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[六级听力] 2011英语六级讲义与笔记:听力(十四)

发表于 2012-8-14 10:13:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
[P49-Two]3 b. n$ Q& B/ J/ B
15. A) How to handle spiders.
/ D1 z# C0 b0 \      B) Spiders in the United States.
/ ?" |- |- f. v2 Q. D7 s8 q) g3 A      C) People' s fear of spiders.
* \* d( ]2 T6 w% E+ D' B2 G      D) A special kind of spider.
* w+ Y( n/ m, g# l16. A) Most spiders will not bite even when handled.
8 J1 s0 C9 r9 ~6 `" y" Q( a      B) Most spiders are poisonous and dangerous.
0 l% e5 \. C: F$ }2 \* s# m      C) Most spiders are likely to attack people.6 a/ _( ?) V* a4 t8 |  h5 w
      D) Most spiders have sharp eyes.; `, x- k4 ^, u6 b, K
17. A) Because she cannot find a husband for herself.4 {# a# x' ?! L% _1 M
      B) Because the female spider is larger than the male one.
) T% M# s% v9 a. f  s% J      C) Because the female spider often eats her husband.
+ t* u. S( `1 V4 v      D) Because she is a black female spider.
" {6 k8 g  b7 k# U/ {/ p    You should not fear spiders because of their poison. Of all the spiders in North America, only one kind is really dangerous and most would not bite even if they were handled. They much prefer to run away or to drop to the ground on a thread of silk. Even so, when a spider runs directly toward a person, it gives the impression that it is about to attack. Actually, it cannot see the person in its way. The spider is too short-sighted to see things at a distance. It only wants to go where it will not be disturbed. In the United States one kind of spider is responsible for the frightening reputation of the rest. It is the Black Widow. So called because the female, which is larger than the male, often eats her husband after making love. The Black Widow is found in all states but is most common in the south and the west. She constructs a loose, irregular web under a pile of rowans or near the foundations of buildings where she is seldom disturbed. She is not an attacking spider and many people have proven this by letting her crawl over their hands. When she bites, it is usually in self-defence. In spite of the stories you may have heard, it is rare for a person to be bitten by a Black Widow and even more unusual for the bite to prove fatal. But remember that her poison is powerful and even though she is shy, she should be respected. 0 y. a0 r- e- D  `: k/ {) p
Questions 15 to 17 are based on the passage you have just heard.+ M: ^2 w& W1 w: L5 ?' o8 |( P- \
15. What is this passage mainly about?
) U, b+ r7 y. ^$ i/ L& F8 K16. What do we learn about spiders from the passage?(only, most)
9 z# w) i& w8 B2 e  x/ p; K17. Why is the spider you just heard about called the Black Widow?(because)7 x; C: P% T3 u9 Q+ i
注:You should not fear spiders because of their poison. 否定转移
- @( C5 O# z( G" i0 d段子题:" X- h7 s& S$ o7 P3 ~
. `" v  ]/ \( T. O2、听两头:中心思想# W( u) V. E0 }
% ?- f6 w6 d8 U9 n+ s6 \/ }数字题(客观题):听到什么选什么, b. d( `) w' ~! J: i& y, Z) D( E
中心思想题:文章开头的名词,文章中间的高频词,选项中的小词(development, evolution, formation, invention, new, special, effect)* G1 t+ a: l/ o
细节题:first, most, because, only, just

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 10:13:43 | 显示全部楼层


</p>[P29-Three]: R% w/ K2 x* d" `4 Y
17. A) 17,000.: C7 h4 p: n- m3 ?  P! b. S( R5 V9 ^
      B) 1,700.& Y, d! j  o$ O3 z  ~7 Y9 N
      C) 24.) ?, g: P9 @* m- W8 ?
      D) 9,000.0 ]7 L( G4 P' P+ z4 J
18. A) It's located in a college town.
; f. F( E7 z: ]4 b% M! A) l; S/ D$ x& ?# }0 x      B) It's composed of a group of old buildings.
8 u+ ?; e- C7 m9 z# d$ L+ [      C) Its classrooms are beautifully designed.
/ V/ r, H. v' B      D) Its library is often crowded with students.$ t9 @' l" M/ N. u$ k9 [1 D0 U
19. A) Teachers are well paid at Deep Springs.
/ J# x$ G) {7 H- Z( ?: c( v      B) Students are mainly from New York State.  ]7 A' @* t* h4 d
      C) The length of schooling is two years.
8 D, R/ Q6 c" |) i7 K: G8 K- c- z8 k) [& S      D) Teachers needn't pay for their rent and meals.( V! @3 k0 q$ n. J7 P
20. A) Take a walk in the desert.7 T, U' Y: R4 z7 R
      B) Go to a cinema., M; t  ~& ^7 U4 b
      C) Watch TV programmes.5 d" O4 @+ ^6 h" c& `& w- ?: e' t9 U3 e
      D) Attend a party.; y' e5 B* J) h5 H
    Deep Springs is an American college. It is an unusual college. It is high in the white moun&shy;tains in California not in a college town. The campus is a collection of old buildings with no beau&shy;tiful classrooms. The only college-like thing about Deep Springs is its library. Students can study from the 17,000 books 24 hours a day. The library is never crowded as there are only 24 well-qualified male students at the college. In addition, there are only five full-time professors. These teachers believe in the idea of this college. They need to believe in it. They do not get much mon&shy;ey. In fact, their salaries are only about 9,000 dollars a year plus room and meals. The school gives the young teachers as well as the students something more important than money. "There is no place like Deep Springs," says a second-year student from New York State, "Most colleges to&shy;day are much the same but Deep Springs is not afraid to be different. " He says that students at his college are in a situation quite unlike in the other school. Students are there to learn and they can&shy;not run away from problems. There is no place to escape to. At most colleges, students can close their books and go to a film. They can go out to restaurants or to parties. Deep Springs students have completely different alternatives. They can talk to each other or to their teachers. Another possible activity is to go to the library to study. They might decide to do some work. The student who doesn' t want to do any of these activities can go for a walk in the desert. Deep Springs is far from the world of restaurants and cinemas. There is not even a television set on campus.
$ Z7 f& |9 I" LQuestions 17 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard.. W% p# w& A7 R+ i
17. What is the total number of students at Deep Springs College?
: u7 I4 ~  d7 @1 ], e& U18. What is true of the campus of Deep Springs College?* N- B, u9 M1 d; ?; z
19. Which of the following is mentioned in the passage?" n* J3 f0 A" c  k0 x, @, g+ A  W
20. What can students at Deep Springs do in their spare time?- S; F; e' L. g, r  @. W4 F' a# ~
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