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[四级模拟] 2011年英语四级考试模拟练习题及答案(三)9

发表于 2012-8-14 09:52:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Part I Writing , Z: i3 T3 X* }
  The Importance of Keeping A Good Mood% Z# f* M) G' }# c. j
  In today's increasingly competitive world it is essential to maintain a positive attitude towards life. To put it in a metaphor, keeping a good mood is a foundation upon which our life is built.
$ B: ~$ E, c7 A( @- h& a- `  Keeping a good mood is important because it can help us solve various problems in life. The following two situations can enable us to clearly see how a positive attitude helps us cope with unpleasant things. Take English learning for example. In our effort to grasp English, mistakes are unavoidable. From one perspective mistakes are annoying, but a positive attitude can make us realize that only through making mistakes can a learner be expected to make progress. Sometimes one may come down with a serious cold, feeling depressed. But a change in attitude will enable us to look at the matter from a positive perspective. The illness may teach us the importance of health.% q* A. [% ?* }+ f
  As we can see, keeping a good mood can help us to deal with mistakes in the right way and find comfort in time of sorrow. Its importance cannot be denied.
8 C2 ?; ^, r6 I2 a) E9 X  Part II Reading Comprehension(Skimming and Scanning)" \7 D2 M3 a5 L: m0 c6 I* _
  1. Y 通读全文后,即可发现本文描写了新奥尔良被“卡特利娜”飓风袭击后的景象,可知题干表述正确。
" @, h* V: i/ {: `3 ]3 X( m# }+ H! z  2. N 通读全文可知,开头几段(即小标题上的段落)都是总体讲新奥尔良受灾后的景象。本题题干信息讲了“卡特利娜”飓风带来的污染,属于此部分内容,定位后在第二段首句发现,飓风带来的污染不仅有石油、污水,还有有毒废弃物滤出的有害物质,题干信息不完整。
; {, c7 a( S2 X  3. Y 根据题干中的信息词Plaquemines Parish定位原文,在小标题Old Pollution Resurfacing下首段可找到答案,可知题干表述正确。
& Z; @4 l( ?* w  y3 X5 h! U1 A  4. Y 题干内容提到“不要接触污泥”,是讲自我保护的,推知答案在标题Protection Kits下。再根据题干中的信息词health and environmental agencies定位,在首段首句可找到答案,可知题干表述正确。& L# |: E% W- s' Y* O
  5. N 题干中的protective kit提示答案在Protection Kits下。根据题干中的信息词The Southern Mutual Help Association和Oxfam America定位原文在第五段找到答案,原文用的give而非题干中的sell,可知题干表述错误。
1 a. b) T  ^4 B- M- n2 |  6. NG扫读文章可知,本文主要谈到受灾地区污染状况,并未提及新奥尔良地区的状况比较特殊。
6 d- _+ G) @6 ?( Y* X  7. Y 根据题干中的信息词blooms of mold可知,此答案在标题Toxic Mold Blooms下,再用sprawling blooms of mold定位原文,在首段找到答案,可知题干表述正确。
  O$ D- y. o- {2 S- |$ N* `  8. Vibrio infections。由题干的died from可知填空处可能要填某种真菌,因而推知答案在Toxic Mode Blooms下。在倒数第二段可找到答案。. ^7 z# ^4 ^! S
  9. sick and injured。题干讲到受灾区的基本生活条件,已不涉及mold的内容,估计答案在Disaster Response Care下,用Katrina-struck定位原文,答案在第三段。
" N4 k8 g. b$ w5 u+ W  10. natural disasters。最后一题一般涉及最后一个标题下的内容。根据题干中的信息词All of these conditions定位原文,在倒数第二段首句可找到答案。
- p2 e* M; L+ x# ?- u& hPart IV Reading Comprehension(Reading in Depth)/ b& B7 B4 P- {" [) K- @0 N% ^
  Section A
  f' V; b8 Z( _# W  47. E 结合句意“当别人对你________时,你是否曾经不敢反驳?”在备选项的副词中,E(不公平地)最符合文章。
. {' l) \( T: |9 K% T- s! K4 `  48. C 结合句意“我们整个________的目的就是让人们怀疑自己…”,再根据备选项中的名词释义,C最符合文章。且文章的下两句都是对这一system的解释。9 e" u7 w* G1 F6 i# V7 e. D
  49. L 下文提到的These superiors即指空格所缺内容,故L正确。
- v1 ?* w! r5 Z+ r- B! x  50. H 该空应填入动词原形。由上文提到的Many people are afraid to assert themselves和下文提到的"assertiveness training" courses可推知,H最符合文意。
* |+ s5 @# [2 P$ |" ?  51. D 结合句意“他们(科学家)________‘自信训练’课程”来看选项,D最符合文意。1 T" c2 K6 ^4 ?! [) I
  52. B 上文和空格所在句都提到通过学习课程能给人们带来很多益处,由此推测该空应填入一个含积极之意的形容词,故B(活跃的)符合文章。6 W9 s. y6 R6 k8 f0 @* ?  Z
  53. M 结合句意“在某种程度上,学会大声说出来的目的就是________恐惧心理”可知,M(战胜)最符合句意。) s) ?+ |2 @7 g* W
  54. G 结合句意“但AT采用一个更为强大的________,即互相分享的需要”来看选项,G(动机)最符合文意。
2 w3 k$ U) G3 @4 X# N# i) I9 q  55. A 结合常理和上文提到的If someone you face is more"important"than you, you may feel less of a person可推知,此时人很容易怀疑自我,故A符合文意。
/ [- X- `6 u; V2 t, M5 f/ u0 ~  56. J 该空应填入名词,结构句意“你依照别人的________行事”和下文对此的否定可推知,J最符合文意。

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