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[其他] 跟单员技考试巧心得:实用技巧

发表于 2012-7-25 11:56:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. Remember, your first guess is your best guess. , ^! e' C$ t/ V  g( T  c
  记住,你的第一个猜测是最好的猜测。 , L* \2 b; |7 B( W# B1 o; w
  2. Work on the “easy” questions first, then go back and work on the more difficult ones. . y; @0 q- G7 ~9 F) y4 X
- c6 M" q  l: u: c  3. Do not get into an emotional battle of wills with the exam. , I: m6 [( D7 u2 `7 f
1 v3 l9 Y% d% U0 D6 X, i: j  4. Do not add anything to the question or to the answer.
$ `% R" r, u" u+ a' [$ y; R  对试题或答案不要增加任何东西。
( Y! I7 e7 m/ c0 b& h/ K  5. Do not seek the exception unless it is specifically requested. 1 j5 L" f( \& m
# {+ Y1 R8 s, w  6. Choose the best of the four choices, and don’t worry about your “better” answer. * }. O" e( N3 o3 c6 m& m- w2 C$ r9 Q7 @
4 G9 _3 u, y9 \2 u, r) G  7. Visit your test site before scheduling your test appointment.
2 n$ y: ]$ W  @4 N# J' f& D  考试前参观你的考场,以便做好准备。 2 W1 e8 h( q' E3 c, G! `
  8. Do not try to keep track of how you are doing, you won’t know. 0 v+ D) T; f7 w  G8 z# w7 ^! r
1 t. I( s  b/ m0 W  9. Do not try to memorize any questions, just remember concepts.
. E& c, Z9 m' l0 d5 V  不要试图记住问题,而要记住概念。 5 L3 `) L* E) c9 I9 Z
  10. Do not worry about time. Do not rush.
0 D8 j# d% i, R4 _5 i& i8 d  不要担心时间不够,不要过于匆忙。仔细地做每道题,往往更省时间。 9 X( g" e6 g/ ?
  11. Relax and stay as calm and confident as possible.
/ v) E' b* h6 y4 C& m- z2 I  尽量放松,保持平静和信心。
" @$ s# _0 e* x  12. Remember that combination questions are your friend and work from both ends. . \4 x7 W1 U/ }  v8 F3 `# _1 h
  记住,一些合成的答案(不是只选一个)并不可怕,其中只要有一个是对的(或错的),就可以做出判断。 4 w  l9 _1 F6 i7 h" d3 _; p
  13. Do not “cram” for the exams.
: {! i1 [; |/ Z4 v/ Z& W  对考试不要灌得太满。
, D+ a4 w/ c1 l# f8 U5 y  14. Get plenty of rest the night before and be healthy on exam day. ; b7 M  b* n5 O0 p5 x; i: o
  考试前一天充分休息好,保持好的精神状态。 % ~4 \/ U! Q% H. R
        15. Common sense is your ally, take it with you and use it.
& j' J9 M7 y. n- A4 ]5 ]  做出一般性的判断和直觉判断,尽量应用这一点。

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