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[四级词汇语法] 2012年英语四级词汇笔记完整版15

发表于 2012-8-14 00:30:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
50. I like watching TV _C_ to the cinema. ) ~' H' C" L8 G. {0 k: |9 m
A more than to go   B than going   C more than going   D rather than to go
& x5 Z: U$ L: k( i  than 除构成固定短语外就要与比较级搭配,不会单独出现; rather than + 动词原形;
  A8 K- A& |- N: A, b& o! T  平行结构,遇到平行结构时应做的两步: 7 C7 m2 f9 U" q1 K- R( \0 h6 M( O
1 找出连接词,2 使要填部分与已给出的对应部分形式完全一样。 . Z- z% G# x3 x! L9 j7 M
51. I appreciate _D_ to your home. 4 `- A( Y! Z' a+ a
A to be invited   B to have invited   C having invited   D being invited
. N1 B$ {9 @3 f/ f, c' @appreciate + 动名词(不能加动词原形,不能加句子)。 0 u6 F) o# s# z5 m  p) v
41. I would appreciate _B_ it a secret.
; u- G7 r6 ^( H, MA you to keep   B your keeping   C that you keep   D that you will keep
4 z9 j9 L3 k! x" ]your keeping 动名词的复合结构。 you keeping 也是正确的。 & ]6 C% P0 y& T5 p6 }1 t* X& o
52. I hope my teacher will take my recent illness into _C_ when judging my examination. 6 E' m4 B2 D" W/ U) z/ ^
A regard   B counting   C account   D observation # ^# i1 @7 x1 Q, \
  take sth. into account 考虑。
- d& L! w' u$ t" Q# Z: ^) Y54. Important people don’t often have much free time as their work _C_ all their time. ; d" D7 p1 y( N1 F( o
A take away   B take over   C take up [占据]   D take in  
0 M  C# t7 o3 l; s- h. J0 o55. When I was very young, I was terribly frightened of school, but I soon ___ it. " S" t' G3 c' \
A got off   B got across   C got away   D got over
$ j; d" c" ~3 h/ d7 R4 H0 Ogot over it 克服战胜。
. g9 t) r* t( T8 J# {, v56. Many people complain of the rapid _C_ of modern life.
  j; `8 t  ?3 @3 U9 e7 ~A rate   B speed   C pace   D growth
2 x( }! y$ R0 b- e7 ^8 ]0 R2 opace 节奏; rapid pace of modern life现在生活快节奏。
! Q3 F$ f6 ?4 u* `0 G# k5 [57. San Francisco is usually cool in the summer, but Los Angeles _B_. : _9 B" p, o" Y9 {# {. M1 |* E
A is rarely   B rarely is   C hardly is   D is scarcely
$ _% {( M6 [1 @* J+ ^0 P. Y' grarely, usually 都是频度副词。通常频度副词的位置在系动词之后,表示实在意思的词前面。 ( m$ Q* Y2 x) q$ Q9 Y% B- [
58. The speaker, _D_ for her splendid speeches, was warmly received by the audience.
" W/ [: M- A& ~1 Y3 z: `% nA having known   B being known   C knowing   D known
; z/ Y( [$ m% @( o- G  know 没有现在分词;know 用主动形式时只能和两个介词搭配:of, about。 $ e) w6 k  m: B5 \( ]  A: n+ g. l
known for 以…而著名。
# [) P. t" s8 R9 _4 ~60. I couldn’t find _A_, and so I took this one.
7 n1 R+ g0 s' j8 r% g! d( G: |A a large enough coat   B an enough large coat
, ]0 |# Z' u7 h: x/ J% QC a large coat enough   D a coat enough large
. k& ~/ {3 _, m, s- y/ i. `/ Venough 修饰形容词时要放到形容词后面。
6 D2 `  Z* }; O6 o/ l61. I always _B_ what I have said.
4 x) l- u% s6 \, H* yA get to   B hold to   C lead to   D see to * [2 R) S2 v. G4 D; y
6 G% a+ {2 a: ^: b" A# L& s1 `9 [' ~/ ^hold to 坚守,信守; see to 负责做,处理,照料(后面加的都是某件事情,不加人) % h, ~8 t8 g% y6 a
62. No sooner had we reached the top of the hill _C_ we all sat down to rest. 2 E' m8 |- f% r) K+ G
A when   B then   C than   D until
! s' X. G( u5 Tno sooner … than 一…就…
1 k; j8 R  y! ^1 e* ^# @63. Evidence came up _C_ specific speech sounds are recognized by babies as young as 6 months old. 2 A9 Z' e* \5 ?* `- D4 ~
A what   B which   C that   D whose
0 c7 ~) S" ]' p) y- ?& r' Mevidence 证据、sign 迹象、fact 事实,后面都要带同位语从句,且从句用that引导。
4 m. `7 Z/ o: C+ ]64. He moved away from his parents, and missed them _A_ enjoy the exciting life in New York. [too … to,太…而不能…]
" ~, w: b4 |, o2 o  y+ uA too much to   B enough to   C very much to   D much so as to
6 ~$ n" V; Z; G7 [) B- h" G# @65. He was _C_ of having asked such a silly question.
/ h5 C3 D$ h" R8 UA sorry   B guilty   C ashamed   D miserable 2 ^" v: w8 [. ?- t7 \8 J% m0 Y: ^
  guilty adj. 有罪的; be ashamed of 因…而羞愧(不好意思)的; miserable adj. 悲惨的。
8 d; W( [! J! j# P# b: j" o66. The last time we had a family reunion was _B_ my brother’s wedding ceremony four years ago.     U/ X. x! N1 c5 H8 @
A in   B at   C during   D over
! M. f  o2 U/ j! ?" ^- O& xceremony n. 典礼,仪式。要表达在某典礼(仪式)上用介词at。
- o: ^+ T! x/ p5 C  at the graduation ceremony 在毕业典礼上。
6 Z3 a/ r1 \: s& d7 @67. What _A_ would happen if the director knew you felt that way?
  c& s3 B/ p+ R4 t- w5 F5 k+ PA do you suppose   B you suppose   C will you suppose   D you would suppose / C6 }9 c1 n0 h0 C6 t
do you supposed 常做插入语。
# A: R7 a' [/ s# ^9 R  ]- ?& r2 C* S68. _D_ the advances of science, the discomforts of old age will no doubt always be with us. [despite prep. 尽管; as for 关于,至于] 4 l4 r, x& j' }2 S$ [
A As for   B Besides   C Except   D Despite
8 ~% ]3 l) @$ I1 I69. How close parents are to their children _B_ a strong influence on the character of the children. & }8 Q- X  _  b0 S9 l1 a
A have   B has   C having   D to have
. `+ I" `- y& H) Dinfluence on 对…造成影响,很大的影响中形容词用的是strong。 ' d/ M/ A% X& X+ V4 L- c
70. He _A_ when the bus came to a sudden stop.
* t% J* \& v2 R4 z5 HA was almost hurt   B was hurt himself   C was to hurt himself   D was hurting himself / i6 `  [4 Y" C
hurt oneself 自残; be to + 动词原形,将要做某事;

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