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[四级翻译] 四级翻译:攻破5分翻译题(二)

发表于 2012-8-14 09:10:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1.(这个计划成功的关键) ___________is good planning.   2.The specific use of leisure______(每一人都不同)+ C- \, ^- B0 m5 P& \* P
  3.The ship ' s generator broke down and the pumps____________________( 不得不用手工操作 ) instead of mechanically.4 _0 g* l* a9 W8 a
  4.Although punctual himself, the professor was quite used______________( 习惯了学生迟到 ) his lecture.
" @' U  ?; h+ j9 T6 j9 O& A) n  5.I prefer to communicate with my customers ______( 通过写电子邮件而不是打电话)) D0 t) [# r- x' e/ [5 j/ a
  6.After the terrorist attack, tourists ______ ( 被劝告暂时不要去该国旅游)
( y8 H7 e0 ]" M, U5 [  7.( 他把自己奉献于社区工作 ) ______ and is passionate about what he is doing., ~: S0 s- W4 b1 e. u
  8.Man should not exploit the natural resources ______ ( 以牺牲其他物种为代价 ).
( b0 J; J  B) Z1 R. G8 x% Y  9.When Sandy recovered from cancer, her doctor ______ ( 把此归因于她对未来的信念 ).  \* r7 `9 m" o
  10.At the end of his speech, the school master encouraged the children to work hard ______ ( 不要让父母失望 ).
% {4 J/ M" r$ R3 H; C. X  11.In the budget for this building, they failed to __( 考虑价格增长的因素 ).
* M& r& z" l. b2 T# r  12.Only after I slapped him on the back ____( 他才发现我并高兴得叫起来 ).
5 F! _# q0 h" S7 r' N  13.I didn ' t even speak to him, ____( 更不用说与他讨论事情 ).: l* i5 c+ j2 Z1 f# W- f  L
  14.Some young people would rather try hard themselves to go through life than _____( 求助于他们的父母 ) with a sense of guilt.
; k. l3 s* P% e) D( R  15.The victim _____( 本来有机会活下来 ) if he had been taken to hospital in time .

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 09:10:19 | 显示全部楼层


 Answer:   1.The key to the success of this project
& W" q& w( K$ V$ o8 k6 D# Y' s' M  「超级单词」key除作名词"钥匙"外,后接介词to,表示"……的钥匙,……的答案,……的关键".) d6 L. U% D- D: [7 y' o9 m3 b5 m
  2.from individual to individual.8 [; O0 d, c( t' L& C- B  W2 P
  「超级短语」不及物动词vary 的用法。搭配为:vary …… from …… to 各不相同。
9 u: J( K# }  g  f" o; e  3.had to be operated manually1 ?2 w( A" x0 L( A2 Z
  「超级短语」have to通常指由于客观原因则不得不做某事,意思为"不得不". 其否定形式意思是"不一定"或"没有必要".
) I8 }4 ^1 I  f9 |' c: K, b  4.to students' being late for
# g3 I3 K3 l8 [  「超级句型」be used to+doing/noun,表示过去习惯于做某事。used to+do,表示过去有规律的习惯性动作或状态,而现在已不存在了。( ]4 d( f5 ?2 x+ k7 T5 ]
  「超级短语」be late for,迟到。
/ m! P6 l  Q+ Q9 M' l  「超级句型」one's doing,非谓语动词的复合结构。
5 J- V; t1 T7 d  5.via E-mail instead of telephone8 P& `. b$ u8 A5 \7 S( U0 u
  「超级短语」Instead of 的意思是"代替……"、"而不……",后面常跟名词、代词和动名词,偶尔也跟复合结构。
1 j! t0 T$ k& a9 X  6.were advised not to travel to that country at the moment
3 c1 Q4 x" {1 a) H2 J  「超级单词」advise 一般用法: advise sb. to do; advise doing
1 Z& D+ B* t1 S" T1 V3 [  特殊注意: 后面的宾语从句要用虚拟语气。即:advise that sb. (should) do的形式。& s! {- n7 j& y. S) g
  7.he devoted himself to the community
$ m$ e( K& `3 p- ^1 R  「超级短语」be devoted to 有两个含义:A.专心致志于,献身于;B.热爱,很喜欢。作为动词的devote常用下列成语类的搭配:devote oneself/one's life to sth/doing sth.
+ k7 q1 F+ @3 z6 z  k& u  8.at the cost of sacrificing/loss of other species( {) Q1 B- O' D; _" X
  「超级短语」at the cost of(以……为代价),其含义和用法与at the expense of相同。另at all costs意为"不惜一切代价"./ M3 }9 o3 B/ \. V1 M
  9.attributed it to her firm belief in the future8 f1 k" ]) S5 [! X# }( R
) C; U1 z# O! S  10.and not to let their parents down1 C2 s& P6 l4 F$ n+ ~
/ ^/ }; G# p0 K7 g, e" T( k  11.consider/take into account the factor of increasing price.* ]" ~# c8 R; q) w' m/ p
  「超级单词」Take…… into account=take…… into consideration 把……考虑在内& a4 B+ a4 m2 X, z! x2 _8 Z
  12.did he notice me and shouted with happiness
+ c( }. w; |8 I  「超级句型」这是only引起的半倒装句,only+强调内容+助动词+主语+谓语+其它, H# e- r& p5 ?+ _9 w+ ?4 t1 B
  13.let alone discuss with him
' ?% p7 h) A$ e% t7 N  「超级短语」let alone用作连词,译为"更不用说了"; ]7 l! h0 J5 _
  14.turn to their parents7 d  ~/ \6 |0 ?7 z
  「超级短语」turn to sb. for help 求助于别人
9 V/ K) Z8 r$ u: |* Z: R( t. J  15.would have survived9 [% Q2 G+ _4 h. X/ B
  「超级句型」在虚拟条件句中,如果表示与过去事实相反的情况,从句用过去完成时,而主句中则用"情态动词+现在完成时",即would/ could/ should/ might have done
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