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[四级词汇语法] 2012年12月大学英语四级考试专项练习(词汇)10

发表于 2012-8-14 09:56:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
! h% E$ V  w6 X; Y( d9 G  Word
$ b2 y2 b- k% p( {9 ]. N5 E  annoy: make somewhat angry by repeated acts; disturb; bother
. D9 w1 [; j  J. t2 @  TYPICAL USE: The baby is always annoying his sister by pulling her hair.
; {6 q) ?6 c( e- x. A: w  l  n: annoyance6 `6 @8 h( r8 j. a3 _) [
  celebrate:observe a special day in the proper activities8 W/ @- S& N) U* u& g' t, u! n
  TYPICAL USE: We celebrated Christmas with trees and presents.! T, Q, K7 J  q# B* G
  n: celebration& F: s+ S/ R* ~8 c& [4 X
  predetermine: determine or decide before hand
  V% E- J7 Z- w9 R4 j* q  TYPICAL USE: Some people believe that man’s destiny is predetermined.- B4 F6 t, s. o
  adj: predeterminate
1 B1 d$ e1 o6 r( t  utilize:make good use of; put to some practice use7 ^2 _+ J2 D# _6 ?' {; V
  TYPICAL USE: How can we utilize his knowledge and skill to our advantage?, q( _  F" Y. T! ?
  n: utility考试用书
' o  W# b& M) p( A  U: L9 h  foresee: see or know beforehand
  H. d' y" w! J+ |  I$ I9 K, n. v  TYPICAL USE: It is impossible to foresee whether she’ll be well enough to come home from hospital next month.6 |( x. K: H3 F
  adj: foreseeable# l* D2 u% }+ s0 h. h+ E6 f
  The color of a person’s eye is__1__ by that of his parents’.
) N* P% l# X  {: G# U  It’s very dangerous to__2__ the bull with a red rag.8 s' e9 S7 q4 z$ P. s& J
  It’s your birthday tomorrow, so we must__3__ it.  [/ ^9 a+ h4 ]8 ^" B
  We didn’t take the bathing suit, because we could__4__that the water would be cold.1 |# }+ e# j+ i- F
  He passed the exam, he could__5__ all his spare time for study.
5 o) n0 ~! I/ D3 k4 T) [; S$ _  答案:4 I! K2 ?2 P  l( T& h8 P1 `" D" h6 e
  1. predetermined v.预先决定8 z# X( C- w+ E1 e
  2. annoy v.骚扰; R0 K* r& h' O) c+ D" {5 p, k
  3. celebrate v.庆祝, J0 x2 M2 g4 a0 u) ?. v
  4.foresee v.预见1 r+ j- S& x9 K- L; L9 \
  5 utilize v.利用

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