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[四级翻译] 英语四级考试新题型翻译专项练习(2)

发表于 2012-8-14 09:11:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
7:Part VI Translation: (5 minutes)1: I have promised Jane that I shall play the violin at the party, but ___________________________________(我已经好久没有练习了).& q/ V8 R( ]& a1 d& ?7 U# ]
2:The professor advised the students to ______________________________(读更多有教育意义的书).5 s$ J( g0 V  U
3:Mrs. Smith shut the windows lest _____________________________(外面的噪音会影响她儿子的睡眠).. _. f: Y2 A2 b( P* j; t+ ~
4:__________________________(他被眼前的情景吓得) that she could not speak a word for several minutes.0 p- R# I3 Q2 F
5:I would rather go to the park __________________________________(也不愿意呆在房间里无所事事).
2 ^& N( j, n0 y5 g3 t# T( v * A/ G- q! o( Z2 U( {2 _5 [
8:Part VI Translation: (5 minutes)
8 n: q( a- q) x2 t% A$ W' @1:I could see a car in the distance, but ___________________________(我无法看清它是什么颜色).
! e$ f6 U" S/ O- G2:________________________(众所周知), learning English is no easy job.
/ A, A2 p; z# p/ V+ O  G3:John regretted very much ______________________________(对老板说了不该说的话).
$ I' P4 `" m4 a( o$ R% e' f  Q3 n4:He seems poor, but ______________________________(我们都怀疑他很有钱)." M( c# Y) k' k& F4 e7 Y
5:It’s essential to build up your confidence _______________________(如果你想在一生中有所成就的话).0 }& Z, S& g0 i

. O. n, ^' l. u8 _$ H) Y& Y: F# s9:Part VI Translation: (5 minutes)
: n0 x; W# t) y+ [3 B1: To our surprise, his casual remark ________________________(竟然引起了一场政治风暴).
' M5 j4 l! k7 R) O2:Persistence is supposed to be __________________________(一个人成功的关键).
9 S% K& I( V/ J) ?* m3:_____________________________(为了培养我们的动手能力), our mother made sure that we did share in keeping the house.
: j4 n5 \9 R& ]) e# M7 I4:____________________________(考虑到他没有经验), he has done a good job.- e& k* I1 J8 M! q5 P
5:Jane had learned to rely on herself at an early age, and she ________________________________(鼓励女儿也这样做).

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 09:11:01 | 显示全部楼层


</p>10:Part VI Translation: (5 minutes)
2 r$ r; \& H" Z1:The substance does not dissolve in water __________________________(不管是否加热).
" [# |( x% x/ c/ x2:Not only __________________________(他向我收费太高), but he didn’t do a good repair job either.
9 I% l! x. U9 l4 q3:Your losses in trade this year are nothing ______________________(与我的相比).
/ o- F5 W6 _1 ^! F4:On average, it is said, visitors spend only ________________(一半的钱) in a day in Leeds as in London.
" W" x( N0 i  I+ C5:By contrast, American mothers were more likely ______________________(把孩子的成功归因于) natural talent.
' f9 j5 o9 [. H% u
# `) X% N5 B9 Y3 l2 q4 p/ P' q" W11:Part VI Translation: (5 minutes)8 w* u) V) V. _% f( C3 s
1: _____________________________(考虑到他身体不好), He’s done a good job.4 W- `: {6 E7 ]/ N0 a) t. b
2: Woman ___________________________(不准进入寺庙).$ m/ d1 R# Z1 h9 k' y9 z! j
3: ______________________________(民主受到威胁), the reforms deserve all the support they can get./ Q/ t* ]* ~' k  l2 U& }
4: The scheme _____________________________(付诸实施要付出很大的代价).6 Y, D9 Q8 s7 _. A
5: The news ________________________________________(通过口信传递).- i* P. w( h, f

9 f& ?8 ]5 B& T3 ~3 ]4 C* n% ?12:Part VI Translation: (5 minutes)) K$ ?5 e9 [1 ~8 [: b
1:We had to resign ourselves on _________________________(销售中造成的损失).
1 m( v' B9 ]. ~2 U2:If the day turns out wet, ______________________(我们就得改变计划).5 ~  B% |$ U/ r% G9 Q
3:He always listens to the radio ____________________(在开车上班时).
( ~) M- ^/ l. u7 s5 @5 V8 v$ L4:The old professor usually _____________________(写得又好又切题).0 u" ^6 V7 k& m
5:____________________(不管你采用什么方式), it’ll take you at least two days.
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