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[四级词汇语法] 2011年12月大学英语四级语法精讲(5)

发表于 2012-8-14 00:30:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
应该类的虚拟语气   1、应该做的事情 I should go!! M- O" a1 O2 E7 m1 D5 j4 Q" {
  2、非现实情况的描述 I should be working now!8 m" n* _2 n& U0 F) O
  3、懊悔不已的事情 I should have practiced more.
; q( o  J' l# m  f3 N( F$ ]8 s: o1 l  4、要求类动词后需要用虚拟语气,should 可以省略
" h  @" _1 C0 V7 T  如:require 命令;request 要求;reticent 沉默的;retinue 随从 innocent 无辜的;天真的 I DROP CAPS: insist, demmand/ desire require/ request order propose* U  Y/ r$ k& y8 P$ d9 Q; ?" {
  command advice prefer s uggest2 n" c3 m! U  y
  [P60-42]You _______ him so closely; you should have kept your distance.A) shouldn't follow B) mustn't followC) couldn't have been followingD) shouldn't have been following+ z, y, V; v; ~- k" e( a) E' I
  [P59-32]The suggestion that the mayor _______ they prizes was accepted by everyone.
7 W2 c- }$ c0 ?$ u3 Z" p# F, P  A) would present B) present C) presents D) ought to present
# ?/ W$ h7 m) g; U5 E/ H  注:suggest + that 虚拟语气表建议should 可以省略suggest doing suggest 表明,不接虚拟
- t" f& b+ d. @0 s+ B  [P49-65]The manager of the hotel requests that their guests _________ after 11:00p.m.+ |4 g- U# z7 K& E
  A) not to play loud music B) shouldn't play loud music& `" q; M' f- Z) B5 g6 e
  C) don't play loud music D) couldn't play loud music9 L$ ?2 o# e& k# P/ B; f
  [P18-43]He suggested _________ to tomorrow's exhibition together.
* D3 l$ x$ J3 `9 o# ^. t  A) us to go B) we went C) we shall go D) we go
$ V9 v5 J: }' i: j. z0 l8 t5 j  [P17-55]I don't think it advisable that Tim _________ to the job since he has no experience.& z2 g. P+ ]+ A, H# _
  A) be assignedB) will be assignedC) is assignedD) has been assigned
4 H& r  g! W+ Y7 W2 q( Y8 {. \+ X  [P12-44]It is recommended that the project _________ until all the preparations have been made.A) not be started B) will not be started C) is not started D) is not to be started" W  ~4 q( @, B4 M" G
  [P26-28]It is politely requested by the hotel management that radios _________ after 11 o'clock at night.A) were not playedB) not to playC) not be playedD) did not play
8 j4 e- d+ @; F' L  It is + adj. + that 句型,should 可以省略的虚拟。5 g, [" P  W+ }- T
  adj: important、necessary 、essential 、incredible、 strange、 natural、pity、ashame、no wander
0 T3 L+ Z( H; w9 G7 D6 c2 J+ p  与事实相反类的虚拟  B0 q; s& L' n
  1、与现在事实相反:用一般过去时(系动词用were)2 F% Z# R6 h/ d9 `/ m( u. j2 U; i2 d
  I wish I were not here.
9 W' s" U3 x) o& Q1 b8 ?2 Z  2、与过去事实相反:用过去完成时6 A" i! `, w+ v  ~( x9 K
  I wish I had passed CET-4.% t: B9 o+ d. w. N
  I wish I could have passed CET-4. (非正式表达方式)
: L, [/ u) H+ V, ]9 O1 S3 h; B- [  [P56-58]Sometimes I wish I ______ in a different time and a different place .
3 ~8 W6 F* v5 Y  A) be living B) were living C) would live D) would have lived# v* v. x" w4 J
  [P56-56]Although many people view conflict as bad, conflict is sometimes useful it forces people to test the relative merits of their attitudes are behaviors.
0 c' a9 B0 J# @" p' n  A) by which B) to which C) in that D) so that0 W( B% ?: m  B+ Q$ A7 W
  [P56-57]He is ______ about his chances of winning a gold medal in the Olympics next year.
4 p% [: q& {9 g7 D/ ^' ?) L  A) optimistic B) optional C) outstanding D) obvious/ M! v* I8 G! Z% P( ?9 q& i
  注:1. optimistic 乐观的2. optional 可选择的3. outstanding 突出的
7 i# B2 D. R5 m  [P56-64]It is essential that these application forms ______ back as early as possible.
4 i7 V5 B2 _# Y3 v  A) must be sent B) will be sent C) are sent D) be sent注:It is + adj. +that 句型。9 |# j4 `% g# P/ g" g
  [P11-70]Look at the terrible situation I am in! If only I _________ your advice.1 r; S. l" T1 S5 s* i) \8 x3 P' R
  A) follow B) had followed C) would follow D) have followed
( g# {5 {; t1 E; \9 f6 r  注:表示与过去事实相反。) t; d' x& v& v' B
  [P12-45]I wish I _________ longer this morning, but I had to get up and come to class.( p% P! \) K( L) X
  A) have slept B) slept C) might have slept D) could have slept
/ U' y! {$ X$ Z) c- V  注:表示与过去事实相反。
3 A& R4 v% W0 l" }8 F& V  3、对将来事实可能出现的现象的否定推测,用虚拟语气。# l1 T* u( \0 o5 c% H( s& A& v
  I wish you couldn't smoke any more.
$ G5 Y, S/ k$ J  would/ could/ should/ might + v.
  m- }' R. ^# S4 k5 j. n  用be to 表示将来,虚拟语气中经常出现were to do(考点)
: w: ~0 m2 K! V7 e* f3 _  I am to go shopping. ---I were to go shopping.
# l3 ]3 b* R3 N: [1 A% e  If only I were to go shopping.* }% C+ o3 a3 P9 U+ G( r" p
  [P35-47]If only the committee _______ the regulations and put them into effect as soon as possible.6 P$ Y5 J  F' k+ z1 i

4 t) X( J8 Z: J  p. {  A) approve B) will approve C) can approve D) would approve

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 00:30:11 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  虚拟条件句- ~2 }7 E9 }$ Y+ B; o- l
  定义:在一个与事实相反的条件的基础之上所得出的应该的亦或是可能的结论。. P8 s( }: ?2 ?5 Z
  虚拟条件句的结构:与事实相反类(条件)+ 应该类(结论)* v: u$ e) H" L
  这两个部分没有必然而直接的联系,在解题时先看结论再看条件。6 D9 Z( S0 z! g
  If Mr. Wang hadn't cultivated me, I shouldn't be working now.2 j% s# C  g4 f+ s; E
  同义词辨析:tame 驯化 breed 繁殖 raise 抚养 cultivate 培养$ b4 h5 G( r0 a9 M' ]
  结论部分:would/ could/ should/ might + 虚拟! O! p. _) s) l7 e2 @( O  P
  规律:如果把空格划在条件部分,一定要选择 were to;
7 V+ Z& u, Y7 k! Z/ {6 |8 P6 V* Q  如果把空格划在结论部分,有could/ would/ should/ might +have +v.-ed 为正确答案。
; K. t6 ?1 [7 R4 ?' G# I  L  有时一些介词也可以表示条件:In your position I would kill myself. = If I were in your position...4 M( {! c+ Q2 n# D2 p# t
  此类词有:otherwise/ but for/ without/ with- V! }) j2 [* F% i& E
  虚拟语气中 If 可以省略,但是句序要变,If I were you... 改为Were I you...) F) o* j& M% }1 O% Y0 H3 f. G& j0 u
  [P34-34]________ before we depart the day after tomorrow, we should have a wonderful dinner party.
6 q9 H) Q% B, Y  A) Had they arrivedB) Would they arriveC) Were they arrivingD) Were they to arrive
7 Y) \' m* m2 I, |: B% a  [P34-33]Last year the advertising rate ________ by 20 percent.
2 p( t; o  E8 Z" |3 r  A) raised B) aroused C) arose D) rose
5 Z0 w; O' b) j; C  [P16-42] Had he worked harder, he _________ the exams.# P5 z% h8 V% S( H( C  }
  A) must have got throughB) could get through C) would get throughD) would have got through
. B6 \" C7 E# N! {, I8 }# e  注:条件部分省略了if 用了倒装。
% v) P5 T  f& Z# l$ {  [P28-44]Jean doesn't want to work right away because she thinks that if she _________ a job she probably wouldn't be able to see her friends very often.* \0 a" U2 Q; @/ Q2 t+ X8 D" u
  A) has to ge tB) were to get C) had got D) could have got+ |% @9 X3 N$ _
  [P31-42]_________ right now, she would get there on Sunday.
# E, o; X7 i1 q, L% c; F0 d$ X  A) Would she leave B) If she leaves C) Were she to leave D) If she had left
( |6 N9 X3 t* J2 X  [P12-46]We didn't know his telephone number, otherwise we _________ him.* o/ p" n# m; E, T" m' d9 d$ Y
  A) had telephoned B) must have telephoned C) would telephon D) would have telephoned7 r0 f/ l9 G" X7 O" ^5 Z2 S) o
  [P12-52]_____ quite recently, most mothers in Britain did not take paid work outside the home.A) Until B) Before C) From D) Since6 D  D% v0 D9 V6 n$ Q, v, w
  注:not... until... 的句型。: G2 B0 Q& z# Y! W8 n* O
  [P13-58]Liquids are like solids _________ they have a definite volume.# C5 c# A, J* ?! t
  A) with that B) for that C) in that D) at that
0 F) A* \- A5 n) d6 w  [P2-51]He must have had an accident, or he _________ then.3 K6 ^( J& t# n
  A) would have been here B) had to be here C) should be here D) would be here
+ m. _+ [5 s4 I0 J4 w! |2 b  注:1. must have done 表示对过去事实的肯定推测 2. or 表否定( @$ o" X  b; s# r5 v
  [P2-52]It was essential that the application forms _____ back before the deadline.( m  c& f8 J/ ?/ @( }9 I% v
  A) must be sent B) would be sent C) be sent D) were sent
+ t  W  r3 |8 I9 M! T: d, j  [P3-62]_____ we have finished the course, we shall start doing more revision work..! X1 H3 T3 a, {, S+ w1 O4 n7 ]
  A) For now B) Now that C) Ever sine D) By now# u* d6 K* N( z) Q6 N2 H: Z) @
" y) h) L) o/ c' @  m# x
  注:1. for now 眼下,目前 2. now that 既然 3. ever since 自从以来 4. by now 至今为止
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 00:30:12 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  特殊句型:* G7 n7 _4 c8 E- }. C2 @8 Z9 V3 f
  1. would rather 加宾从时用一般过去时表示虚拟。2 J( ?( H$ o- ^/ e  q  g
  I would rather you didn't appear in my life.9 U; f! D8 G, o* F. I, l4 Z
  联想单词记忆: Cupid 丘比特 Venus 维纳斯;金星 volcano 火山( u' w' Q* z1 N2 L. ^$ A" d
  Mars 战神 Apollo 阿波罗,太阳神 Diana 月亮女神
9 |, z3 |% K7 O9 ?) k6 F  meander 蜿蜒而流 laurel 月桂树,桂冠 cupidity 贪婪
6 {# T! D% T0 d  avenue 林荫大 revenue 收入,税入 adamant 坚强的
8 S% C0 M0 L  ]4 B7 {  _( _  Adam's apple 喉结# A& @* ~" l) z# _
  2. would rather 加动词(原形)时表示宁愿,相当于情态动词。
  X! H* }4 U, j* t% n  I would rather stay here .
9 V7 R1 p( `/ }7 a- x: m0 M1 |  3. would rather 与 than 搭配。
5 ?+ S  S& R& ~  I would rather stay here than go home.
. n% Y# Q. f5 `4 O+ A& h9 v  4. It is time... 句型,用一般过去时表虚拟语气。" A( W8 B/ ^, l% f& r- ~
  It is time you picked up a girl.
0 w4 [) E: `/ X  [P45-57]"You are very selfish. It's high time you _________ that you are not the most important person in the world, " Edgar said to his boss angrily.- ~' G% ]5 v0 W
  A) realized B) have realized C) realize D) should realize
7 J% B0 h- P& R3 B* v9 U6 [  [P45-58]These two areas are similar _________ they both have a high rainfall during this season.A) to that B) besides that C) in that D) except that
; Z. j5 _9 i- S0 B2 J% v  [P45-60]If I hadn't stood under the ladder to catch you when you fell, you _________ now.# X9 o( W/ U, c$ j' \* @) r( p
  A) wouldn't be smiling B) couldn't have smiled C) won't smile D) didn't smile; _# e! i5 b; L: R0 X' }
  注:混合虚拟语气, I2 @5 F3 J! Q7 _3 h. l
9 j9 c9 O' P8 G5 R8 ~  [P41-48]I'd rather you _______ make any comment on the issue for the time being.
7 R( P% T" i# H( M  A) don't B) wouldn't C) didn't D) shouldn't
8 ~. g" q$ R$ i! O; c! d; i  [P41-53]If she doesn't tell him the truth now, he'll simply keep on asking her until she _____.
8 N/ t1 s" E# U) s  A) does B) has done C) will do D) would do
; G4 t! f3 o" H3 ?# k  注:在条件句中在时间状语从句中用一般现在时表示将来。. X# @/ p# g$ t* I. D$ w- |# D
  [P39-59]You don't have to be in such a hurry, I would rather you _______ on business first.
5 P$ Q: X* a9 P% }& @$ v  A) would go B) will go C) went D) have gone9 d5 F! }% o+ S8 O8 x
  [P31-43]It's already 5 o'clock now. Don't you think it's about time ________?
  r3 ]+ ^: t: v( P: U0 `  A) we are going home B) we go home C) we went home D) we can go home: y6 S5 y" y5 J* `7 X6 a
  [P24-61]To be frank, I'd rather you ________ in the case.
# b/ u- ]2 A" r( C. ?  A) will not be involved B) not involved C) not to be involved D) were not involved2 E* D8 S6 G1 v, ]. [9 a! I1 \' l
  [P24-66] I have no objection ________ the evening with them.* i' ?0 x4 `+ j- d& b( {
  A) to spend B) to spending C) of spending D) spending: h6 X6 v9 t8 j) R5 ?$ r1 D
  [P14-70]It took him several months to ______ the wild horse.
; W) z" f$ J) t( R6 i: w2 Q* i$ ~  A) tendB) cultivate C) tame D) breed7 \, ]6 s8 r9 U7 c- ~
  注:tend to 打算做某事 tend 照料 bar tender 调酒师8 J" D' u% S) U2 c
  bargain 讨价还价,便宜货 (some bargains) bar 酒吧,棍子
9 k. {3 J' \2 B, P7 m$ l4 `( d  embarrass 尴尬 ass 屁股,驴子,笨蛋 donkey 驴1 j/ C5 x, x4 }, L
  barbarian 野蛮人 barren 贫瘠的 assassin 暗杀者" |3 k7 ]# w" _
  [P14-69]A completely new situation will _______ when the examination system comes into existence.A) rise B) arise C) raise D) arous
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