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[四级词汇语法] 2011英语四级考试语法讲义:含有「good」或「bad」的惯用语

发表于 2012-8-14 00:30:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
; B5 T7 [# @6 ?  1. For one's own good:对某人有利! x/ }2 D9 A5 N
  It is advisable for a person to learn a new language; it is for his own good.
: M% e  G. x1 k+ B6 p
8 D& O- U+ e6 M  2. In someone's good books : 令某人喜欢
5 I; G$ T/ a0 Q6 F; y. N' L7 y  Tom has changed for the better and is now in our good books." S9 _6 f* U! ~' ]) Z
4 ^! x) {  C4 J9 W+ g! G% R5 P! W
  3. Do someone good:对某人有好处5 {( Z* u" [5 s+ x
  After a long period of hard work, it will do you good if you take a short holiday.. w, `2 z: c& m+ B2 L6 d) L7 D! G, S

8 O' _% y- R9 f5 F  4. Do someone a good turn:帮助某人% |- F# B. Q# R
  I can never forget the day when David did me a good turn out of sheer kindness.8 y+ E; k# z: ?8 c, X4 x
8 w* o. v) i' W$ N1 W
  5. Give someone a good talking-to:强烈批评某人: C! J' u5 b( h, ^+ g# v2 d% J
  A woman customer complained to the manager and the manager gave the salesgirl a good talking-to.( Y% H, s& Y6 \
0 V& Y, O. \! H3 s# E; `2 s
  6. Good riddance:大解脱
1 ^, w/ K; X, t5 h4 F& k$ \' u2 J  That nasty fellow has gone at last. Good riddance!: }0 y- s6 A4 _/ l' l4 M% k1 A
. x% _8 |& ^; i' j, L3 T& _1 g* ^
  7. Have a good time:享受一番
( K8 e9 _3 l# z4 f% M2 }6 [  Some old friends met at the weekend and they had a good time at the club.0 I6 d0 f4 f- ?' p1 j3 [& E% T
% U; B: J; }( X, |. R3 |( p
  8. Hold good:继续有效  W& E: q* [) _+ @/ Q7 |9 X
  Certain rules and regulations hold good at all times and places.
7 z8 u+ ^* M" D  Y2 B( J# p
$ T; I( d& \8 `- P) ~1 S- ^  9. While the going is good:当情况尚好时
- a1 X  O  [, K) {' w# Z9 I  j  We can have some end-of -the-year bonus while the going is good.# |/ Z& T5 u" f6 b& b

$ M* F. e) W( s. ]: ^  10. Make good:发奋图强7 }& @  M' B5 B+ Z$ {; N9 }
  As a dynamic young man, Mike is determined to make good and become somebody one day.. K8 C* \4 q+ I, h+ P4 _3 Y! k

$ q: W' L. z9 K' s2 P1 m  11. As good as done/ finished:几乎全部完成+ p  P8 ]+ A9 F2 {& m! o& |
  The whole project is as good as done. We can proceed with the next phase of work now.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 00:30:11 | 显示全部楼层


  12. Through someone's good offices:透过某人的鼎力襄助
4 O& _( M% p* U( {/ k+ y/ ?  Through a senior officer's good offices, John got the permission to extend his visit.# S/ Y) {+ u$ [1 k+ a/ X1 b+ m
3 h5 Y5 L1 H) Y' c" a' |
  13. The good old days:过去的好时光5 N6 ]3 x! Q7 O7 H
  When old friends meet, they like to chat about the good old days.  T! W1 G) g  w6 i- t
% z5 V7 K4 y7 D% B
  14. Bad blood:感情恶劣" B+ y5 j* {) K' E. l! }
  There has been bad blood between the two in-laws.; U+ O) x( G1 V% u7 ~6 _. q

- u8 {1 m1 G3 m" M$ z3 O, G  15. Bad language:粗话0 E. V6 k- S  g* k6 F: e
  No bad language in the presence of children, please!
0 {5 H' N& y7 p
7 ~1 K0 }% @) A$ T  16. In someone's bad books:令人讨厌
; W5 n' g( J0 Y- h  Tom is late again. No wonder he is often in his boss's bad books.
* q4 C2 q" ?) t; m1 v: \  [) ?1 |9 ?" g  f
& e% e7 q: a' s4 a' x4 S# y  17. Come to a bad end:悲惨收场
: m& x  ^- b& k  Some bad characters have been in and out of prison quite often. They will come to a bad end soon.
1 @- a! M7 {  ~9 n1 p* |4 E. s4 x0 t/ B7 \! D2 e6 t
  18. Give someone a bad/ hard time:虐待某人5 d: o9 t7 Q- G# @# \/ q! z5 B
  If your boss tends to give you a bad time without any reason, you had better change your job.
! X0 f0 G. l4 T  _: x8 a7 i* `% s/ R
  19. Give something up as a bad job:停止做不可能的事5 n- E  }% H! N
  Janet started learning Mandarin but did not make good progress. Eventually, she gave it up as a bad job.2 P3 h' S% R5 n' K2 J. H
7 e% q: ]# q; @
  20. Go from bad to worse:越来越坏
: f& d* O. U/ X* D  The relations between the two neighbouring countries seem to have gone from bad to worse.
4 e# L4 e: c1 o2 S. @9 i
" f4 D; f8 z8 `" i: [  21. Make the best of a bad job:在逆境中尽力而为
2 C) U- n8 y' M4 {  Though Susie does not have good paper qualifications, she has made the best of a bad job and become a successful manager.
: b- C; d3 \8 M2 g* N. N4 e; v$ h- H; U
  22. In a bad way:情况不佳5 p( j9 g& t3 V7 f# u
  After repeated setbacks, he has been depressed and is in a bad way now.
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