+ u6 z/ ]  n7 }& Q9 \6 }2 Z( @
5 A2 n% t0 r2 P# E    三度烧伤会导致感染、体液流失和休克。得不到迅速有效的医疗急救,伤者可能死亡。但是,鉴别烧伤的严重程度并非总是很容易。例如,水泡和肿胀当时不出现后来才出现。另外,不可将疼痛的程度作为治疗的标准。二度烧伤常常比三度烧伤更疼痛,更难以忍受。三度烧伤,因为神经遭受了重创,伤者可能不感到剧烈的疼痛。有些伤者是复合烧伤,一些部位是一度烧伤,其他部位是二、三度烧伤,但必须总是根据最严重的烧伤程度来决定急救措施。多数烧伤是接触热源所致,但有的烧伤是因为接触了有毒化学物品。$ {6 ?8 P3 G; S% S
    如果皮肤碰上了强烈的化学物品,必须立即)中洗干净,因为只要化学物品停留在皮肤上,烧伤就会持续。化学烧伤与热烧伤的严重程度一样,一、二、三度烧伤都有可能。所有粘上化学品的衣物必须马上脱掉,尤其是与受伤部位接触的衣物。用流动的凉水)中洗受伤部位至少5分钟,如果没有流水,可使 用水桶或其他的容器,使劲往受伤部位泼水,但不要用力擦洗。受伤部位用水充分)中洗完毕后,立即用干燥清洁的消毒绷带包扎起来。如果化学容器上有烧伤急救说明,应在用水)中洗后,遵照说明进行急救,并立即呼叫救护车。如果眼部烧伤,立即用流水从眼部由内向外)中洗,并使眼睛保持睁开状态。如果只是一只眼睛受伤,受伤眼睛的那一侧头部要转向地面。如果伤者戴有隐形眼镜,帮其拿掉隐形眼镜,然后再进行>中洗,并尽快争取眼科医生的专业救助。如果是酸烧伤,须连续)中洗5分钟,如果是硷(alkaline)烧伤,须连续;中洗15分钟。然后,用干燥的消毒绷带将眼睛包扎起来。
# `+ A" v  g4 I3 E0 A5 n9 I    以上措施可减轻伤者的痛苦,减少感染和休克的可能性。任何严重烧伤,须立即取得医疗救助,否则,烧伤永难愈合。(1403字)
( F2 G5 S" c; g" k5 }2 NFirst Aid for Burns7 N7 e9 z  _. ?; @5 X& e, _
Passage 1
3 f' U0 C8 A1 L. A; |, \. H     In this passage the author tells us how to treat a burn emergency.
; U1 y* K9 O0 |, ?; J) ~     Burns can be divided into three degrees according to the severity. First-degree burns only injure the surface layer of skin. A second-degree burn injures the under layer of skin. A third-degree burn not only destroys skin, but injures muscles, blood vessels, nerves, and even bones.
' ^* N$ e& ]% m5 {7 F# P* |8 ^& ]     Usually mild burns do not need medical attention. For a second-degree burn,first immerse the burn under cool water. Then dry the burn with sterile gauze. Bandage is usually not necessary. Do not apply ointments on the burn, because they only promote infection and loss of body fluids. In case of broken skin,do not use water to cool but cover the burn with a dry sterile dressing. Send the victim to the hospital immediately. For a third-degree burn, first do not let the burn get worse. Then cool the burn with water or an ice-bag and cover it with a clean dressing. It is important to get medical help as quickly as possible. Keep the victim unde? continuous observation for breathing problems.
/ E* M' J5 [6 G; b9 y4 V! c+ S, q     With any chemical burn, always wash the burn with water and remove any clothing that has the chemical on it. Washing should last 5 minutes in the case of an acid burn,or 15 minutes for an alkaline burn. Then bandage the burn. It is necessary for any serious burn to get medical aid at once.
+ o, C4 T3 J: J. F# E  [/ qPassage 2
& E7 s% j3 u) p; k2 ~      A burn occurs when tissue is injured or destroyed by heat or chemicals. Burns are defined by depth of skin affected,with 1st and 2nd degrees being partial thickness burns,and 3~d degree being full thickness burns.5 j8 z# o  C$ [" s
      First aid for burn victims varies according to the severity of the burn. A mild burn usually does not need medical treatment. To care for a 2nd degree burn,first cool the burnt area with water until the pain diminishes. And cover it with sterile bandage of cloth. Ointments are not necessary because they can lead to infection and loss of body fluids. Do not put water on a burn if the skin is broken. Get immediate medical assistance for the victim. To treat a serious 3rd degree burn, first you stop the burn from getting worse. Do not use water to cool the burn. Instead cover it with a dry sterile bandage. You may place a cold pack over the dressing to cool. Get the victim to the hospital as
6 p3 h1 M+ P2 O  Hquickly as possible.7 q% F9 c. A5 N1 k
      The procedure for treating chemical burns is different from that for heat burns. Always wash the area with water and remove any clothing that had the chemical on it. You should wash at lease 5 minutes for an acid burn and 15 minutes for an alkaline one. Chemical burns are serious and the victim must be sent to the hospital at once. (233 words)
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