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[考试试题] 2012年微软认证考试测试重点思考题及答案40

发表于 2012-8-3 00:09:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
7. office 2000 has been installed on 3400 windows 2000 professional computers by using a group policy object (gpo). you deploy an office 2000 service release to all windows 3400 windows 2000 computers. it is successful on all but 4 computers. what should you do?    }3 ?: }8 |9 \" ]5 z
a. restart windows installer on the domain controller.  
6 m' t# o, ]2 F4 }( lb. restart windows installer on the computers that failed to install the service release.  $ j& v9 h5 h  I" x
c. re-deploy the service release using a .zap file.  * z7 |4 A1 t1 s5 h
d. reimage the 4 computers manually.  # D: l0 K5 f2 J; Y4 ?( J$ |
answer:b  $ s0 B/ P( Z1 {7 h1 u
8. you create a custom bitmap with the logo of your company saved with 16 bit color and 1026 x 768 resolution. you configure a local group named receiving to have a mandatory user profile. some computers in the receiving department have vga video adapters, and others have svga video adapters. some users report that this custom bitmap is very pixilated and distorted when logging into certain computers. what should you do to ensure that the bitmap is displayed properly to all users on all computers in the department?  
1 T' \, D- F- T, i2 h+ Ga. install the appropriate wdm-compliant drivers on the computers with vga adapters.  8 V8 P0 k. w+ G2 v- h
b. configure separate user profiles for each user in the receiving group.  ! k  f; s* W4 w5 |: T
c. configure a roaming user profile for each user in the receiving group.  5 t; W! S* f. _/ t. [& [
d. change the custom bitmap to a 16 color bitmat using 640 x 480 resolution. reconfigure the mandatory profile to use this new bitmap.  % D6 Z4 U; S. R1 ]! \
answer:d  * ]+ D; R; Z7 \4 k" h/ m% Y+ `, V
9. you must deploy an application using windows installer to 330 windows 2000 professional computers on the network you administer for an organizational unit (ou) named marketing. a group policy object (gpo) is created for the marketing ou. after deployment, some users report that the installation is aborted, while others report that after a successful installation the application gives random general protection fault errors. what should you do next?  
( K# `( f" k! H! ]: j5 Ha. repackage and re-deploy the application’s .msi file to the marketing ou.  $ z; o& Z8 T3 v+ t( D/ F0 Y0 Q; v8 }1 H
b. repackage and re-deploy the application’s mst file to the marketing ou.  
2 d8 `) N0 W/ p* o2 qc. re-deploy the application using the gpo for the marketing ou.  
0 J: S) @' G0 Ed. create a new ris for all computers, backup all data to network drives, and reimage all computers.  
1 A8 k3 r1 z. }) r# n* A/ y' Xanswer:a  * d0 X* ]# ^, Z) _  }) a( V
10. you are the local administrator of a windows 2000 professional computer (main) shared by multiple computers in a small office. user accounts exist for each user, and current users experience no problems with using the computer. you create two new accounts, employee5 and employee6 on main. when logging on to the computer, employee 5 receives the message: “windows cannot copy c:\documents and settings\default user to location c:\documents and settings\employee5.” employee 6 receives the same error. which two of the following actions will resolve the problem?  
9 E% A$ Y, _; z) T9 v2 Q  Xa. add employee5 and employee6 user accounts to the dacl for the profiles shared folder on the network server.  
% m/ N3 Z- b6 V* Xb. add employee5 and employee6 user accounts to the dacl for the c:\documents and settings\default user folder.  
2 b2 V' G2 m" e$ Z! \c. add the everyone group to the dacl for the c:\documents and settings\default user folder.  * a* E* z& B7 @8 }: ?; D
d. add a group policy object (gpo) for the sales ou that redirects user profiles to a shared folder.  ! V- |6 U. W! e* T6 W- N( y
e. log on as the local administrator and manually create employee5 and employee6 folders within the c:\documents and settings folder.  
# o" \+ F7 {4 F* \6 t: Af. select the ‘allow inheritable permissions from parent to propagate to this object’ option on the c:\documents and settings\default user folder, and reset permissions on all child objects.  
, G. `* V4 n( \6 g0 A" }/ jg. move and retain permissions and compressions.  - O, `1 b, K- ]) L+ z5 g' z

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