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[考试辅导] 医学考博每日一读:

发表于 2012-7-20 22:52:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
医学考博每日一读:'No evidence' of harm by mobiles! b8 E2 \; k$ M7 C, x* w
There is still no evidence mobile phones harm human health, says a major safety review for the UK's Health Protection Agency (HPA).& T' w9 `! t( ~; X, n1 I; `
Scientists looked at hundreds of studies of mobile exposure and found no conclusive links to cancer risk, brain function or infertility.! N5 P8 A  W8 n6 S( @6 p' X# g
However, they said monitoring should continue because little was known about long-term effects.
2 d' e" J: W( f7 a0 d9 n$ O. LThe HPA said children should still avoid excessive use of mobiles.
% q$ o3 K2 {6 p- M  J8 \$ FIt is the biggest ever review of the evidence surrounding the safety of mobile phones.
- n: H1 W, K5 DThere are now an estimated 80 million mobiles in the UK, and because of TV and radio broadcasting, Wi-Fi, and other technological developments, the study said exposure to low-level radio frequency fields was almost universal and continuous.# a( T, O5 U4 X2 w% M* }
A group of experts working for the HPA looked at all significant research into the effects of low-level radio frequency. . d! R) F. |% n# C
'Relatively reassuring' 6 ^4 Q+ |0 R+ z8 C, l8 V; D8 M' H
They concluded that people who were not exposed above UK guideline levels did not experience any detectable symptoms.
& K- g8 V; q7 h0 s5 N7 D) O/ fThat included people who reported being sensitive to radio frequency. ; i9 o- s3 S2 m( n
They also said there was no evidence that exposure caused brain tumours, other types of cancer, or harm to fertility or cardiovascular health.
9 q: H" Z0 J' n' Z7 m* }) e6 OBut they said very little was known about risks beyond 15 years, because most people did not use mobile phones until the late 1990s.
4 k3 |: p& ~) mProf Anthony Swerdlow, who chaired the review group, said it was important to continue monitoring research.* D, `% e+ E3 ^9 i
"Even though it's relatively reassuring, I also think it's important that we keep an eye on the rates of brain tumours and other cancers," he said.
2 ~& V# D- K% Q" r3 D, e"One can't know what the long-term consequences are of something that has been around for only a short period."
- E2 G2 W! k( ^' X4 UThere has been speculation about the health effects of using mobile phones for years.
  V. C% J* H: ~1 k# fThe HPA conducted a previous review in 2003, which also concluded that there was no evidence of harm. But there is now far more research into the subject.
- p2 A. j3 g, [6 c2 a( KAdvice on children
- v8 O0 n. E1 T' _: G4 w, `The experts said more work was needed on the effect of radio frequency fields on brain activity, and on the possible association with behavioural problems in children.
7 {9 a$ l! d$ W' O/ t9 V5 c" lThey also called for more investigation into the effects of new technology which emits radio frequency, such as smart meters in homes and airport security scanners.
! W' _- i# E) [0 O. P" z& TThe HPA said it was not changing its advice about mobile phone use by children.2 v+ @, D  m' L0 {. I
"As this is a relatively new technology, the HPA will continue to advise a precautionary approach," said Dr John Cooper, director of the HPA's centre for radiation, chemical and environmental hazards./ \9 r& F! j9 B* V3 C
"The HPA recommends that excessive use of mobile phones by children should be discouraged."
, Q% k2 F) U6 c/ u1 G, b/ E6 M1 |  [网编推荐》》
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