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[四级词汇语法] 2012年12月大学英语四级考试专项练习(词汇)07

发表于 2012-8-14 09:56:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
8 k3 a/ O# f1 [) x- _. U Word- p5 s9 J$ F9 V" A9 Q
  intrigue: a secret plan or activity; plot; scheme 阴谋
% f, k3 ?) M* L) ]: q/ c  TYPICAL USE: The king’s younger brother took part in the intrigue to make himself king.+ A! x  D6 \0 E$ n% g# B3 T
  Synonym: conspiracy
; _( ~# [) y2 O8 ^! d4 e& o  postpone: delay action until a later time; defer; delay 延期
! c3 d. z1 W1 |( G, b$ T  TYPICAL USE :They had to postpone their trip because of rain.# Y/ E, h( x# n9 F/ A8 z* \
  Synonym: adjourn8 T" y8 k1 }  S5 u* a' }
  refuge: a protected, safe place; protection from danger 避难所,避难5 y" W7 F' f' V/ g0 `1 C
  TYPICAL USE: The cat took refuge from the dog behind a tree.
! a5 U0 z/ t& G' v4 ?- Z4 \" \  Synonym: shelter
) G. r3 r( h5 m$ y  regain: get a procession of again恢复
. L5 |( g+ Q2 q0 I  e9 N  TYPICAL USE: It took her a long time to regain her health.
  f4 M3 j  {0 r" J* O* n  Synonym :recover4 i, A) x" A: w8 G
  tease: make fun of a person unkindly or playfully; harass 嘲弄$ J1 Y  O* A9 L8 @+ \1 m1 d
  TYPICAL USE: At school, the other children always teased me because I was fat.
( d* x4 d. Q: y( w* h/ s2 g) q  Synonym: vex% t" m/ u" T# _5 _6 Q1 p3 E1 H
  tilt:(cause to) slope or slant; lean 倾斜) G( j- @' e/ J, i: h' f
  TYPICAL USE: He tilted his chair back too far and fell on the floor.中 华 考 试 网
1 h6 C6 t. m/ n* }$ e0 H7 E  Synonym: incline
2 D% X3 P4 C( S$ u  A thunderstorm forced him to take __1__at a hut- Y6 K0 R1 ~6 u+ Y: h
  Marked by melodramatic __2__ and often espionage
, I1 E2 j1 X2 D3 @8 K5 i  The commander decided to__3__ the big push until the spring; R5 D+ U% S% N0 F: \, F
  __4__the barrel forward to empty it2 r2 i- y! m8 b& L+ B4 c
  I tried to __5__my balance but I fell off the jetty and into the drink.8 y" E; H; G) y
  The other boys used to__6__ him because about his accent.
7 v+ R! a. X5 W5 m. e& N5 ], _+ w  答案:7 C$ t3 z! [( S. q/ U2 r8 W
, \# w7 _. Z, c3 n  2.intrigue5 x1 W4 ^6 L" s: k6 \3 N
  3.postpone: F0 E1 D( \7 h: l6 W' _- c
  4.Tilt% b" L. \( L& T' z; s/ `3 B
# X8 g9 g8 ]: C0 e% k  6.tease

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