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[考试试题] ORACLE10gDBA1z0-043认证考题及答案4

发表于 2012-8-4 14:01:27 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 6.You set SGA parameters in your database as: DB_CACHE_SIZE =24 MB JAVA_POOL_SIZE =48 MB SHARED_POOL_SIZE =96 MB You plan to upgrade to Oracle Database 10 g . You need to provide an additional 20 MB memory space to accommodate internal overhead allocations for metadata. Which SGA parameter(s) would you modify?% D- p4 j2 S, f# Q
  A: change JAVA_POOL_SIZE to 68 MB
+ w% R& h* u; f; F, ?' S  B: change DB_CACHE_SIZE to 44 MB
: b, o. i, m6 x" Q# O; r  J  C: change SHARED_POOL_SIZE to 116 MB
4 \) i* L- l& E4 ], r+ D2 g  D: change JAVA_POOL_SIZE to 58 MB and DB_CACHE_SIZE to 34 MB! z. t$ `+ R6 q1 k3 x
  E: change SHARED_POOL_SIZE to 106 MB and DB_CACHE_SIZE to 34 MB
+ B# b- n# N; @5 _  Correct Answers: C
! I2 l  `4 Q5 F7 N  7.Examine the following commands of Data Pump to import objects to new non-existent users hr1 and oe1 .
9 z& l& b" f, J" J4 c4 y4 T  : ^2 d( @" u' m8 o1 x( a2 v
  7.Which objective would be achieved by the above command sets?
' n6 C. G: h. k  A: expdp will fail because no path has been defined for the dumpfile.
1 h$ _, h. g' K( V  B: expdp will succeed but Impdp will fail because users do not exist.
6 h! W1 u) W. Q" \! |5 i  C: impdp would create two schemas called hr1 and oe1 and copy the schema objects to the new users./ \2 f' y& J% c8 U& Z6 L
  D: impdp would create two schemas called hr1 and oe1 and import tables owned by hr and oe schemas to hr1 and oe1 schemas, respectively.
8 ]" _. Z+ |. |  Correct Answers: B
  Y* t% e" }$ O# R8.Identify four uses of the Oracle Scheduler. (Choose four.)
# J& `8 v0 `+ m& ]# K! d  A:Enables you to set idle time limits for a resource plan.
1 y. b; E7 q/ ?+ W* m1 `  B:Enables you to schedule job execution based on time.8 D" J# @% t' {9 @5 e' U5 P
  C:Enables you to execute jobs in a clustered environment.
0 A' `. c; O) A  D:Enables you to assign priorities to the consumer groups.2 J$ X- x# o4 Z9 r: ?' \
  E:Enables you to map a consumer group to an Oracle user.
$ {: Q4 h3 `3 T& P6 n8 [7 n  F:Enables you to create a job that makes use of saved programs and schedules.
, C& V% c0 j- n  G:Enables you to periodically execute operating system script files located on the same server as the database.$ ?& \) N$ z3 V( n
  Correct Answers: B, C, F, G+ _' u% x) y2 O" M
  9.You are using Recovery Manager (RMAN) to perform backups. In which three situations would you perform a compressed backup? (Choose three.)
* Z. @/ G4 z4 e+ l" h1 ?1 h  A:Your database includes a large number of BFILEs.3 O! i5 ^' y& M' [' q" O  m$ J& R
  B:You are making image copies, and you have not enabled tablespace compression.3 s) O2 |6 {8 E
  C:You are backing up to tape and your tape device performs its own compression.  @; G. x3 J* _/ M/ E% `1 a- k5 G
  D:You are using disk-based backups and disk space in your Flash Recovery Area, or other disk-based backup destinations are limited.
7 X  N& @" h. W+ _  E:You are performing your backups to some device over a network where reduced network bandwidth is more important than CPU usage.
. K3 r# t0 L5 ]# d$ t  h  U   F:You are using some archival backup media, such as CD or DVD, where reducing backup sizes saves media costs and archival storage.
- v7 t" y$ ?; N" j$ K% G  Correct Answers: D, E, F
) M. f- g5 B! V, ~$ }  10.You want to convert your existing non-ASM files to ASM files for the database PROD . Which method or command would you use to accomplish this task?% }/ L/ r% l2 W: A
  A: the CONVERT command of RMAN
* l6 k2 J' }2 W0 @* a3 t  B: Data Pump Export and Import
; k5 y" R7 z/ i" G# ~6 _  C: conventional export and import( T7 o, s# E8 m# @0 J  _8 V% ~( {
  D: the BACKUP .. RESTORE .. command of RMAN& }  [2 r5 o- z( H/ Q5 \
  E: the BACKUP AS COPY DATABASE .. command of RMAN7 r2 l* M/ Y% ~
  Correct Answers: E

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