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[四级完型] 2010年12月英语四级考试完形填空提高练习(10)

发表于 2012-8-14 10:05:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 Today the car is the most popular sort of transportation in all of the United States.It has completely __1__ the horse as a __2__ of everyday transportation. Americans use their car for __3__ 90% of all __4__ business.Most Americans are able to __5__ cars.The average price of a __6__ made car was ,050 in 1950, ,470 in 1960 and up to ,750 __7__ 1975.During this period American car manufacturers set about __8__ their products and work efficiency.As aresult, the yearly income of the __9__ family increased from 1950 to 1975 __10__ than the price of cars.For this reason __11__ a new car takes a smaller __12__ of a familys total earnings today.In 1951 __13__ it took 8.1 months of an average familys __14__ to buy a new car. In 1962 a new car __15__ 8.3 of a familys annual earnings, by 1975 it only took 4.75 __16__ income.In addition, the 1975 cars were technically __17__ to models from previous years.The __18__ of automobile extends throughout the economy __19__ the car is so important to American.Americans spend more money __20__ keeping their cars running than on any other item.( x) a; v; b* X3 J& E$ v1 g
  1.A.denied B.reproduced C.replaced D.ridiculed% V, l: k! q- u& W6 d6 ^
  2.A.means B.mean C.types D.kinds$ B/ S' Z; S2 l/ b
  3.A.hardly B.nearly C.certainly D.somehow" Q& y3 S7 }# T, t  F! @- P
  4.A.personal B.personnel C.manual D.artificial
/ E* u1 Q2 i, n  5.A.buy B.sell C.race D.see$ j' c# S7 L8 U) a! }
  6.A.quickly B.regularly C.rapidly D.recently
' c9 S; u1 K& P4 a# _. G+ s  7.A.on B.in C.before D.after# F& @; K' x) ~1 ~) U( k1 Q: }6 X
  8.A.raising B.making C.reducing D.improving
4 I* s( u, o6 L6 p' n5 C; j9 [  9.A.unusual B.smallest C.average D.biggest; f) x. ^  v6 {9 u
  10.A.slower B.equal C.faster D.less
# s( ~. {* h4 `1 v  11.A.bringing B.obtain C.bought D.purchasing
- l2 m  y8 B) s+ m+ L4 J: J  12.A.part B.half C.number D.quality
! h3 ^" ~* Z. c  Y: v( _  13.A.clearly B.proportionally C.percentage D.suddenly  P  @# E. {! m
  14.A.income B.work C.plans D.debts
. `/ {% ~& r4 n6 H* t  15.A.used B.spent C.cost D.needed  W: j; J# R! B5 Z. @2 D
  16.A.months B.years C.family D.year/ D) _- C4 O/ b: w& N
  17.A.famous B.superior C.fastest D.better. P& X2 a1 K1 _  f) i
  18.A.running B.notice C.influence D.affect
: s/ B8 B) b! e/ ~( p8 V. w- e  19.A.then B.as C.so D.which  }7 m6 g: y3 V% f1 {: b
  20.A.to B.in C.of D.for' p+ j; m. q+ Q' Q) R( M6 ~

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 10:05:13 | 显示全部楼层


8 B" b, G# c3 ^# `4 @+ t  【解析】本句意为:汽车取代了马,成为日常交通工具。replace“取代”;deny“否定、否认”;reproduce“复制”;ridicule“嘲笑”。故选replace。$ h! f3 r$ p, X/ _. j
2 f' F- A: F7 z. B: |* |  【解析】句意见上题。means指“工具”,复数形式作单数理解,其他几项不符合句意。
' u1 T* r9 o7 L7 T5 V3 [  3.【答案】B【解析】nearly“接近”;hardly“几乎不”;certainly“肯定”;somehow“设法”。接近90%符合句意。% a1 ^: I) a  g2 E0 R
  4.【答案】A% O6 f; \3 R; g1 Y  }# f; C  T& j
  【解析】personal“个人的”;personnel“人事的”;manual“手工的”;artificial“人造的”。本句意为:美国人使用汽车百分之九十是为了个人的业务。1 t( S# r6 v+ ^
  5.【答案】A3 g, O' {5 \" R' Z0 A& j5 s
- t5 I; A/ [- j7 M5 w; V. x  6.【答案】B
& A7 @4 E# R1 s8 q: J# K. S  【解析】根据上下文这里应该是指“有规律”的生产。" i2 }) f1 o+ K0 K5 `# g4 P7 z
4 n0 u( J. R2 ?! g& M4 e* N$ @8 J- V  【解析】指的是在1975年,与前面的in 1950对应。)7 r! K5 U6 a$ t- s3 J& p
# e( m: ~% i4 _8 ]6 L: w7 A  【解析】本句的意思是“汽车生产商开始改进产品,提高效率”,只有improve“改进”符合句意。Raise提高; make制造; reduce减少。
: u; b- v6 A4 f7 c2 u. [( M/ b; u  9.【答案】C
& e$ F# J5 A* }: i: @  【解析】根据上下文,只能选average“平均”。Unusual不同寻常的。- z* ~. c0 M. U, X4 ?& y6 b
  10.【答案】C! a9 B9 |4 i0 {1 ^5 Y, C( T- ^
  【解析】本句的意思是“家庭收入的增长速度比汽车价格上涨的速度快”。- J2 L6 `; F. v" B* A0 O
8 G( }* c7 \& ~  【解析】本句缺主语,只有A和D可作主语,但A项的意思不符。purchasing“购买”,符合句意。
' ]7 ~- }  }0 T, a1 g  12.【答案】A
9 T) b) w4 ?4 P/ A) i: S& V! K  【解析】本句指的是家庭收入较小的一部分,不是指具体的数目。$ Z  Q9 x; g1 X
  13.【答案】B) R: E, M4 }; k7 C! Y- F
: M; p& f5 e8 i* \; \  14.【答案】A! b5 T/ h: E8 \0 T0 n9 D
  【解析】本句指的是家庭收入,只有income符合句意。" c8 |. p" O5 K* M, t- P. d' C5 W% w
, s5 [9 S0 O( M. H4 n  【解析】在表示某物花费某人多少钱的意思时,若物为主语,动词要用cost。
9 L5 N6 |9 |, W1 c4 w  16.【答案】A+ }2 r8 I- Q3 X& u: q" J' ~4 F3 R2 l
  【解析】本句指的是4.75个月的收入。8 o, k( Q1 p8 U+ e
: N# S/ j. W1 t  【解析】本句意为在1975年出产的汽车在工艺上比前些年出产的各种型号的汽车优越。be superior to“比……优越”;be better后面要接than;famous“著名的”;fastest“最快的”。
1 k" O/ b0 V0 I" a2 T: l/ _  18.【答案】C
% i, i' R( Z- i  【解析】本句意为汽车的影响涉及整个经济。influence“影响”;affect是动词,不符合语法;running和notice不符合句意。0 c8 I8 j' k* H# w* P! L( l4 z3 I
- |% S! ^% j2 j& {  【解析】这里as引导原因状语从句。
- j( k+ p1 I, @; F* f  20.【答案】B! T5 N7 u6 c2 j( c' s% l
  【解析】spend (in) doing sth.是固定搭配。
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