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[四级写作] 2012年12月大学英语四级应用文写作模板23

发表于 2012-8-14 00:48:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2012年12月大学英语四级应用文写作模板23, f! o) D3 H+ k% \  r8 u
慰问丧偶的朋友 A letter of inquiring to those who lost their husband or wife 中华考试网(www.Examw。com)
* s$ q1 u. S8 O: t3 H, q  Dear [Mrs. Harper], / |" P9 p6 J& c
   I would like to express my sorrow at the recent death of your [husband]. : z* ^; d8 Z( @
   In the long time it was my privilege to enjoy [Professor of Harper]’s friendship. I found [him] a since and helpful associate, with whom it was a pleasure [to work]. 0 S' r5 P* A( U1 f
   The knowledge that my thoughts are with you at his time will, I hope, be of some comfort to you.   C. I( l' M' W1 \1 l. L4 a
  Truly yours
) w9 s  p# p2 C2 p7 W2 c  亲爱的[哈珀女士]:
+ A- K% m" g8 Z! y* u4 \7 B   获悉你的[丈夫]最近逝世的消息,深表遗憾。
6 P7 [; p: W* M: Q7 ]+ m   长期以来,能与[哈珀教授]保持友谊是我的荣幸。[哈珀教授]是一位我最乐于与其一道[工作]的忠实而有帮助的朋友。 ) @, C9 V7 n: s  W  g; K

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