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[基础知识] JAVA基础:Java反射机制获取内部类的静态成员

发表于 2012-8-4 12:37:27 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
比来需要些一个可设置装备摆设的索引构建轨范,需要在运行时挪用Lucene包的如下类及其成员:   引用, \: }# U: G/ Y- J" d
  Nested Class Summary
( A% O- O+ d; k9 x: s/ L  static class Field.Index! j$ Q: T# ^" B* O
  Specifies whether and how a field should be indexed.
% O2 o! L$ n: e& G; Y/ A  static class Field.Store" z+ }" y0 ~, T
  Specifies whether and how a field should be stored.
0 z7 `7 S4 L4 U2 H3 w  static class Field.TermVector% O1 {0 ]' p  g$ p: k4 t* H
  Specifies whether and how a field should have term vectors.+ W6 i' o; t% @4 \; ~2 o% G
  lucene api中称之为Nested Class,意为嵌套类,而嵌套类内部的File.Index的成员又是静态成员。/ f, ^- z0 a$ w* [! i
  引用1 ^5 V$ q' D4 q0 S4 F
  Field Summary
. n$ p6 C2 e% L/ q) |7 T  static Field.Index ANALYZED6 N5 _. T7 T! t; Y' v
  Index the tokens produced by running the field's value through an Analyzer.$ e0 g- M6 p3 c& V/ ~3 p8 o& F, n: N
  static Field.Index ANALYZED_NO_NORMS- h2 E. i; ^3 A9 k
  Expert: Index the tokens produced by running the field's value through an Analyzer, and also separately disable the storing of norms.0 }4 k' F9 G: J
  static Field.Index NO
/ J' v! q( i: T, I; w& d  Do not index the field value.
/ X' C) M0 e! e5 L* v: H; U% V  static Field.Index NO_NORMS
: N+ v: M; j( ]  Deprecated. This has been renamed to NOT_ANALYZED_NO_NORMS
. T1 R: S3 z5 [& K& M  static Field.Index NOT_ANALYZED
+ @5 x4 t  X1 e  Index the field's value without using an Analyzer, so it can be searched.

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