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[考试试题] ORACLE10gDBA1z0-042认证考题及答案10

发表于 2012-8-4 14:01:27 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1/ d9 @7 \7 V( c% B
q. 1 : when will the rollback information applied in the event of a database crash
8 ^; z; l; k! E5 S' [3 O* i1. before the crash occurs
* s1 y1 W5 K( N% ~7 r' C2. after the recovery is complete % {1 ^7 V7 h* {2 _' [) o8 p3 p
3. immediately after re-opening the database before the recovery 5 |' e. o/ G# t; a( q" k
4. roll back infrmation is never applied if the database crashes
5 Q% a0 L: k8 h3 l# k  N* F: E2 " c1 j4 S  T2 p3 a+ G5 X
q. 2 : the data dictionary tables and views are stored in
# }: p+ q9 D1 _" c1. users tablespace
! [4 a: g/ l  O% p6 `2. system tablespace # ?7 B' I. q; w, ~) `
3. temporary tablespace
) A4 d& v  s3 z3 U* x4. any of the three # |# o, k) F, V6 o
3 * X" k0 u, f' b
q. 3 : oracle uses the data dictionary tables and views ) Y+ m! G2 f  Y3 f( l
1. to make the database user friendly 2 U4 I: d2 y6 ]
2. to store user data 6 d$ ^. m! Y. U7 a: F
3. to store application data
& t# l5 f% p, D6 t4. for proper database functioning
, a: a4 p# ]# j1 u( F# _4
( N2 G3 Z* K6 e& j8 D: O- v5 xq. 4 : no data in any data dictionary tables should be deleted or altered by any user. which of the following object is an exception to this rule,
- K. s1 ^0 u  ^1. aud$   u: K8 b/ R: C6 G- R1 E( V
2. pending_sessions$ ) O8 ^" V& @7 D6 ^. n) G
3. user_history$ 0 ~/ i; i. d. m
4. pending_trans$
: U* ^+ A! k: h7 s. e. |5 ; t1 |2 ]+ W3 W5 g0 Q9 Z' u& H
q. 5 : a collection of segments is a (an) 9 f, [' v& b5 A0 Z9 F
1. extent
* d7 [' `1 ^) r3 A. }$ |( @, T" b2. segment
. ?; o2 D% M; Q5 T3. tablespace
2 O  [) s9 K" q  p1 i2 U. z$ u4. database

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