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[四级词汇语法] 2011年12月大学英语四级语法精讲(9)

发表于 2012-8-14 00:30:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
6 F8 d$ ?& m/ R' @  Evidence that Mr. Huang killed himself came out. ! U4 q: ~/ ~, ]% q2 `$ X  n5 H: q8 V5 A
  1)主语必须是一个概括性名词,如:evidence, news, believe, 想法,标志等。
4 k' p: E& x- t* B! j  2)同位语从句用来解释说明名词。Evidence came out that Mr. Huang killed himself.
1 M, t6 `$ S1 G  c9 m( T! B  同位语从句和定语从句的区别: 2 z$ C  L. \, D. W
  I knew the news that he killed himself.(同位语从句)
# |1 s. N. n+ p  I knew the news that was written by you.(定语从句) ' q& e" [" }0 T# S, U! c  H4 h
0 g3 Z3 @4 V; R  2)同位语从句必须是特殊的概括性的名词,而定语从句可以是任何名词。
8 B: Y) f6 k$ J2 o' p  3)同位语从句 that 起引导词的作用(从句主谓宾完整),定语从句 that 起关系代词的作用(从句不完整)。
0 i4 B- p$ f; l; d4 h  [P59-37]There are signs _______ restaurants are becoming more popular with families.
8 M( |$ X" \# u) h8 M' X" u  A) that B) which C) in which D) whose : s2 a1 |' w) j+ W- V" x' p5 Y+ ~
  [P53-69]___ evidence that language-acquiring ability must be stimulated.
/ G; d  I& l, e" J; T, V4 ]8 T5 f9 [1 M  A) It being B) It is C) There is D) There being
7 E0 V* p9 d, E, ~4 ?* D( m  注:1. + 名词,选项中的 there be 结构为首选。2. 作表语是形容词优于名词。It is evident that... 3. evident 明显的 dentist 牙医
/ z! v5 B/ o% V  [P17-53]The mere fact _________ most people believe nuclear war would be madness does not mean that it will not occur.A) that B) which C) whatD) why   k/ |, r" `1 B0 V6 X! P# }; ?: B9 m
+ b! h6 S, `7 D% B: t, s1 ?% r
  [P7-63]Evidence came up _________ specific speech sounds are recognized by babies as young as 6 months old.A) what B) which C) that D) whose

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 00:30:11 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  难题、短语
3 A# e+ a; E5 u  [P1-41]The bridge was named _______the hero who gave his life for the cause of the people. + P9 B: O  M3 t6 D$ W- E& I
  A) after B) with C) by D) from 3 x7 }5 h/ Z/ F' E' }
  注:1. be named after 以……命名 2. be named by 被……取名
( C0 ~6 N: k6 T' D+ G  \  [P1-46]All _______ is a continuous supply of the basic necessities of life. , p7 O& L5 U" a. Y& T# |
  A) what is needed B) for our needs C) the thing needed D) that is needed
' p3 `+ t3 e8 R5 j$ ?  注:all that = what 3 m; I& I/ W0 J5 n4 m7 l
  [P3-61]I should like to rent a house, modern, comfortable and _________ in a quiet neighbourhood.
0 O- P% k' z+ Q+ c  A) all in all B) above all C) after all D) over all
6 a$ N. o7 `2 N) v; C% P  注:1. above all 首先2. all in all 总的来说3. after all 毕竟、终究4. over all 遍及 5. overall 制服;总的 + J3 c! ^2 I: s
  [P5-44]There were some _________ flowers on the table. ( N0 Q) s: x" x. i, H  w
  A) artificialB) unnaturalC) falseD) unreal 7 J" J# H( R9 n3 r6 _9 k5 _3 e( j
  注:1. artificial 人造的2. unnatural 不自然的 : @. [! ]0 |, F9 a; F/ P
  3. false 具有欺骗性的"假" false hair 假发false teeth 假牙 4. unreal 不真实的 & N& o) D+ v0 r. a! c5 X/ q3 U7 `
  [P5-47]Children are very curious _________. 7 n. F( k) s. y0 K% ]; N
  A) at heart B) in person C) on purpose D) by nature 1 M# Z7 H" l1 Z
  注:1. by nature 天性 2. at heart 在心理上(强调内心世界) 3. in person 亲自的 4. on purpose 有目的的、故意的
2 K' l% k) x5 d% H7 x$ j  [P7-67]What _________ would happen if the director knew you felt that way?
& I, k( K7 F) H  z' R" M3 a  A) do you suppose B) you suppose C) will you suppose D) you would suppose & }+ |' i7 D" S0 F( E
  注:do you suppose 做插入语,过去时用did 1 a+ P/ S6 Y& n2 ]: I
  [P6-54]Important people don't often have much free time as their work _________ all their time.
/ y3 @$ O. u7 I- w" r  A) takes away B) takes over C) takes up D) takes in
: s" N" h2 y7 ^  注:1. take up 占用 2. take away 拿走 3. take over 接管 4. take in 理解;欺骗(口语) I was simply taken in. 2 r/ e! B2 S) K8 ?1 q& c
  [P9-56]The French pianist who had been praised very highly _________ to be a great disappointment.A) tuned up B) turned in C) turned out D) turned down
. c* x# i" u9 V8 ~  注:1. turn out to be 证明是,结果是2. turn up 出现3. turn in 上交 4. turn down 拒绝;把音量调小
: H6 d9 J; F; ?- |, h* Z  [P15-32]You cannot be _________ careful when you drive a car.A) very B) too C) so D) enough
# g! y0 F; ?/ \8 z$ s  注:not too+adj 再……也不过分
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