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[四级完型] 2011英语四级考试:完形填空题集中训练(9)

发表于 2012-8-14 10:05:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  As the place circled over the airport, everyone sensed that something was wrong. The plane was moving unsteadily through the air, and __71__ the passengers had fastened their seat belts, they were suddenly __72__ forward. At that moment, the air-hostess __73__. She looked very pale, but was quite __74__. Speaking quickly but almost in a whisper, she __75__ everyone that the pilot had __76__ and asked if any of the passengers knew anything about machines—or at __77__ how to drive a car. After a moment’s __78__, a man got up and followed the hostess into the pilot’s cabin.* K& ^( \; R2 i  X+ Q
  Moving the pilot __79__, the man took his seat and listened carefully to the __80__ instructions that were being sent by radio from the airport __81__. The plane was now dangerously close __82__ the ground, but to everyone’s __83__, it soon began to climb. The man had to __84__ the airport several times in order to become __85__ with the controls of the plane. __86__ the danger had not yet passed. The terrible __87__ came when he had to land. Following __88__, the man guided the plane to ward the airfield. It shook violently __89__ it touched the ground and then moved rapidly __90__ the runway and after a long run it stopped safely.
. @! W) n) O& r/ m  71. A) although B) while C) therefore D) then" r) m+ A& d/ @5 W
  72. A) shifted B) thrown C) put D) moved
( J+ d8 V- t8 U; }5 A# U9 |  73. A) showed B) presented C) exposed D) appeared% ~; g$ M/ T, o/ Y. V
  74. A) well B) still C) calm D) quiet& B0 K5 s$ W) j2 ^+ ]
  75. A) inquired B) insured C) informed D) instructed; V+ [! p$ C. N0 }5 o! ^# ]
  76. A) fallen B) failed C) faded D) fainted& R  U6 A0 T" s
  77. A) best B) least C) length D) first
) `( K8 ~" m; Y& [2 m- U  [1 H8 Q  78. A) hesitation B) surprise C) doubt D) delay
. |" M0 M; h: c# D% w7 D  79. A) back B) aside C) about D) off
2 a5 S  \# w' K( c. x  80. A) patient B) anxious C) urgent D) nervous
# b5 g. _' x# n8 t; V  81. A) beneath B) under C) down D) below7 k1 U  |" j4 j
  82. A) to B) by C) near D) on
0 l0 _& Y+ i5 D' C  83. A) horror B) trust C) pleasure D) relief
; P& H7 q" r2 z; t: \+ N  84. A) surround B) circle C) observe D) view/ k+ r. _# [# V+ X
  85. A) intimate B) familiar C) understood D) close
; Y, q3 ~$ s( L9 j7 O  86. A) Then B) Therefore C) But D) Moreover7 G9 s3 g% ^) `2 k) j
  87. A) moment B) movement C) idea D) affair( a( q7 P$ K6 e! m' R3 a" c! ~) p
  88. A) impression B) information C) inspections D) instructions
+ T+ i+ J  ^% s" M# m( D  89. A) as B) unless C) while D) so' p3 V7 j; {' {- J6 Z& O$ F, R
  90. A) around B) over C) along D) above: f, }2 e, s5 V
  答案:71-75 ABBCC 76-80 DBABC 81-85 DADBB 86-90 CADAC

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