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[四级词汇语法] 2012年英语四级词汇笔记完整版11

发表于 2012-8-14 00:30:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
66. Mrs. Brown is supposed _A_ for Italy last week.
8 L4 C& G" ?* P0 U3 c0 WA to have left   B to be leaving   C to leave   D to have been left 6 Z8 ~. R2 m& F7 X0 p/ J$ `) g
be supposed to do sth. 应该(理应)做某事。
0 i; D0 t& G2 j3 V# f; T/ Z- v37. He’s watching TV? He’s _D_ to be cleaning his room.
; p  E( g6 v7 v! `A known   B considered   C regarded   D supposed
4 [9 F2 p. g( `' J9 P0 |+ i  regard as 把…认作 / N* H! \1 K# h7 Z0 D/ p$ s5 a6 t
67. My camera can be _B_ to take pictures in cloudy or sunny conditions.
4 D; U) v$ n2 {$ I/ w! wA treated   B adjusted   C adopted   D remedied
* D. x/ C4 s( K$ |$ D5 V2 n& n/ t  treat 对待,处理; I’ll treat you. 我请客,应用于真正请客之前。It’s on me. 应用于结帐时。
& d; {, Z. H, L$ ]8 W8 P  adjust vt. 调整,调节; adopt vt. 收养,领养; remedy vt. 弥补,补救,修正;
6 p4 C( ]5 g5 z! f  p1 J68. A new technique _C_, the yields as a whole increased by 20 percent. 2 v  t7 c8 T1 v
A working out   B having worked out
' \. F6 @5 L6 \* i+ F" ]* _C having been worked out   D to have been worded out
/ ?8 H9 A% U' M* Eyields 产量; work out 作出,推出 & C8 D- s& s- X& b5 ^
关于百分数之前介词的用法 0 f0 u  b/ ^0 P, b
increase to 80 percent 增加到80% (增加到用to) + T: q/ E- Q" U* r+ y
increase by 60 percent增加了60% (表示增加的幅度用by)
# V4 D) `5 k0 x+ u* E9 Y) O55. Between 1974 and 1997, the number of overseas visitors expanded _A_ 27%.
. U+ v" Z+ e: m  z# P0 D* S* hA by   B for   C to   D in
1 N8 i4 V# \7 t, G0 q69. Children who are over-protected by their parents may become _C_. , ^% [, f" d9 s
A hurt   B damaged   C spoiled   D harmed % v( n  F6 |6 Q5 ^
spoil vt. 宠坏,溺爱
# _' F9 I, @& _3 `" k+ P- ?+ I$ d70. When Mr. Jones gets old, he will _B_ over his business to his son. 8 j& f9 x1 A/ {# B
A take   B hand   C think   D get
  ^, z( ]' G2 O7 S- O0 n5 htake over 接管接收; hand over 移交,交出; think over 仔细考虑; get over 克服,战胜。

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