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[六级听力] 2011英语六级讲义与笔记:听力(十八)

发表于 2012-8-14 10:13:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
5 |# S& p/ T' ]+ ]  ]* G. u7 e1、票已售完  2、接人晚点  3、送人伤感
8 |/ Z% ~) Q( S4 b) k! d! `- O9 I态度方向题   建议题   复合式听写
2 ?. F' q% k  P& S5 Q5 sSection A% P$ E+ }$ G2 }7 X0 n. \+ f
1、but 题型(3个)  2、场景题(3个)$ U/ Y- y. R* K* X6 _- A
3、替换题(3个)    4、态度方向题、建议题(1个)3 S9 N, r! G# Y" k
态度方向(Yes or No)题型3 F7 y- H8 y4 r: T! p: J* O
选项中一般有两个相反选项。短对话中第一个人提出一个观点或一个一般疑问句,第二个人的回答Yes or No,后面再进一步解释原因。
3 {) P) h' b9 B表示“Yes”“赞同”的一组词:And...;I'll say;You said it.;You can say that again.;and how;isn't it, though;aren't they, though;You bet.;Of course;Certainly;Indeed;Sure.; _1 Q9 g! T# f! I% h- I1 D- Q* |- k
表示“No”的一组词:Are you kidding/ joking/ serious? No kidding/ joking. Who told you that? Says who/ you? Where did you an idea like that?' B4 t4 Q5 w8 i* z4 j. x1 i
[P25-6]+ y; o" Y# _0 o, ^, i
A) He has little chance to play football.1 v( x+ u3 B% x5 U
B) He often cuts classes to play football.
/ j. i0 t# Q$ s# O, QC) He’s looking for somebody to play the game with.& D0 E6 B( ~2 s3 z* n' x/ b
D) He loves playing football very much.' ]1 u" g6 v( M! R; @% b
W: Hi, Bill. Have you been playing much football lately?! E6 z' d* s7 X' `& H
M: I play as often as I can get out of the classroom. And the game is my way to be somebody. It’s my life, you know?
6 F' A3 k$ [9 Y8 [Q: What does Bill tell the woman?
6 }& H( s/ Z8 c5 e2 n注:1. somebody 了不起的人物,重要人物 big potato0 [/ v; q' D! ~
          nobody 无名小卒 small potato, little potato
: [9 b- t3 u  D& {) ~* x          couch 长沙发;表达
& m$ f' E- K# s" @7 e: ]: R  L          coach 教练,长途车& q# L% K2 ^' r) T3 Y: p8 l+ J" A
          couch potato 喜欢看电视的人

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 10:13:43 | 显示全部楼层


</p>[P25-7]( ]) W; v: J5 \& ?+ a: T0 G/ O2 R0 u
A) Go to the lab for a quick look.  p' s- g" C% c  L9 G) M* o
B) Check on what’s for dinner.
. v" b9 y: ?, ?1 z1 vC) Have a run before they eat.* q& G3 m; E6 r, S
D) Go and see if they have dropped anything in the lab.) r1 Z+ z' r; P5 ^
W: Could we drop by the lab for a minute? I have some experiments running that I need tocheck on before dinner.6 v( `6 M1 U9 [
M: Sure. I have plenty of time. I’d be interested to see what you’re working on, anyway.
5 r! N3 ]" o6 t4 o( `5 }" OQ: What will they do?& S' J% p$ ]" P
注:1. drop by, drop in, drop over 顺便拜访
% c6 a( {3 l: L. G           stop by, stop in, stop over
$ L% z+ }; v* O[P28-7]2 ~- Z6 ~1 h8 `( u
A) No, he missed it.
. |( G0 i1 R- ], x. IB) Yes, he did.
+ T4 i; V# T- x2 N* I: a( OC) No, he didn’t.
5 q* z3 q" I6 z, h5 q& m: j/ g: BD) Yes, he probably did.! C  J0 i+ m6 l' g5 Q
W: Did you watch the game last night?' y+ N' j% ?9 q; ^% [
M: I wouldn' t have missed it for anything!) U8 ^# u3 Q& y5 ]3 s1 A3 M: T
Q: Did the man watch the game last night?
2 f+ \" G( l, {, z+ K注:I wouldn' t have missed it for anything! 用否定的句子表达肯定的含义。
1 P$ i# R3 {) g4 s' q# T4 O       I couldn't agree with you more. 表示同意8 A7 l% x3 Z4 n& H" ]/ G
       could be better 不好
" |! {4 T$ B3 A: c* c* j3 \       couldn't be better 很好: {6 U+ e7 j6 V' x
       could be worse 还不错; ?/ n( t& N  ?1 D* m6 r
       couldn't be worse 糟糕透顶
, r2 g9 u" Q+ a9 m5 x! g- Z  S       -My rent is going to be increased. My motocycle needs repair and I have to go to the dentist.
* m7 a' z" c; l) t- _9 m( b( o3 p7 N$ y' B7 O& W
       -Well, I think things could be worse.(安慰)
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 10:13:44 | 显示全部楼层


</p>[P30-4]9 h) j) n7 }' i4 G' W
A) He knows more than the woman does.
( \; @$ J% p5 h% ?  Y1 FB) What the woman said is true.
: |3 n' b8 K( b0 b+ m* U0 j( ^C) What the woman said is wrong.2 k% ?7 G, H/ Y7 P
D) Some people pretend to know what they really don't.
* v8 [/ [% h8 M( JW: Some people know a lot more than they tell.  ~0 v# S; h% f  e6 b* `
M: Unfortunately the reverse is also true.
! I; t) {7 S6 _& |Q: What does the man mean?: }' {8 O; L9 a; X. v7 C
注:the reverse is also true 反之亦然 =vice versa
! N& i: {1 q1 \[P33-1]
: t! W& d1 R, A. x9 l# H8 FA) No, it's open only to teachers and postgraduates.: O- r' c, N" N: D5 g# a
B) Yes, but he needs the approval by his professor.
6 ~) \4 I+ w& i2 U7 AC) Yes, because he is a senior student.
8 N9 ?5 y- W. F2 w" x1 A; G- P' @D) Yes, he can study there if he is writing a research paper.+ n) r$ ]7 [- Q% ]( m
M: Hello, I'm a senior student. Could you tell me whether this reference room is only for faculty members?
7 Z, c. m, D* d! [; XW: No, it's also open to the postgraduates; and undergraduates can come too if they've got professors' written permission.
6 ]: B% l- e; m! m- Z" JQ: Can the man study in the reference room?
! z9 ?0 i2 T8 M, ?2 S注:faculty members 教职员工总称。faculty 才能   参见[P39-3]
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