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[考试试题] 2012微软认证考试习题:NTServer4.0考题4

发表于 2012-8-3 00:09:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Your network has one Windows NT Server computer, 11 Windows 95 computers, and six Windows NT Workstation computers. You want to use the Windows NT Backup program to do a nightly backup of all the files on the Windows NT Server computer, including the Registry. You want to do a weekly backup of all workstation data files. What is the minimum backup hardware required to perform these backups? : B+ W: @: m# E* |5 [
    A) One tape drive attached to the NT Server only.
/ J7 n7 {& d% D' q& z    B) One tape drive attached to the NT Workstation only.
1 Q7 \; A* N' @, w/ V- w$ n7 D5 S    C) One tape drive attached to the NT workstation and one drive attached to the 95 computer.
$ b5 E7 N1 j- K3 m- F' V% K; N    D) One tape drive attached to the NT Server and one tape Drive attached to the 95 computer.
& P! e6 ^" o7 ^8 H% s    Answer: A ( m3 i) A: d: ?+ `
You wish to view the roles of each of the Windows NT computers on the domain, as well as the operating system and version they are running. From a domain controller, what should you use? 3 `4 }: _6 K+ U' b7 x4 n
    A) Server manager , K5 B, B+ }! P+ L" a4 f' @
    B) NT Explorer ' c2 o( {# S* x4 S' _
    C) The Network Option in Control Panel ; {: v1 V. M0 ^7 H  }
    D) Network Client Administrator
* W$ E7 g+ h  w! F/ N+ i! O    Answer: A
8 a7 C1 m& K% e( t, e6 |
9 Q" p0 Q# z; g! T8 |+ K4 W- ?) MYou want to create a backup copy of the entire Registry of your Windows NT Server computer. You want to include the security settings and user accounts. How can you do this while the computer is running? - [' C0 e& y! F# \' F9 r. M
    A) Use NT Explorer. 8 V; W' ^) v" F% U. x4 U' G
    B) Use the NT backup program. . M& D( X* y) X/ o
    C) Use Disk Administrator
, r, w! ^3 }5 I6 x+ s% _" f/ X6 V    D) Use Server Manager.
' j* u, f; i) N1 C    Answer: B

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