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[四级翻译] 2012年6月大学英语四级翻译考试精练习题11

发表于 2012-8-14 09:11:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. Many writers believe that at least one murder is necessary in a detective story, if only to attract more readers (即使仅仅为了吸引更多的读者).
# N3 ]+ n2 n- B8 k# D0 `- J  N     
. x" N, `4 K8 y# I    2. Tom would like to take advantage of the medical facilities at the university clinic, if only to have a brief check-up (即使只为做个简短的体检). 中华考试网8 n+ `+ X: _- k- K- i3 u- h- ?
     - P( S3 M7 b2 ~- s, v
    3. George knows he has to perform very well on the final exam, if only to make a good impression on his girlfriend (即使只为给他的女朋友留下一个好印象).
8 r! v6 x- r% L9 n/ |     , g/ l# h& K6 K$ P5 m
    4. The person who started the fire by carelessly throwing away a lit cigarette must be punished, if only to teach him a lesson on how dangerous it is to be so careless (即使只为教训他一下粗枝大叶有多危险).
4 U3 a# Y2 D1 F- v3 y     
& _6 f, j8 {6 ]6 M* j/ R    5. I think you should get a job, if only to stop yourself getting so bored at home (即使只为不再使自己在家中感到如此厌烦).

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