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[四级词汇语法] 2011年12月大学英语四级语法精讲(3)

发表于 2012-8-14 00:30:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
动名词:动作性的名词8 O. B" g1 |. g8 L
4 ?3 m- a. H/ W, ~. K+ H1 t. K, R2、两种形式:-ing 形式表示主动Seeing is believing;being + v-ed 表被动 being exposed to。/ h+ C1 X/ h8 V3 Q
3、前面可有动作的发出者,即带主语(宾格/所有格)I remember him offering.
; B5 i8 G  I5 [: k; [4、后面可有动作的承受者,即带宾词 Starving troops is necessary.  5、动名词作主语时谓语动词一定要用单数。1 Z; Y/ @5 S4 w6 _$ a. l( P
6、动名词的否定前面直接加not。  w( Q! v& i# }) n8 V, Z
' b+ g- `) |& F, c0 |# b9 l1 A! _After _________ for the job,  you will be required to take a language test., t. b0 s- a* s- A
A) being interviewed   B) interviewed   C) interviewing   D) having interviewed
- N5 e# C1 X+ w5 [, y4 s3 M; b( I 注:介词后缺宾语,应为被动形式。
8 @. o$ k- }0 W% {[P44-45]
, H6 u. H" O( U& b4 t% C" d" k_________ in an atmosphere of simple living was what her parents wished for.6 T# U8 `* a" s# v/ ]# c" r- z
A) The girl was educated           B) The girl educated* l$ W: L" T2 `) D7 M5 p: O& y
C) The girl's being educated         D) The girl to be educated
' v' h) A7 Z/ m口诀:动名词功能多        能做主能做宾, M1 L# h1 s1 r+ e& o& z4 t
   主动形式-ing        被动形式being done. u4 _$ }% X8 J& q4 N- M
      可带宾可加主        主为宾格所有格  E9 d) A3 Y4 m2 Y9 ^! U

4 U' e. Q& }; Q9 A7 {需要接动名词的动词:: H6 ~8 m  I8 {; |. C: Z, K
COMPARE: consider    object to   mind    prevent /permit  avoid   risk enjoy
+ _1 W; b: j, M6 L+ l' v, _$ fMISTAKE: miss  imagine   suggest   tolerate   appreciate keep  escape. ?6 I3 L5 b9 l
[P5-49]The teacher doesn't permit _________ in class.) Y2 j) |8 a1 [$ k5 H
A) smoke        B) to smoke       C) smoking       D) to have a smoke3 r, j* d/ H( `- t; S. ?
[P5-51]I appreciate _________ to your home.
; ~' N  G3 g5 u* t* {. pA) to be invited     B) to have invited    C) having invited      D) being invited% d  P9 F: k# F- Y; L2 p
[P8-41]Jean did not have time to go to the concert last night because she was busy _______ for her examination.
. k& h& a1 p) EA) to prepare       B) to be prepared          C) preparing        D) being prepared
0 J! {0 V* a& F注:be busy doing
. ^2 k: }: f8 w9 B: y% Y. j- z) @[P11-42]Mark often attempts to escape _______ whenever he breaks traffic regulations.
! R5 g5 c) k4 X/ a# M) B! y& vA) having been fined     B) to have been fined      C) being fined    D) to be fined
/ u2 q7 C  G5 o" `# S4 i- q6 N[P11-41]I would appreciate ______ it a secret./ ]7 `* E" s2 Y8 B5 x  _2 y% W
A) you to keep     B) your keeping     C) that you keep       D) that you will keep4 q2 h( o4 i# H+ C) V) D# {
[P18-58]The man in the corner confessed to _________ a lie to the manager of the company.
' h: P3 q* G3 _$ l' rA) have told       B) having told     C) being told       D) be told
& L3 U# k& h5 O, j. |注:1. to 在这里是介词。(having+v-ed唯一正确的一次)( B, t0 g2 r2 o
     2. to 作介词的词组:object to, look forward to 等
9 I4 B! n$ Q+ E3 z2 J& [4 e: \[P19-48]It's no use _________me not to worry.www.Examw.com0 h+ c5 Q# c* i* D" d$ p8 \3 ?+ x6 k
A) you tell  B) your telling    C) for you to have told    D) having told
" M8 x! I# ~% m: m  n3 ?  Z& W, n0 \注:固定句型 It's no use doing. 做什么事情是没有用的2 Z$ M. n* `' a" ?% ?
[P20-55]They are considering _________before the prices go up.
+ \" l  l& {( i' SA) of buying the house   B) with buying the house C) buying the house  D) to buy the house+ W! k( Z6 E/ R6 L- C7 H
[P20-59]He went ahead _________ all warnings about the danger of his mission.
/ I9 {0 M% {" A6 x2 f( d" C0 p) gA) in case of  B) because of   C) regardless of     D) prior to
/ u' ~9 r7 b+ ~/ x2 X注: 1. go ahead 继续9 X: p5 Y+ Z1 u/ V
   2. mission 任务' G) u7 P  t" d' G$ e4 F5 m  w
[P20-65]None of the servants were _________ when Mr. smith wanted to send a message.* x0 g6 M' F  }7 O9 |+ Z8 ~
A) available
/ p: u3 N" l9 V" h3 }! {0 L2 PB) approachable9 O! b! q( {5 G. X2 x1 Q! |
C) attainable
( v# n' n7 U) _  s+ Q9 ED) applicable

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