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[四级词汇语法] 2012年英语四级词汇笔记完整版21

发表于 2012-8-14 00:30:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
53. We agree to accept _D_ they thought was the best tourist guide.
3 s' [3 h# a/ x6 ^A whatever   B whomever   C whichever   D whoever
( n  s  a# ]6 Q8 athey thought是插入语,可以不看; tourist guide 导游。 7 A0 ]0 [4 [  N! z6 O' E
56. Although many people view conflict as bad, conflict is sometimes useful _C_ it forces people to test relative merits of their attitudes and behaviors.
# B( j0 G0 |( q- c9 mA by which   B to which   C in that   D so that   H) l$ F. b8 W" E, [
句子的意思是:如果冲突以后能回家反省一下自己是好事情。  , ?  F3 K4 b, F$ p3 }
in that 因为; conflict n. 冲突; relative merits 相比较而言的优点; so that 以至于。 3 F6 V3 i: s1 G( s1 l
57. He is _A_ about his chances of winning a gold medal in the Olympics next year.
/ h8 H1 B* A+ l- l/ \4 z/ GA optimistic   B optional   C outstanding   D obvious
+ s- s' J8 T2 l4 Uoptimistic adj. 乐观的; pessimistic adj. 悲观的; be optimistic about 对…持乐观态度。 ! R" P! W9 P, o, j9 k9 ?
optional adj. 随意的,任选的,非强制性的; optional courses 选修课;
& J" k1 M- \# n5 W" \; m" Zoutstanding adj. 卓越的,杰出的; obvious adj. 明显的。 1 C& {" W$ F) O0 b0 ^9 b+ S* ]
58. Sometimes I wish I _B_ in a different time and a different place.
+ B8 t1 V8 z$ y4 u& D( wA be living   B were living   C would live   D would have lived
4 r7 V( @0 i; x9 }, m% s1 }9 I+ Mwish后加的句子一定要用虚拟语气。
  [: F( c7 [  [( r与现在事实相反,wish后的句子经常用一般过去时来体现虚拟语气。 3 T0 X/ o# d$ K6 z* ~2 A# a
59. The director was critical _C_ the way we were doing the work. ) B2 }1 O1 ]2 ~7 e; @! r4 ^
A at   B in   C of   D with
: f6 D+ I2 e6 E4 _4 d) O" l& N) Abe critical of 对...爱挑剔的,批评。 0 m9 ]1 Y# ^0 C; F: f1 P* Q
60. In a sudden _B_ of anger, the man tore up everything within reach.
2 G, q( V2 e' T2 o# JA attack   B burst   C split   D blast
% ]3 F3 q+ m- j* h" \within reach 够得着; out of reach 够不着; burst 爆发,迸发;
2 S. s8 k3 U) H/ _( `/ \3 Tburst可以与很多词语搭配表示突然发作:
! q7 n8 e4 F. _0 P& i* F9 Y1 能与人的情绪(喜、怒、哀、乐)搭配; 2 能与掌声、笑声搭配。

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