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[四级模拟] 大学英语四六级考试:语法精要(六)

发表于 2012-8-14 09:52:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
: q6 o! e! z, Y8 m8 Y  I定语从句
: A1 k: Z& |- B( I" B0 l, ?# q  1.先行词为all, anything, something, nothing, everything, much, little, none等不定代词时,关系代词一般只用that,不用which。在大多数情况下that可以省略.
' p5 L( W  X# q3 Q  Please tell me everything (that) you know about the matter.
/ F' u& K: y- w* f, @/ j. T) c  That’s all (that) we can do at the moment.2 n, X$ L; Z  M1 q" N; q
  2.as引出的限制性定语从句2 q. D7 r# c+ J3 t+ D
  在such … as的结构中as可作关系代词,引出限制性定语从句。有时和same连用,在从句中可作主语、宾语或表语等。7 A0 K  C  I! v) [5 P' M
  Such people as were recommended by him were reliable.
0 D% E6 ?- @+ T! z7 j/ Z  I’ve never seen such a talented young man as he is.
- U# p5 \. O/ m& }& x  I have the same trouble as you (have).
7 R! ^: c9 E  {5 h- ~  3.as引出的非限制性定语从句8 D# R  }- m6 l
2 S7 u" h! y7 d! E  I live a long way from work, as you know.
6 `0 u  m( @, Q& B  She did not, as her friend had feared, break down.  r6 z; e& _3 h) n" x
  As is generally accepted, economic growth is determined by the smooth development of production.
! G0 z" |5 e! Q" H+ B  4.分隔式定语从句
! e4 ?7 z' t. [" z8 r  定语从句一般紧跟在先行词之后,但有时会被其他句子成分与先行词隔开,从而构成分隔式定语从句。
5 k! B1 Y: L  Q% h3 d& c( r; ~  The days are gone when power politics worked.
: |4 y" M- F# i! J3 f3 w# U! W  A new teacher will come tomorrow who will teach you French.
5 O; R1 X3 e/ P2 [6 v+ A( N+ D  5.介词+关系代词(which/whom等)引出的定语从句3 t' z, M- x: P9 X
  如果关系代词(which/whom等)在定语从句中作介词的宾语,那么这个介词可以提到从句前,构成“介词+关系代词(which/whom等)+定语从句”。在这种结构中关系代词不可以用that。3 |; K! n, l  ]% h+ y- {* q
  This is a subject about which we might argue for a long while.
7 i+ |8 b3 G" Q' X  The four travelers with whom I shared the room were pleasant people.
$ i, q1 X% w% _* Y; b  6.关系代词在限制性定语从句中常可以省略,一般有以下几种情况:- ]: b- m4 z  L! s% m- ~8 e
  1) 关系代词在从句中作直接宾语时,在大多数情况下可以省略。
) T, s6 q6 u* W  This is something (that) you must always keep in mind.
  R: [. k. H0 l/ J  The man (whom) you just met is our manager.
* a* Z, B2 G" s* O7 q: K2 S  关系代词作介词宾语时,介词位于句尾时关系代词可以省略;介词位于关系代词之前时则关系代词不能省略。
, C% c, V1 X6 j  This is the room (which) Churchill was born in.
7 Q2 v% H5 c9 H$ T" e  This is the room in which Churchill was born.(which不可省略)! r% u, o6 L1 w/ |% a# c# D* c+ D
  2) 关系代词作主语时一般不能省略,但如果关系代词在由there … be存在句构成的定语从句中作主语时常可省略。( T. P" w$ S2 ~' M2 C- C! t
  This is the only book (that) there is on this subject./ u8 H, I- Y5 a. V
  The old professor made full use of the time (that) there was left to him to continue his research.
8 t* J+ O1 j  ]" k$ O" ?. L( Z2 O  3) 在way后面的定语从句中in which或that通常省略。
! b/ w0 \1 P9 J3 k+ f  That’s the way (that/in which) I look at it.1 E) L- e. X. a  j" t6 y- u# I, e
  I don’t like the way (that/in which) you laugh at her.- L% f4 J  }* V) ~
  7.非限制性定语从句: _$ G) J8 q+ ]. p: ?
  非限制性定语从句修饰先行词或整个主句,起补充说明的作用,如果省略掉,原句句意仍保持完整。非限制性定语从句要用逗号与主句隔开,其引导词不能用that。非限制性定语从句属于正式语体。经常考到的非限制性定语从句有以下三种。. w; P% \, p- W/ ^2 o
  1)由which、as引导的非限制性定语从句。which、as代表整个主句。! _( Q9 l( @! w# t) L2 c
  He said that he had never seen her before, which was not true.7 |$ K6 O& O) J; ]% ]+ k* C- m
  China is still a developing country, which is known to all of us.
9 i/ C+ q1 W1 y( R3 B. `  2)由 “介词+关系代词”引导的非限制性定语从句。
4 Q. I0 ?- O. N  He sent her a letter, in which he said that he was sorry for what he had done to her.* d# B/ H( B( }: [9 J
  He failed to pass the exam, because of which his parents scolded him.; S' i9 t4 I5 L/ Q1 S% d) w
  4) 由 “数词、代词或名词+of +关系代词”引导的非限制性定语从句。4 w& E4 i. b+ W0 o
  He had three sons, one of whom was my son’s classmate.: J& K5 l. Q4 }0 v
  There are about twenty students in this course, most of whom are freshmen.
0 F0 M* G2 @9 u  They are two different words, the spellings of which are easily confused.
% H4 B3 d% v, h6 b1 n  Ⅱ 状语从句
( z! K% c2 `6 M( @  1.状语从句中以下四种从句考得较多,这里给予简单介绍。
- v# n7 H) h9 G( A/ V# U  1) 时间状语从句0 s3 r( q; [, }) j3 y
  时间状语从句主要由以下连词引导:when, whenever, as, while, since, until, till, before, after, as soon as, once, hardly (scarcely) … when, no sooner … than。
) Y1 O/ h& ^* K2 K3 ^  I will discuss the matter with you when we meet tomorrow.
8 k, b9 C3 t, L0 F" K  He didn’t go to sleep until he finished doing his homework.
- [! v+ m( t" E3 o' k  You have changed a lot since we met last time.
% W! L# N' n% P8 p) j) F5 d  时间状语从句还可由某些可充当连词的名词(the moment, the instant, every time,等)和副词(instantly, directly等)引导:
! R% O0 l; n7 q9 Q4 X( d8 |1 U  I will tell you the news the instant I know.
: k' @; X* C: d  I% q& B  Directly the teacher came in everyone was quiet.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 09:52:34 | 显示全部楼层


  Note:7 c# ]0 e4 x! Q8 D' X& j
  ①before除了可表示 “在…之前”外,还可用来强调主句所表达的时间、距离很长或花费的力量相比较大,可译为“…才”。(“not … before” 可用来强调主句所表达的时间、距离很短或花费的力量相比较小,可译为“…就”)。: V( l7 q3 h6 P8 R2 g
  It was a long time before I got to sleep again.
. @2 k# X) U$ C) t" @' m  They had not been married a month before they quarreled." l6 ]# D- R2 c1 H" U# i( u! ]
  ②如果位于when引导的分句之前的主句使用过去进行时、过去完成时或“was/were about to, was/were on the point of”等结构时,when表示突然发生某事,可译为“正在…突然”或“刚…就”等。这时,不能够用as或while来代替when。
3 M+ F) t$ A$ [6 v5 C  I was walking on the street when I ran into my old friend John., V6 d' P; ^6 @& `0 c% _. E& Q
  She had just fallen asleep when the telephone rang.
2 e) p3 Y& [& ~6 U  We were about to leave when it began to rain.' V* E/ ?2 Y$ r9 x7 s7 S& B1 K' L
  2) 条件状语从句
3 B. U9 x5 n: f/ Q6 {  条件状语从句主要由以下连词引导:if, unless, providing/provided (that), suppose/supposing (that), on condition (that), as/so long as, in case等。7 G& z  r+ Z2 I: d
  So long as you work hard, you will surely achieve good results in examinations.
" n7 P; R' l5 |8 F: }2 D7 x2 i  M  I shall return next Thursday unless something unexpected happens.. z/ p. ]1 }! ~
  I will go provided that you go with me.$ G* j$ g7 J: B; Q9 H5 b2 l/ L
  Please give this letter to John in case he comes.
/ V: l" g& ^2 d9 l( g  3) 让步状语从句: E# ~3 Y$ K; P, I, k7 u" G
  让步状语从句主要由以下连词引导:though, although, even if, even though, whatever, however, whoever, wherever, no matter how/ what/ where/ when等。以下介绍几种较特殊的让步状语从句。
0 }# a  r/ p- s! w5 a2 G  (1)while引导的让步状语从句多放在句首,while相当于although,表示“尽管”,“虽然”。; N* [; U* y* v  H7 ?( Q
  While I admit I did it, I didn’t intend to.. w: [# M) D; L* d: `# F
  While I understand what you say, I can’t agree with you.% \5 o0 s7 v) a2 J. H% L9 c
  (2)短语“even now/then/so”相当于“though it is/was true”,表示“尽管如此”,“尽管这样”。& ~. W- X1 |- W0 V$ D- U- u: {
  The fire was out, but even so, the smell of smoke was strong.( \7 n% ~+ ~" s* C( {/ I
  I’ve tried my best, but even now/then she is not satisfied.5 l, ?$ d1 p& g4 B
  (3) as引导的让步状语从句要倒装。5 R' A7 K: J+ A. h; q
  Child as he was, he could speak four languages.3 X1 n2 N8 Y9 X1 C# J
  Hard as she tried, she failed to get the job.
8 }/ f8 u$ g( n3 n4 m  4) 比较状语从句+ O6 w2 c' j  y0 n
  比较状语从句主要由以下连词引导:(not) as … as, (not) the same as, (not) such … as, not so … as, than, the + 比较级…, the +比较级…等。
+ s$ ^& _) c7 I  We have had a lot more rainfall this year than we had last year.5 r, r& C* i( i6 N6 S7 Y: @
  She can speak English as fluently as her teacher (can).
5 i/ x" Z5 `0 X2 N0 R8 F  Ⅲ 宾语从句7 P4 U4 u2 z+ A0 ?/ l  U
  1) 及物动词后的宾语从句
0 i9 b# E* z5 M" L- M. k# F  有些动词的宾语从句前还可有一个间接宾语。
& @, p8 V* A: P9 P2 C) g& |/ @  I remember that we have learned this word before.* b9 p% j) R& M( [$ r# Z
  I don’t understand what you have said.
9 e0 M" s( X0 v: D& k  She asked the teacher how she could learn English well.4 L3 `, y, d2 q( g3 }
  2) 介词的宾语从句
6 j; a: X) P+ W2 t! A1 K6 U4 |  It depends on whether you want to do it or not
2 F& W7 @+ q9 y" a  There is disagreement among economists about what money is and how money is measured.- ^9 l/ }( a! ?/ ~4 d, @
  Note: 在介词in后面跟that引导的宾语从句中,in that可看成是一个固定的搭配,表示“因为”或“在…方面”。  z8 |( H- k$ D. F0 j) j9 D
  The evidence is invalid in that it was obtained through illegal means.8 z7 u& N$ X( m6 R
  A turtle differs from all other reptiles in that it has its body encased in a protective shell of its own.
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