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[考试试题] OracleDBA审计数据库考题及答案2

发表于 2012-8-4 14:01:27 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
q. 6 : which data dictionary object holds the information about audit codes and their associated names  5 m0 y" ?) U6 P
. A, O8 l6 L' f  1. audit_info  
! P3 L  s& x- F9 Q  2. dba_audit_info  3 Y( N) s7 A% `1 m( v8 E# x
  3. audit_actions  1 y- y& ~; s/ g, Q. u" M3 Y
  4. none of the above   ' z1 l/ g3 F6 \. D+ P2 i
   ; j! v! C  Y/ ~7 x( i
  q. 7 : audit data is stored in  
0 ?; {# e0 `: Q$ C3 c4 l7 u/ Z   1 m. N) L- ~! ]
  1. sys.x$audit  
, N% P5 D6 `; w7 I; P# S4 C# q) d  2. sys.v$aud  ( w0 l# W* \: `4 k7 G) k1 P
  3. sys.aud$  
6 `2 M" p: W. g; ~- v  4. none of the above    W8 P6 {8 J% L2 t
" \- x' B6 i* W  q. 8 : instance startup audit records are placed in  % j5 e+ `- P! `: l' c
   0 C& D- E. w7 z% x
  1. alert.log  . G  ^& O8 x- j2 y8 ^
  2. user.trc  
" w1 m2 z! d6 s2 \( s4 t2 Z1 D- H  3. audit_file_dest  1 w" @, m$ R1 e6 Q, B- a6 A/ e
  4. audit_rec_dest    |6 \  Z  b' Q* h, ~2 G
   4 J5 k3 T) V( V1 J( ^! e0 E
  q. 9 : the db is running with session audit and the audit table is full. what happens to new sessions  
4 [5 y2 @" E. w  
- W/ K  E; G0 k/ a" f. x) X0 q8 o  1. nothing, they are not audited  
6 X" C# v. F0 C; ]1 N  2. new connections are not allowed  
3 d8 `4 M3 r& `7 x. B8 t  3. session allowed, with audit record to alert.log  & J4 E, ~  v5 V% s
  4. none of the abvoe  * b% _/ e: J6 v
   ; W/ M2 k  I! ^; F$ z
  q. 10 : after audit_trail is set to none, the audit trail is disabled by  - ^" s* o3 m9 s8 \9 r2 r. m0 b
   8 j3 L) L: N) f/ n
  1. restarting the database  8 [# c* s$ C5 e7 k0 @
  2. disabling restricted mode  ! c0 f4 \# h; [6 m& S2 G
  3. grant audit_trail to public  8 _4 f2 B5 Y, v
  4. none of the above

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