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[四级模拟] 2011英语四级预测试卷及答案解析(18)

发表于 2012-8-14 09:52:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
26. C 信息明示题。文章第一段指出,he had a way of keeping his private life to himself in all but the unessential details, 由此可知,作者之所以认为Penury是个神秘的人是因为所有人都不了解Penury的私生活,故选C。7 t# E& Z* h7 ]+ Z7 q* w# j
  27. A 信息明示题。文章第一段指出,he was not especially well dressed and he did not even have a car. 排除B、C,并可以推断出,Penury 是一个不随便花钱的人。该段还指出,It seemed that he did not have to work for a living as we did, 排除D。
2 ~! W  @/ q0 q' `6 `' n1 }% e  28. B 信息明示题。文章最后指出,he was the most accomplished burglar, 由此可知Penury是个夜贼,所以B正确。
/ G" H0 _0 u* b  Passage Two
; I; @: o) E. D1 V* M( Z! [  29. D 信息明示题。文章第三段指出,In 1860, Lincoln was elected President of the United State. 由此可知D正确。( O* y2 E  M( |* W% `  x4 V/ \2 A
  30. A 信息明示题。文章第三段指出,Civil War, which lasted from 1861 to 1865, 由此可知美国内战持续了四年,故选A。
8 h8 _; r4 Q$ W8 ~- J  31. D 信息明示题。文章第五段指出,Lincoln was shot by an actor named John Wilkes Booth. 由此可知,林肯是被一名演员刺杀的,所以D正确。
8 d$ R6 y' l* W# A  32. C 综合推断题。文章第三段指出,This party opposed the creation of new slave states. 由此可以推断,南部各州之所以要退出联盟是因为林肯所在的共和党反对奴隶制,所以C正确。
, i1 O  k- O2 h7 F! l' d3 C1 L  Passage Three
5 `: y% g, H6 s6 U& D* w+ I1 p  36. laboratory 37. invade 38. poison 39. results9 s1 l! F2 W( ?3 L/ A
  40. magazine 41. sole 42. prevent 43. measured1 b- t( m1 J; {0 g* Y' ]; j
  44. The particle used was two hundred nanometers—much, much smaller than a human hair.
& l3 z( x/ @: d0 Y, q9 ]5 }$ D, A  45. The scientists designed the cell as a balloon inside a balloon. They loaded the outer part with a drug that caused the blood vessels to fall in on themselves.
3 l0 q' i# ?$ f: r7 q' d- K  46. The team says the treatment shrank the cancer and avoided health cells better than other treatments.
* F& R9 r  ^8 S2 E  Part IV Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth)
0 f: G$ G: S, K2 }- V% s* z1 v  Section A
7 P0 I% S; h; o# l7 b- u  47. very high9 ?7 O* \6 p( h- o8 {
  题目问飓风等自然灾害带来的损失情况如何。根据题干中的torrential rains, severe thunderstorms和tornadoes 可以定位到文章第一段,最后一句指出损失的总值是exceeded $250 million, 可见损失非常大,故得答案very high.9 o0 B: j9 S% Q6 W% A
  48. Because the available data are not detailed enough.
: ^4 E4 q2 u4 {) X( u5 I  题目问传统的天气预报为何不能有效预报短期内天气的变化。由题干中的关键词conventional models of atmosphere 可以定位到第二段的开头,第一句话的后半句because the available weather data are generally not detailed enough直接给出了答案。5 F% |/ @/ E9 ?. |. T2 Q0 |4 a
  49. predicting general weather conditions over large regions
: ^2 H; B5 ?- r; i, x/ Z  J* I+ B  题目问传统的天气预报现在的主要用途。由题干中的关键词conventional models 定位到第二段。最后一句指出conventional forecasting models do a much better job predicting general weather conditions over large regions than..., 即:传统的方式现在主要是用来预测大范围内的总体天气情况。' f! B0 |) s' O
  50. Accurate, short-range forecasts.
% ?; c# c% j" H- c# E  题干明确定位了本题的答案(第三段),第一句话就给出了解释:accurate, very short-range forecasts./ R" j4 x* k/ E& n
  51. Computer programs and video equipment.
! ], Y% ?. m; N& c  题目问什么使得Nowcasting 变成了现实。可以定位到文章的最后一句...using these new technologies in weather forecasting offices, Nowcasting is becoming a reality, 可见是these new technologies 使得Nowcasting成为现实,而these new technologies指代的就是上句话中的computer programs and video equipment./ h; V* i) @8 D! P$ M3 n! C7 B
  Section B7 A% a4 ?( P2 G! G3 G# R8 h
  Passage One- Q1 I+ j; \4 N) s  \
  52. D 细节题。由文章第三段第四句提到的fast food is appealing because it is fast, it doesn't require any dressing up...可知,D正确。- o) \  A! I! q* \4 P3 |% M
  53.C 推断题。文章第三段最后一句提到no struggling with knives and forks,由struggling一词可推断,孩子们不擅长使用刀叉吃饭,所以C正确。4 W; \( {9 N4 K6 R' A
  54. C 推断题。文章第三段提到,现在很多人都独自居住,他们不愿意为自己一个人烹制食物,所以C正确。由于题目问的是nowadays的情况,所以可排除强干扰项D。1 w& w  I# V$ j5 h
  55. B 推断题。文章第三段倒数第三句提到sometimes picked up at a drive-in window without even getting out, 由句中的without even getting out 可以推断,drive-in window 是免下窗口,即司机可以不用下车就能拿到食物,所以B正确。
! b) j/ `: R) g- e  56. 语义题。文章第二段第二句意为“只要家庭成员不 准备食物,妇女们就无法完全从家务杂事中解放出来。”由此推断,pitch in with应意为“帮助”,故选C。
2 P* K- i% q- s6 i. z/ b/ p  u  Passage Two
& X! ^7 m( V4 Y# I9 z8 p2 ]  58. C 细节题。由文章第一段第三句With advice from the FBI可知,FBI只是充当顾问,并无经营权,故选C。1 s2 I- s, C/ V$ Q
  59. D 语义题。被考查句原意为“很多公司为了保证网强的速度和可接入性而不顾及网络安全,这让网络犯罪变得非常容易。”言外之意是很多公司更重视网络速度和可接入性,从而遭到了电脑黑客的攻击,所以D正确。
5 Z- r5 H/ z1 D% j* V5 t5 ~! h( S& o/ [  60. B 推断题。虽然文章提到了firewall(防火墙),但并没有说公司不使用防火墙是网络犯罪率升高的原因,故选B。而文章第三段第三句(A项),第二段倒数第二句(C项)和第三段第四句(D项)则分别说明了网络犯罪率上升的原因。

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 09:52:34 | 显示全部楼层


  61. A 推断题。文章第二段第二句指出,黑客攻击的详情会被送到FBI的电脑犯罪科,以确定是否需要对其深究,由此推断,并不是所有的黑客攻击都值得调查,所以A正确。
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