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[四级完型] 2012年大学英语四级模拟试题23

发表于 2012-8-14 10:05:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
5 ~4 T$ h3 ~5 W. l) r7 j2 t) s, z6 W
 Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked [A ], [ B ], [ C ] and [D] on the right side of the paper. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. 转自:考试网 - [Examw.Com]
) {: D: K9 r/ c6 s5 ^: {7 k" G: x  注意:此部分试题请在答题卡2上作答。 # [$ f. G: C( a. u
  Reading involves looking at graphic symbols and formulating mentally the sounds and ideas they represent. Concepts of reading have changed 6_7__ over the centuries. During the 1950s and 1960s especially, increased attention has been devoted to 68 and describing the reading process. 69 specialists agree that reading 70 a complex organization of higher mental 71 , they disagree 72 the exact nature of the process. Some experts, who regard language primarily as a code using symbols to represent sounds, 73 reading as simply the decoding of symbols to the sounds they stand 74 . These authorities 75 that meaning, being concerned with thinking, must be taught independently of the decoding process. Others maintain that reading is 76 related to thinking, and that a child who pronounces sounds without 77 their meaning is not truly reading. The reader, 78 to some, is not just a person with a theoretical ability to read but one who 79 reads. Many adults, although they have the ability to read, have never read a book in its 80 . By some experts they would not be 81 as readers. Clearly, the philosophy, objectives, methods and materials of reading will depend on the definition one uses. By the most 82 and satis- factory definition, reading is the ability to 83 the sound- symbols’ code of the language, to interpret meaning for various 84 , at various rates, and at various levels of difficulty, and to do 85 widely and enthusiastically. 86 short, reading is the interpretation of ideas through the use of symbols representing sounds and ideas.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 10:05:13 | 显示全部楼层


 67. . P/ N$ {" q5 X$ B% J7 A4 b! J. {
  [A] substantively + l; Y( p( [) f% f) R$ |
  [B] substantially 转自:考试网 - [Examw.Com]5 n6 Y6 s$ m8 O: O4 V, M9 B" ?
  [C] substitutively / E+ g+ d3 R% }
  [D] subjectively 9 Y$ P7 y" M  w
  68. & C/ z- k! X9 }9 f7 K
  [A] distributing
8 e$ R7 E. t8 p& ], z  [B] promoting
4 H! D; p! K/ E" h& m9 E( ]  [C] defining 7 t9 M. m5 n. t- y" J
  [D] reporting 2 [" x6 q# x/ `: E5 g
- k- k$ L- o+ C8 J1 j. ?8 M  [A] Although
0 A0 s% Z9 K* \  [B] If 2 e7 l" i* U7 u; E6 l9 s" m! u' L
  [C] Unless ! F" v- \- L% G9 N6 F, Q. ^; [5 Z2 [# z
  [D] Until
" ~6 m8 k( v% ]$ Q  70.
' O) a. s1 o6 N( E/ r  [A] involves
" P7 Q, f( N  j6 m  [B] takes - y$ Y/ f" s6 v4 Z
  [C] reveals
  v9 S7 x3 `# J; k9 [! O* B  [D] invites ! X* u! e3 l/ \! b4 a: D% `3 |  ]
  71. 1 R* t' m5 `; z% H& a+ g" S: y
  [A] opinions
2 }7 O% d! ^& V& ?; E1 o3 Q' D  [B] effects # G1 `- i) L! }  L7 i
  [C] manners
1 q) o: w- h; U5 {& w  [D] functions
$ g6 _. h% M+ X) s+ l  r  72.
! v  o" T2 `3 C9 c2 k' y  [A] of
- J! O- \6 N" Y; S, h/ y  [B] about
" I. y  v/ f; M8 C4 E4 {  [C] for www.Examw.com
: C8 D5 U1 h" b: G/ r5 F; V. P  [D] into
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 10:05:14 | 显示全部楼层


 73. % l& c, y# `2 D4 Q- ^
  [A] view
3 T7 K9 A3 V5 H5 B3 z& f  [B] look
% F- Y. J+ Y; [  [C] reassure 7 c# l" l' P( b; ^4 ]; b" h
  [D] agree : H8 |* {8 p; S: ]9 M& N# R# @/ j
  74. % {! O3 s4 k8 H& k# j
  [A] by % L+ z5 l9 o% p
  [B] to
- i; G& |1 ^7 v2 g3 D% _* s  [C] off
  \( Y! P4 y+ T% `  [D] for
, \2 d$ y5 J+ J/ Z: I/ s$ {0 b3 r  75.
9 }. R  @# c0 z  [A] content ) E# U: V2 R1 G/ ]) v( S
  [B] contend
, v' [1 \+ n" [5 e$ a2 d  [C] contempt
0 C( Z% e0 c$ E) f, |  [D] comact % [: B/ U2 F9 L3 ^
7 Q4 X6 z. d0 P0 @$ {6 M/ D  [A] inexplicably
1 N& i, V3 q# x9 `1 d0 w  [B] inexpressibly
4 a6 b) v2 A! B! g4 p$ b+ \  [C] inextricably
( d) g# {* O4 W) Z" r  [D] inexpediently 1 j: P3 b2 U7 y# ~
  77. 考试用书
1 M4 E. k* C$ [) Z  [A] interpreting
; z) |) Y+ |# }/ i$ D, m  [B] telling + ]' k# J; S4 t3 F" P; Y
  [C] explaining
; J9 i! y$ K' Y* n0 X% r0 K+ `$ g  [D] reading
2 P: Q; H" ?+ L" H- X4 G( u  78.
+ z; q/ d. `0 t3 u, S  [A] like
0 I9 _) t  R# y; v  y  [B] for
8 W/ x/ t2 R: a+ Z2 L' [# l" I2 k  [C] according 0 V; h/ Q( Q+ y# o3 l
  [D] as
. y+ Z* x) ^& A/ f6 h  79. $ H3 w) {; s: ~# P/ C1 J
  [A] totally
9 ]1 }1 O' S- M, @% [! l  [B] usually
5 V' k2 A8 N. x1 x. d- Z, b  [C] mainly / I' O/ D. K, p0 c. }4 p# `
  [D] actually
& o2 J7 t6 y; l- @3 X  o  80. 8 P) s8 X$ l7 G* a
  [A] part
$ A3 P& ~! }, d* |% v4 ]  [B] entirety
1 o. L; w* B. n) e- p6 B  o+ Y  [C] chapter + m: B( y2 i7 {) o+ ^
  [D] section
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 10:05:15 | 显示全部楼层


 81. ! C8 T7 H; c8 N. U+ z0 w% x9 Z) |2 z
  [A] claimed 中华考试网
( g6 ^' T" G  b5 v$ V  [B] said
% o" B: V+ p: P; F& q  [C] classified
: a# U. S& r% n% I( ~  [D] graded   L/ A& v( s  b4 q9 y% G
" q9 c5 ]* }, G  [A] inclusive 8 j" m) O. g3 Z, r
  [B] inclinable 2 ~% S/ }- v+ `$ [6 Z
  [C] conclusive
6 f( c6 T8 L0 x' E3 i5 m6 ?  [D] complicated
1 W! I0 q/ ~9 A2 b0 S  83. 6 ?( T/ \6 a1 w% D7 @; V
  [A] break
* `) T6 d$ R. D5 j. Q5 @  [B] elaborate
: k% o9 |  S3 q. z  Z  [C] define & K, ^( a3 z3 E# b3 x
  [D] unlock
9 c6 ^3 A! U5 R; o' Z  84.
/ |+ K$ U4 b7 }) G" h+ h0 c  [A] purposes
" g$ D/ D' o. n& z, e4 `  [B] degrees
! a8 n7 u  M3 l) F( R  [C] stages , U6 k/ v% i2 h5 Y; n1 ]
  [D] steps # V! b8 W0 R- t, |
  85. 6 g2 c; C7 q' A/ A6 ]; ?
  [A] such
8 r$ h+ d( c9 M4 x. G  [B] so as
( ^/ l( u% R0 o' S, p5 |  [C] so * @8 m4 v& L1 w& o% \4 L) r$ h: B
  [D] such as
  V% Z! T2 r- J! c- ^  86.
* Y3 Z2 S4 j- v4 X! _  [A] By % j! q4 a0 U* Z0 z6 `3 H2 L
  [B] In
! a( l1 [2 M! N; z. f# [5 u' O. N  [C] On
5 h3 G! i% D5 g/ y9 @  [D] To
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 10:05:16 | 显示全部楼层


 文章精要 : b) N$ e2 y$ f: J9 i: j6 h
  几个世纪以来人们对阅读的理解发生了翻天覆地的变化。专家认为阅读是一种破译文字所代表的深层含义的复杂的思维过程,仅仅将文字读出来不是真正的阅读。 中 华 考 试 网
' e1 S0 e  `4 d$ X3 z  67.B词义辨析题。substantively意为“实质地”,substantially意为“充分地,很多地”,substantively意为“可替代地”,subjectively意为“主观地”。本句的意思是“经过几个世纪,阅读的概念已经改变了。”选项B与句意最符。 0 ^) @7 ?3 X( a# a" S
  68.C介词用法题。本句中的to是介词,应该接名词或动名词。结合其后and describing the reading process可知,应选C。
; E  w; x, R9 U2 R  69.A词义辨析题。两个分句的谓语分别是agree和disagree,由此可知,这两个分句应为转折关系,故选A。 , A+ x$ L2 g" ?4 y6 W2 {
  S1 ]6 a$ T$ E: y' {  71.D词义辨析题。mental function意为“智力活动”,故选D。opinion意为“意见”,manner意为“行为”,effect意为“影响”,这三项与mental搭配均不符合句意,故排除。
" ?% j6 C9 X; t' h/ ~; w  72.B惯用搭配题。disagree about/on意为“对……有不同意见”,故选B。 9 F; D; F. p2 [/ G3 i$ B
  73.A惯用搭配题。view…as是惯用搭配,意为“把……看做”,故选A。look是不及物动词,如需使用,应用look at。 : X" K. c7 P8 m: ?, s& Q' [# D2 X
  74.D惯用搭配题。stand for意为“代表”,stand by意为“支持”,stand to意为“遵守”,stand off意为“疏远”,结合句意可知,D正确。
" N4 F( U  A8 h+ }" t3 S3 _2 ^  75.B词义辨析题。content意为“内容”,contend意为“争论,主张”,contemp意为“轻视”,contact意为“接触”,结合句意可知,B正确。 ) i9 N- k( G9 d% b% t! k0 U0 B0 l
- s# y# A+ B, s0 K5 H  77.A词义辨析题。本句意为“一个孩子能读出声而不所读的含义,不能叫做真正的阅读。”故选A(了解,理解)。explain意为“解释”,真正的阅读并不需要去解释什么,而是要理解所读材料的意思。
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 10:05:17 | 显示全部楼层


 78.C词义辨析题。some在句中指代与authorities持不同观点的人,空格与后面的to some共同构成插入语,according to为固定搭配,该插入语意为“根据有些人的观点”,故选C。 来自www.Examw.com7 V3 s% D2 [3 u0 W) a3 x& a
' ^* i5 R* J: r4 c5 Q  80.B词义辨析题。part意为“部分,零件”,entirety意为“整体”,chapter意为“章”,section意为“部分,节”,in its entirety意为“整体地,全面地”,由此可知B正确。
! G; A$ G8 D# A/ j0 L* `# O+ c6 E. W  81.C词义辨析题。be classified as意为“被划分,被分类到”,符合句意,故选C。
  M6 P% a3 e5 V7 L5 I* H9 C9 U  82.C词义辨析题。conclusive意为“确定的”,the most conclusive是其最高级,指最确定的,故选C。inclusive意为“包括的,包围的”,inclinable意为“倾向于,赞成的”,complicated意为“复杂的”,均不符合句意。
% V" u# ~  \7 A5 `) \4 @  83.D词义辨析题。unlock意为“解开,破译”,符合句意,故选D。break意为“破裂”,elaborate意为“详细说明”,define意为“解释”,均不符合句意。
0 v5 E/ O8 O) k. }5 W  m+ I  84.A词义辨析题。由句意“为了不同的而对意思进行解释”,可知A正确。for various purposes意为“出于各种各样的原因”。
3 C2 G4 c9 m" L: u  85.C词义辨析题。so用在do之后代表上文提到的具体动作,以避免重复,故选C。
: R4 I: t. \6 Q* s, N  *考点
6 U7 a$ {1 _. @# `; \" ?  ●so常用在believe,hope,suppose,tell,say,do之后用以代指前文,避免重复,如:Is he coming? I believe so.他来吗?我想他能来。/I’m not sure if I’ll succeed,but I certainly hope so.我不知道自己能不能成功,当然我希望能成功。
& V0 f3 O$ Q# J3 b  ●such作代词时多作主语,指上面说的情况,如:Such was the situation we were facing.这就是我们所处的形势。/Such were his words.他就是这么说的。
3 d/ H# A! Y8 k5 k9 [  86.B惯用搭配题。结合上下文可知,此处要做总结,四个选项中只有B能和short构成短语in short(总之)。 </p>
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