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[其他] 跟单员必知:跟单员英文简历模板

发表于 2012-7-25 11:56:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
8 \: h  W+ [( [, ^/ d; nBasic personal information
+ @2 t; y( V! F' I' ]/ ?$ T  Name: *** Gender: Femalewww.Examw.com" A5 q4 Q0 I5 n& c! `
  Birthplace: Handan, HebeiProvince Age: 24
! D3 `0 |- _9 }4 {( C7 P  School: Liren College of Yanshan University9 W4 N# J5 U  P( {  v+ V! r" c3 V
  Major: Business Administration
; t2 f$ E' U- O  Z  Address: CuiZhuang Village,Fengfeng Mining Area,
; f# [$ ^! q& `) v3 N& d1 j  Handan,Hebei Province Postal Code: 056200
. r: x$ u, C1 t: D4 o; i  Phone:
0 u3 I" @" A6 P* _& ^7 J  E  E-mail:* b! z+ D: [. \8 w7 I7 L
  Self-evaluation# h# J! ], N* ~  E+ G# O
  Responsible and energetic,strong self-discipline, careful and own good team spirits, good at learning, positive and optimistic
' [# P" x9 s; \( j  University courses
$ `5 Z4 U2 U; U7 X% R. X$ S5 x  Mathematics, linear algebra, probability theory and mathematical statistics, financial management, accounting, reading and analysis of financial statements, management, marketing, human resources management, electronic commerce, technology economics, production operations management, project management,, International Business, International Trade Practice, writing, macro and micro economics, statistics, business administration, English, business etiquette, organizational behavior, economic law, tax law, etc.1 ^6 [% f5 m" [  f$ S, g) ~; c
  Academic" i" A1 N2 Y( S' [% K; T
  Yanshan University College (September 2007—June 2011)3 ~# u& s# R4 V1 ^6 @0 x! s- T/ c& ^# A
  Was named the 2011 session of the outstanding graduates Liren6 `2 g: O' g$ q
  Won three national motivational scholarships (coverage of 1% -2%)7 x/ ?, z- @3 [
  Liren College Students

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