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[四级阅读] 四级阅读选文(三):中国最幸福城市

发表于 2012-8-14 00:37:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
3 V8 [+ e0 }& ^; P4 o  The city of Hangzhou again tops a list of the 10 ‘happiest cities’ in China, published by Oriental Outlook magazine, which is affiliated with China‘s state-run Xinhua news agency.. ^$ `! t- a9 j9 J7 K3 r5 p+ q8 x3 Q5 ]
  在新华社《望东方周刊》发布的中国“最具幸福感城市”中,杭州再度居首。! }; W+ G8 r( }) l- X; E$ x
  The magazine claims nearly 30 million in the survey via questionnaires in newspapers or over the Internet or mobile phones. There was also an independent survey involving a total of 600,000 people from 100 Chinese cities. The evaluation looked at factors such as pace of life, ’human touch,‘ opportunities to make money, convenience, natural environment, culture and entertainment options, safety as well as the gap between rich and poor.
& \4 c: }0 C9 v  该杂志称,全国各地累计近3,000万人参与报纸、手机短信和网络问卷调查。同时在100个地级和县级候选城市中进行了覆盖60多万人。评判标准包括生活节奏、人情味、赚钱机会、生活便利、自然环境、文明程度、文化娱乐、治安状况、贫富分化等等。
6 C4 d  z* H% D8 g7 f9 G  Hangzhou, which dates back more than 2,000 years, has topped the list all three years it has been published. The former Song Dynasty capital, and now the capital of China’s Zhejiang Province, has long been known for its beautiful scenery, its fine silk and as the birthplace of Longjing tea. But what makes it an attractive place to have a lot to do with its slower pace of life. 。
- ~5 C! j) z9 b6 D& a  这项评选今年已是第三年进行,有着2,000多年历史的杭州均表现优异。杭州以前是宋朝都城,现为中国浙江省省会,以秀丽风光、精美的丝绸以及龙井茶闻名。 不为宜居之地似乎与它较慢的生活节奏大有关系。
% I/ t% ?8 ]5 o% _8 I8 M4 S  Cao Jingxing, a well-known Chinese commentator and TV host, said Hangzhou has a ‘peace that the other big cities like Shanghai can’t offer.‘ Plus, Hangzhou’s fast economic development has helped add wealth: The city‘s per-capita GDP was above $10,000 by the end of 2008, according to government figures.
. o( f4 t$ ~: g- o' {4 }9 Z6 o  中国著名评论员、电视主持人曹景行说,杭州有一种上海等大城市所不具备的安宁。此外,杭州经济迅速发展有助于财富的积累:政府数据显示,截止2008年底,杭州市人均国内生产总值(GDP)已经超过1万美元。
2 j. ?; y$ C5 M7 N  u+ w. d  Shanghai and Beijing were among the list‘s top 10 the first time around, in 2007, but have since fallen off. Surprisingly, the two weren’t even included in the top20 sub-lists this year. In 2008, Shanghai and Beijing ranked No.1 and No.2 as the most convenient cities, while this year, Nanjing and Hangzhou took those places; and while Nanjing, Beijing and Shanghai led the sub-list for the cities with the best education opportunities in 2008, this year, the top three were Nanjing, Xian and Hangzhou, and Beijing and Shanghai were nowhere in sight.
& }' J7 |+ Z: M, I  上海和北京曾入选 2007年第一届10大“最具幸福感城市”,但此后均名落孙山。令人意外的是,今年的前20名中京沪都榜上无名。2008年,上海和北京分列“生活最便利城市”第一、二位,今年则被南京和杭州取代;2008年教育质量最佳城市三甲为南京、北京和上海,今年则为南京、西安和杭州,北京和上海不见踪影。
9 h2 D8 l: Q, ^9 i7 w7 J  While many Chinese still say Beijing best schools and the liveliest cultural scene, the capital is losing its popularity amid increasing stress, pollution and traffic--there are now more than 4 million cars on its streets.+ i3 J4 O; M/ w9 q9 \: b
  虽然许多中国人仍然认为北京拥有全国最好的学校、最浓厚的文化氛围,然而北京因压力日渐加剧、人口越来越多、交通越来越拥挤而丧失吸引力──现在北京的小汽车保有量已经超过400万辆。4 r% S/ _& l! L* C
  As for Shanghai, the daily struggle of living in China‘s financial hub finds vivid expression in the hit TV drama ’Dwelling Narrowness.‘ For the heroine, living in Shanghai just means high living expenses and stress rather than excitement and a glitzy nightlife.
% _( U& @/ P. Y5 H+ Q$ [. A  至于上海,热播电视剧《蜗居》生动地展示了在这个中国艰难。对于剧中女主人公来说,在上海生活只是意味着高昂的生活成本和巨大的压力,没有半点兴奋,也无从享受五光十色的夜生活。
/ ]+ J& s9 f/ A$ M! l  As a result, among the top 10 this year, importance to balanced development, such as Hangzhou or Kunming, or those with rich education options, like Nanjing and Xi’an, are the most attractive. And mid-level developed cities with a slower pace and less pressure are also favored, like Ningbo and Changsha.
0 K. h3 X& e' r7 W4 }9 v  这样一来,在入选的10大最具幸福感城市中,这样特别注重均衡发展的城市,也有像南京和西安,教育资源丰富;而那些中度发达城市如宁波和长沙,由于生活节奏相对较慢、压力较小,也很受青睐。

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