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[考试试题] ORACLE10gDBA1z0-043认证考题及答案3

发表于 2012-8-4 14:01:27 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1.You have three production databases, HRDB , FINDB , and ORGDB , that use the same ASM instance. At the end of the day, you execute the following command on the ASM instance to shut down: SQL>shutdown immediate; What is the result of executing this command?- l9 [/ }1 y0 |
  A: All the instances, including the ASM instance, are shut down in the ABORT mode.& q" e+ y" ~9 z: L1 E
  B: The ASM instance is shut down, but the other instances are still running.) o, p. w4 L$ P5 x
  C: The ASM instance is still functional, but the other instances are shut down.
/ ~; E- M/ c+ V9 p9 E% j! u! ~  D: All the instances, including the ASM instance, are shut down in the IMMEDIATE mode.3 o8 T: O# r' j* ~8 f9 w# F  `
  E: HRDB , FINDB , and ORGDB instances are shut down in the ABORT mode and the ASM instance is shut down in the IMMEDIATE mode.
- p; m/ ^( O8 c% }: B  F: HRDB , FINDB , and ORGDB instances are shut down in the NORMAL mode and the ASM instance is shut down in the IMMEDIATE mode.
( }! T7 W, H* _* |. V2 R  Correct Answers: D
+ b+ ~6 y' ?8 m% D6 w9 Y& I9 U  2.You want an ASM instance to manage the files of your production database. To achieve this objective, you specify the following parameters in the parameter file.
$ g8 P6 ~( F; `( f9 \  
: ?6 J! B& [4 ^& k  2.Which parameter would be ignored while starting up the instance of the production database?" m+ J( i3 m! I* O3 h/ `
  A: DB_BLOCK_SIZE+ @) ~& O  c: d& z: }) }$ |
: P, d! }2 \% O  S) Y$ L& Y  C: LARGE_POOL_SIZE; t  D. p) p1 _! t1 t
0 y% z; G/ `, R  E: LOG_ARCHIVE_FORMAT! J3 ?  E# `9 I' V( b
  F: DB_CREATE_FILE_DEST8 ?$ M1 e% P+ \* g
  Correct Answers: E
2 c$ r: h; I- E( E& {0 r, M5 b" z  3.You plan to create a database, PROD , using the Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA). Which two tasks can you automate while creating the database using the DBCA? (Choose two.)3 |* b/ J3 j7 u# J( h
  A:database backups8 s& d) O0 y, r8 [0 P: S
  B:user quota increment* T, w0 R$ g1 H- @5 P# N
  C:tablespace defragmentation
0 o2 x: a; ~: y0 `, e9 v+ w5 j" i  D:gathering optimizer statistics
3 `( {+ {7 r: D9 X* v7 ~  E:data export using Data Pump' P; r2 L# s* B$ c5 x$ U# o
  F:data export using conventional export# g3 q4 w( {9 a; M5 `) @( u. i
  Correct Answers: A, D
, O0 Q; C! b9 t& u/ G! z6 y6 ~  4.While using buffer cache advisory, you find that no statistics have been collected. Which task would you perform to collect the statistics?
! ?4 f- X, ?6 p! T  A: Restart the database instance.
; v+ S* |! k* K$ N  B: Set DB_CACHE_ADVICE to ON.
5 Z9 E  i% d# J: U. B( @& ~  C: Set TIMED_STATISTICS to TRUE.
! [+ ]# [: V# n4 ~  K& b# D  D: Set TIMED_OS_STATISTICS to 100.; I: }4 r. ^$ ?6 V
  E: Set ACTIVE_INSTANCE_COUNT to 2.  k; x- A  S# E& C( r/ l
! F: s: W# N/ L# A* K$ X  G: Modify the AUTO_TASKS_JOB_CLASS schedule class.
- i2 N. i: ]3 T' Q  H: Wait for the default automatic optimizer statistics generation.- f& j9 i0 E$ {3 R" a, h
  I: Create a custom Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM) task.# {. d( G% N- S
  Correct Answers: F
3 s# B6 D, Y7 T# f4 Q/ \- V6 l% z+ S  5.Which task would you perform to convert little-endian CLOB data to the big endian format while transporting from a database created in an earlier version of Oracle to an Oracle 10 g database?/ }+ M. W2 W) s  y
  A: Use the CHANGE command of the RMAN utility.) R' d: i% o1 }# A  r& r/ a" L) u4 y
  B: Use the CONVERT command of the RMAN utility.
, Z+ R( X6 ~8 u2 \& M9 ^. _" @* _  C: Transport the data after changing the character set of the target database to big endian.4 f; e* }& @7 o2 H5 V) I& i1 A
  D: Transport the data after changing the character set to be an endian-independent format in the target database.6 j7 F9 \0 B+ Z4 I! w
  E: No action is required because Oracle RDBMS implicitly does the conversion in Oracle 10 g database while accessing the data.: I, N! p. y, d+ O
  Correct Answers: E

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