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[四级词汇语法] 2012年英语四级词汇笔记完整版16

发表于 2012-8-14 00:30:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
41. Jean did not have time to go to the concert last night because she was busy _C_ for her examination.
, c# [* [, R2 q9 o7 l6 x1 cA to prepare   B to be prepared   C preparing   D being prepared
, W0 U. ^/ G% Sbe busy doing sth. 忙于做某事
5 q& B3 t0 g) X; U0 ?' U6 B42. Five minutes earlier, _A_ we could have caught the last train.5 _  S1 G6 Q1 Z& `
A and   B but   C or   D an order& a9 S7 C4 c6 c, b; X
and 在这里表示一种结果,翻译成“那么(和)”。只有两种情况下and才会这样翻译:

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 00:30:11 | 显示全部楼层


1. 省略句 + and + 句子; 2. 祈使句 + and + 句子。</p>47. Turn on the television or open a magazine and you _B_ advertisements showing happy balanced families.
+ }' ~. ]' C7 y' t2 \A are often seeing   B will often see   C often see   D have often seen
% n; F- d2 K5 S6 G$ e3 q43. I cannot give you _D_ for the type of car you sell because there is no demand for it in the market.- b$ i/ U/ g3 o: `: y
A an expense   B a charge   C a purchase   D an order/ p7 x3 x! b' [* E
  order n. 定购,订单; purchase n. 购买。
' q' o8 r. u  U( e45. By the end of this month, we surely _C_ a satisfactory solution to the problem.
" @" w' h8 k: kA have found   B will be finding   C will have found   D are finding
$ u8 u4 A6 Q+ O' m4 q如果一个句子的时间状语是由by引导的,则时态要选择完成时态。- E! E, O+ b- V+ j8 k* l
将来的行为在将来的某个时间之前就已完成用将来完成时。) m0 M' F* D( x( Z
solution to a problem 一个问题的解决方案。
8 r, t  k0 ]+ E% ~" L$ [# G) |46. Mr. Wilson said that he did not want to _A_ any further responsibilities.2 w- z& J, t' |9 G/ n9 r
A take on   B get on   C put up   D look up% U& ^+ u: H* e; }$ Q
take on 承担; take on responsibility 承担责任。- N% I" ^% o$ \0 y2 u" k
47. Having no money but _B_ to know, he simply said he would go without dinner.) q- i! ]5 ^" O! ~. }4 P% M* N" Z
A not to want anyone   B not wanting anyone   C wanted no one   D to want no one. B+ ?: }; j7 j' \
dinner n. 正餐(多指晚餐); supper n. 夜宵,晚餐; breakfast n. 早餐; lunch n. 午餐;. a- u+ K, G+ Q2 F# `2 f9 N& m
brunch n. 早午餐。[but前后的句子要平衡]
( A5 q0 O2 {6 m6 ?6 Y2 p( H48. We desire that the tour leader _A_ us immediately of any change in plans.
/ t! }- S0 {% k- |5 w, d  R4 Q3 EA inform   B informs   C informed   D has informed
, n" f+ G6 u# S0 b1 {desire v. 要求,表要求时后面加句子要用虚拟语气, (should) + 动词原形。% b. W" P" j  i3 h& b+ G
其他同样用法的词还有ask, demand, request, require.
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 00:30:12 | 显示全部楼层


49. Not _B_, the process of choosing names varies widely from culture to culture.</p>A obviously   B surprisingly   C particularly   D normally' k2 j1 V( _0 L/ L! ]' ^: E
not surprisingly 一点也不奇怪。 vary vi. 变化。
1 o1 E2 L/ R6 R- Nvary from … to … 从一种形式变化到另一种形式。vary between … and … 在两者之间进行变化。
; V9 A9 s+ u9 }, K3 ~9 M+ |29. Features such as height, weight, and skin color _B_ from individual to individual and from face to face.
2 X3 O+ ~4 f/ E: N1 Y0 M; _A change   B vary   C alter   D convert
3 c# ~$ x1 e/ K: Y  individual n. 个人,个体; individualism n. 个人主义。! w  B9 L1 Q4 O0 p* }$ U2 V$ j
44. The hope, goals, fears and desires _D_ widely between men and women, between the rich and the poor.8 @8 ], ~+ a/ ], u0 s2 ~
A alter   B shift   C transfer   D vary4 r% N7 h8 r. g. ?  `& ?
50. A man escaped from the prison last night. It was a long time _A_ the guards discovered what had happened.5 q1 T3 u# v* [6 L- [5 Y
A before   B until   C since   D when
9 d; m8 ~- L6 D  N" AIt + 系动词 + 一段时间 + before引导的句子 在…之前花费多少时间。
2 x: f3 `6 N( b1 e+ H54. Scientists say it may be five or ten years _D_ it is possible to test this medicine on human patients.
* K4 X5 t4 Z/ V$ QA since   B when   C after   D before
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 00:30:13 | 显示全部楼层


51. In the experiment we kept a watchful eye _D_ the developments and recorded every detail. [keep a watchful eye on 密切主意,留神]</p>A in   B at   C for   D on
7 r+ x8 ~6 @! |/ d6 o9 I52. There's little chance that mankind would _D_ a nuclear war.
( ?  h1 j8 l5 y$ I% P- bA retain   B endure   C maintain   D survive4 u& I9 P# u& f" j4 u, u. F
  retain vt. 保持,保留; endure v. 忍受; maintain vt. 维持,保持,坚持认为;
3 M3 y. _  h7 g. s; q$ o- S# `  survive vi. 生存; vt. 活过 … (宾语为某种灾难)。 survive a flood 活过一场洪水。
, I9 }4 w' q; r8 {$ |; {2 K前缀sur表示过 … ,外,超; vive 表示生活,强调活着。4 |* ], k# E) @1 b% U
54. They usually have less money at the end of the month than _C_ at the beginning.: J- [; ]! \$ Y5 l6 Y, F3 {
A which is   B which was   C they have   D it is
+ B& M" z/ Z/ B  less … than句子前后要平衡结构。
$ h0 {; l+ O- Z  y55. In the course of a day students do far more than just _A_ classes.4 e7 P7 N- L: I  d
A attend   B attended   C to attend   D attending$ N2 j, p! C* _. h7 f
far more than 远远多于,远不止于;也要句子前后平衡结构。
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 00:30:14 | 显示全部楼层


56. The French pianist [n. 钢琴师] who had been praised very highly _C_ to be a great disappointment.</p>A turned up   B turned in   C turned out   D turned down) S9 i* y( G3 g9 t
turn up 后面不加宾语表示出现,后面加宾语表示将声音调高,调大;
3 z2 J9 O# B4 x) q* a& _turn in + 宾语 上缴,交出; turn down 将声音调低,调小;拒绝;: c5 \) g) X2 ^1 V
refuse sb. 指直接的回绝; turn sb. down 则指委婉的拒绝;
- X% {: _4 M: z  a% K! D8 {turn out + 动词不定式 最终证明是,结果是。  }1 N' {; G1 U* q5 j, A
57. Many difficulties have _B_ as a result of the change over to a new type of fuel.
% }* j" |8 g( zA risen   B arisen   C raised   D arrived
' f: ~, E6 z; i4 B) U& `, _  因本句未加宾语,估不应选不及物动词,可排除C项; arrive vi. 到达,抵达;
! I0 A( ^; ?' }! P  rise vi. 升起,升高(侧重指旗帜或太阳升起);数量的增高(侧重指水位、价位);
! [+ ~% d( m* W# vthe sun rises in the east and sets in the west 太阳东升西落。: b. @$ J; ?. i! d+ Z0 \
  arise vi. 升起,升高,出现,发生(经常与抽象名词联用)。
+ W8 |3 O, l6 \1 `5 n/ o7 Z, o; x69. A completely new situation will _B_ when the examination system comes into existence.
; q9 s  a4 y+ X7 Z6 p& oA arise   B rise   C raise   D arouse
+ |1 n8 J, ]: s3 }5 ^9 v33. Last year the advertising rate _D_ by 20 percent.; q" O0 Q, q9 U/ u0 J3 m
A raised   B aroused   C arose   D rose
) d$ P# r) q. q# k6 \, W58. He made such a _D_ contribution to the university that they are naming one of the new buildings after him.
1 m: `( m4 i( ~! G4 v: x' mA genuine   B minimum   C modest   D generous  L5 I3 ^( d% }% O$ ~' \  a
name after 以…的名字来命名。genuine adj. 真正的,货真价实的; genuine leather 真皮;
/ E4 v1 Q/ w' n1 X) H7 mminimum adj. 最低的,最小的; modest adj. 谦虚谨慎的,适度的;; ^$ _$ D# p, ?+ Q8 _$ @% L/ Y0 q
generous adj. 慷慨的,慷慨大方的(修饰贡献等用这个)。
$ v/ w9 f; B2 D59. Helen was much kinder to her youngest child than she was to the others, _D_, of course, made the others jealous.* u/ R- N# V% Y4 B4 A$ V# ~# O9 @
A who   B that   C what   D which
2 q8 t: J8 q/ ~; U5 `which在这里是引导非限定性定语从句,which引导非限定性定语从句有2个特点:& h- M& H. i1 x$ |5 F
1. which前面有逗号与其他句子分开。 2. which指的是前面整句话的内容。
4 `1 a  x# i+ b4 B4 pas也可以引导非限定性定语从句,指的都是一句话的内容。
5 x* N8 T3 y, u/ A* b& owhich指一句话的内容只能置于该句之后,而as既可以在后也可以在前。
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 00:30:15 | 显示全部楼层


67. _C_ is known to the world, Mark Twain is great American writer.</p>A That   B Which   C As   D It
4 r2 ]  |9 U( o60. In the advanced course students must take performance tests at monthly _B_.
/ U9 y  e0 u) m4 N/ s5 x7 DA gaps   B intervals   C length   D distance
6 Y  Z& F1 n4 C7 V) @8 Zinterval n. 间隔(即可指空间间隔,也可指时间间隔),四级考试中专考时间间隔的概念。
6 p% r+ H6 X) F% winterval是固定与介词at搭配的。. L1 L( u8 Y3 `* r1 ]
23. Students or teachers can participate in excursions to lovely beaches around the island at regular _D_.
3 c, }5 H+ T1 t: d" o; JA gaps   B rate   C length   D intervals
# ^! x/ l  k  W" Aat regular rate 以规则的速度; at regular interval 以规则的时间间隔;' t2 A# A" J, {" U
61. Mr. Johnson preferred _A_ heavier work to do.
4 J- o4 i, F9 [) r1 A$ PA to be given   B to be giving   C to have given   D having given3 ]' B1 y& \0 w/ [$ q7 C
64. Our company decided to _D_ the contract because a number of the conditions in it had not been met.
* V* }: P7 M9 EA destroy   B resist   C assume   D cancel
' Z' N' C! K7 ]) s65. She is _C_ a musician than her brother.
$ N( ?6 C, W* G+ V+ a4 gA much of   B much as   C more of   D more as
8 p% l6 Z2 P) C2 x2 Q' f& Hbe of 具有某种性质、品质或特点; 8 f/ N+ n4 g( G1 ^% ^: }+ N
66. Having been found guilty, the man was given a severe _B_ by the judge.
0 t  j! Y3 ?  z! [" J/ [  ^0 MA service   B sentence   C crime   D crisis2 t! @% J4 x4 l- Y: Y) F! F; ?9 s! f
sentence n. 判决,判刑; crisis n. 危机; economic crisis 经济危机;
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 00:30:16 | 显示全部楼层


68. The residents, _C_ had been damaged by the flood, were given help by the Red Cross.</p>A all their homes   B all whose homes   C all of whose homes   D all of their homes
" H- D; o, u3 R* ?. D/ y" y当给出了句子的主语,且后面有两部分谓语动词,这两部分谓语动词之间又没有连接词,
* ~5 x& s2 v7 D) B, N时态也不同时,离主语近的谓语动词应为从句的组合成分。8 ?/ v5 t: a9 y) I. q0 J2 t
69. You can't afford to let the situation get worse. You must take _D_ to put it right." d5 `* v$ O* A8 n
A decisions   B directions   C sides   D steps
4 B3 B2 n& g  F' W2 r6 itake steps 采取措施,采取行动; take measures 采取措施;
3 e" ?/ G  @2 j: O3 t$ x70. Look at the terrible situation I am in! If only I _B_ your advice.) [/ Z$ Q) r$ N! H
A follow   B had followed   C would follow   D have followed
; x5 x: \: `' ?3 N1 P8 _if only 如果,要是...就好了,其后面的句子一定要用虚拟语气。
: W( @! K& U6 @) n1 T1. 如果if only后面的句子表示与现在或将来的事实相反,这时谓语动词用一般过去时体现虚拟语气。
6 C( ^9 V- g* y+ n3 G2. 如果if only后面的句子表示与过去的事实相反,这时谓语动词用过去完成时体现虚拟语气。
' C+ J+ e% Y6 ]/ |47. If only the committee _D_ the regulations and put them into effect as soon as possible
1 P- O  K2 ]8 x8 O: g5 h9 }' JA approve   B will approve   C can approve   D would approve
2 e6 s# V8 A8 O8 _如果if only后面的句子表示与现在或将来的事实相反,这时谓语动词用一般过去时,! x6 e/ K5 |4 ~) L
也可以用would + 动词原形。
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