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[四级词汇语法] 2012年12月大学英语四级考试专项练习(词汇)08

发表于 2012-8-14 09:56:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
, h% H; x3 _1 E+ N- ] Word
# v. @: U  I$ U8 m0 u/ @  absurd : so unreasonable as to be laughable; silly; ridiculous
) ]0 n3 D- d+ B6 Z. E( [: `) F  TYPICAL USE: His belief that he was too clever to be caught in his wrongdoing was absurd.
4 ~+ {+ |- {$ ]  Antonym: reasonable
& S! Y7 m. u6 b3 r  thrive: grow or develop well; grow rich, prosper
6 Y( D1 U8 E9 ]' `: u  TYPICAL USE: Most flowers will not thrive without water and sunshine.3 a5 |& F( {0 b! J% \+ C
  Antonym: decline4 ^$ @1 H9 J; ~2 d1 K, Y
  stale: not longer fresh: uninteresting
( t( Y; Y4 t5 _$ w# v" W  TYPICAL USE: There was only a piece of stale cake left in the refrigerator.. d8 n6 Z6 D# |
  Antonym: fresh. c$ f$ e; }: y, j% W( c
  incorrect:not correct; contains errors or mistakes
1 t2 v- L4 X% V- B. b  TYPICAL USE: The newspaper gave an incorrect account of the traffic accident.
8 |) B0 c: F0 ?& i$ j# W, t6 Z  Antonym: accurate
- s" J$ y, l- d7 N+ G( L  wholesale:the sale of goods in a large quantity at a time
' q' |2 b( p  e4 H  TYPICAL USE: They buy at wholesale and sell at retail3 w# {* g; Q' C7 G" c
  Antonym: retail
+ \; |/ L* Q; `! B" p- F8 y  massive:of great size; large and heavy.
9 B! K; c$ s9 Q' E0 A  TYPICAL USE: The house was built on a massive rock.www.ExamW.CoM" r8 I) Y7 _0 T( v
  Antonym: tiny( y0 T( H4 D' d" e) h" |" b6 f
  The__1__ price of this coat is20, the retail price is 24.
. _/ A- s* a* c' n. H  U$ O* `/ K+ O1 z  The idea of number 13 brings bad luck is __2__.3 z3 J* `# @+ m! a) U8 Y# p# E+ {# m
  He made a __3__joke that I had heard more than 10 times before.
, _: u" i) _* N% T) Z  It is__4__ to say that the Korean language is related to Chinese.5 X& S9 W, G5 y- ~
  Many insects, such as mosquitoes and flies,__5__ in a warm, damp climate.& z1 v/ G1 W  |" n8 t
  The wedding got__6__ media coverage.
. k* U5 Q/ A- ?8 {  答案:6 h/ p" @4 L  b" S& I* i
  1.wholesale n.批发
8 E2 k: |) y, e! X  2.absurd adj.荒谬的3 `* B( P  K$ f" \7 n
  3.stale adj. 不新鲜的: p) M, h9 o* n
  4.incorrect adj.不正确的
; l% [1 N9 u+ x0 X2 |& D% g" X3 R. h  5.thrive v.茂盛
& a2 x4 B+ U; r: P  6.massive adj.巨大的

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