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[四级模拟] 英语四级考试辅导:改错精练(5)

发表于 2012-8-14 09:52:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Jungle country is not friently to man, but it is. Y6 L5 q& p  k. V* n
 possible to survive there. You must have the right equipment
0 q8 c: W' B- g, B  N' f and you must know a lot important things about 1.__________- V2 a  e2 v& Z) C# }2 g3 `
 woodcraft(森林知识). Then your choices of staying living 2.__________
2 K9 _, t& p* g+ X2 U are very good.  No one should go into the jungle without the right
5 A: g* d- t. z% r5 c equipment. You need lightweight clothings, a good sheath 3.__________; E  D. N- D" z3 [5 i- M) T: e( X
 knife or machete, and a compass. Fishhooks and a line, a0 Y9 Z. [4 s5 e
 rifle and ammunition, matches in a waterproof container,, b  I) w3 z! G! c
 and a poncho are necessary too. Such is a mosquito net 4.__________
! f( v1 ?# n0 O3 S to pretect the head.
1 v) k6 @% x& u' d. H$ M In the jungle you can get hopeless lost within 5.__________0 [, \# l. R6 L! [$ y
 five minutes after leaving a knowing landmark. That is 6.__________
2 I* `7 Y/ w2 C$ v! R. O why you should always carry a compass. In open country,$ P7 U, v3 ]3 M, b( S
 during the day, you can tell which way to go by studying
: M5 V$ A% S! L the sun. At night the stars are sure of guides to direction 7.__________
, @5 @" O: i, A2 E) v* t But in most places the jungle rooftop is so thick$ w6 t7 B3 a& o6 k: N
 that this is impossible to see the sun or the stars. Again 8.__________
/ P1 u9 z/ i$ |$ h6 a6 L and again you must check the position by the compass.
! {+ o1 z  i7 g- n+ g. t" j Keep alert. Watch the ground in front of you carefully., k& Q) x- z' J7 p# \
 Stop and listen now and again. Avoid haste, and rest# d" X9 b0 Z. R
 often. In a place where is hot and humid, the person who 9.__________6 o8 k9 l' N( ~( {6 J
 sets a fast pace will soon become tired. A steady, even, s8 H1 E( U8 l/ x0 f  J3 `
 pace is wisest on the long run. 10.__________$ o# F$ G' _9 A$ w

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