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[四级词汇语法] 2012年12月大学英语四级考试专项练习(词汇)06

发表于 2012-8-14 09:56:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
$ G0 ^! {7 i( H& m2 i. ^& P WORD
, o( K* |2 Q- {  barren /bArEn/:unable to produce young; unproductive
& F( e/ `% U0 u8 p8 v4 X5 Q. x  TYPICAL USE: The barren land could produce little food.- X( r; V, E: W
  Synonym:sterile8 |; {. q' a- F3 W; m
  bump/bQmp/: come with a blow or knock/ j; a1 Y+ X- A- Z* i2 c0 K. u
  TYPICAL USE: The room was dark and I bumped my head against the door.
7 l5 d- C" V2 q5 o/ ^  Synonym: collide
' c7 D7 C) G- r$ t2 Y4 q  p  devise/di vaIz/: think out: plan or contrive9 W% s7 S, d+ N* c8 K
  TYPICAL USE: He devised new method for teaching the blind.
6 ?9 F. O) k6 R/ B: X  Synonym: invent
* x- ^& g. F  D- N  exert/ig zEt/: put into use: exercise
$ u4 T  }4 e6 l, l5 G; [  TYPICAL USE: My wife’s exert lots of pressure on me to change my job.
8 l% i; u1 q! W) m' W  Synonym: use
  M4 [8 ^& _$ v+ a  oath/EJW/: a solemn promise often calling upon God
- J9 [5 `5 D: T  TYPICAL USE: He places the right hand on the Bible as he spoke the oath of the office
7 n, K8 P% T" ~/ s3 c  Synonym: pledge
6 K  ^" l  G. k4 a+ z- Q$ @  shatter/FAtE/: destroy completely; break suddenly into pieces, u0 W5 j3 F9 C) L
  TYPICAL USE: Their hope of finding him alive was shattered when his dead body was found.: b! g* S" l. B' l$ a
: u- E* h# |. q. a% J  Exercise:用今天所学单词的适当形式填空3 [+ I. P9 y2 @$ w
  Our hopes for a picnic was __1__by a heavy rain.
; ]7 L7 ^/ t9 s5 f5 W2 J( ~( N  The boy is trying to__2__a scheme to earn more money during the vacation.# ^0 H( F9 I9 o3 O5 ]7 F2 }" o
  Exposure to radioactivity may make animals and plants __3__.' p% |4 O& R( r- s
  He made a(an) __4__that he would tell the truth and nothing but the truth.
- q/ K4 P4 o# H- }; C  She couldn’t open the door, even by__5__ all her strength
, p3 }( I/ s) n9 x  答案:# g# o( d& e$ f6 b" o3 n* l5 ]
  1.shattered$ _4 J" e7 l+ o  C' R  ?! q7 b
  2.devise- i7 G& W( C& z& M+ k
  3.barren4 j4 W3 w, e% m4 B
& }* h. q9 {* p  5.exerting

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