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[红帽认证] 红帽认证辅导:在PHP中include报错解决方法

发表于 2012-8-4 12:19:50 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
经常当php页面中操作include, require, require_once包含了一些其他位置的页面时,会呈现错误,好比没有发现次页面,或者权限不许可等,可以按照以下体例来解除
  @0 ]+ c  f3 T, h0 y7 D1. 呈现“未找到文件“近似的错误时辰,搜检include文件的位置是否正确,下面引用php手册页面的原话:
9 ~8 @+ j# E  {( e/ hFiles for including are first looked in include_path relative to the current working directory and then in the directory of the current script. E.g. if your include_path is libraries, current working directory is /www/, you included include/a.php and there is include ‘b.php’ in that file, b.php is first looked in /www/libraries/ and then in /www/include/。 If filename begins with 。/ or 。./, it is looked only in include_path relative to the current working directory.0 {) t( o( p, s) I
2. 当呈现permission deny 近似错误的时辰,按以下体例解除
6 D9 e+ i5 V6 `" Qa) 检测被包含的文件读权限是否打开) U* q; Q3 c" t. I
b) 检测被包含的文件路径上的每个目录的x权限是否打开,该权限抉择了目录能否被浏览。

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