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[六级听力] 2011英语六级讲义与笔记:听力(十七)

发表于 2012-8-14 10:13:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
[P27-1]( N. V9 ^, i2 ?  p" a/ H2 u
A) Read four chapters.
" o% P' N- P# \! F0 E" u& j; JB) Write an article.: ?# n8 E" m( t8 C6 }; ^! E$ P
C) Speak before the class.
# A* A6 \' S# G  G. J& \+ OD) Preview two chapters.
# ]* c- ?$ c6 U/ ?  u/ y* b+ j: uW: What is the home assignment from Professor Smith? I missed the class this morning.
9 X% i6 [/ B1 ~# G' ^: sM: Finish reading Chapters 5 and 6, and write an essay based on Chapters 3 and 4. Remember, it's your turn to give a presentation next Monday.
* P4 H. F4 V) _! V2 k3 M* m4 YQ: What will the woman do in addition to the home assignment for the whole class?
0 N7 @: U* n# E) H0 y注:提醒模式:remember, first, today, now (right now)$ b+ G3 ^$ @  ^
: r6 A8 V$ w% \3 f( MA) No medicine could solve the woman’s problem.- `8 W8 `5 Q: z( g. ?2 l- I
B) The woman should eat less to lose some weight.
2 F5 w1 o9 M+ v2 RC) Nothing could help the woman if she ate too little.
. ^' D' a  f3 J5 pD) The woman should choose the right foods.
4 ^$ o6 ^3 `6 R* QM: What did your doctor prescribe for you?
1 y# G) F+ i& ]. \5 M, I1 eW: Well, he said there was no need for me to take any medicine if I ate well-balanced meals.; v" l* O7 }' }' `1 V! Q, A
Q: What did the doctor say?' x9 H4 V7 c9 S; b
5 @5 ~7 v$ t4 Y3 h) N9 A* pA) It's too expensive.
/ h/ U3 q, n$ K! ?B) It isn't needed.
. P* g( p8 t8 b/ z# x$ L+ MC) A college would be better.( ~9 X; ^4 _# g, m- x# i4 n
D) It should be built.
& R9 S2 O0 F/ uM: The city council has finally voted the funds to build a new high school./ H2 X4 w7 u1 O: P* \! w' E) V
W: It's about time they did it. I don't know what took them so long.9 P3 ^2 T/ i$ a
Q: What's the woman's opinion about the school?* Z" U- ]' l2 |, [) g
注:It's about time... 强烈的主观建议,选项中找should
( R; ]# S8 A0 A% V7 ^+ \8 H( B       It's time...
  r4 [( @5 Q7 J% k$ ^0 C       It's right time...
+ @5 L4 h# i: ~9 p$ s) o& f/ m       It's just time...6 s/ `* q1 y' K
       It's high time...

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 10:13:43 | 显示全部楼层


$ [# h# \+ k9 ^+ ~5 z% [A) Jack sold his car./ B$ ~" T  P  Q) \: o1 O
B) Jack's car was stolen.
- {. I$ k. V6 p, t$ O3 @C) Jack bought a new car.: l) ^; l$ @) Q; a/ h! {
D) Jack had a car accident.3 m, w8 X( x/ P# c
M: Last night, Jack left his car parked in front of his girl-friend's house and when he came out to go home, it was gone.
- C1 L( E% w4 u* B3 q3 u- HW: Wow! That's really tough. He just bought it last month, didn't he?
1 M$ B! H& X! c; F' kQ: What do you think happened?
0 T* R; h9 @" g7 E& r8 R% C注:1. 一个完整的句子加个小尾巴都是反义疑问句,其核心是陈述句。; U) a# }6 d2 T, }  q6 q4 @
        2. it was gone 不见了            it was missing + [  I3 O7 y% K0 d- p* P' _7 q5 o
* X" d0 s- ?" j3 MA) To work in the flower beds.
! l$ ^. i: ?/ ^- O  P3 p+ v3 jB) To weed the garden.+ d' Y$ s; o0 n! ]8 T( F5 \
C) To hire a gardener.5 y6 Y4 X* _, g# ^$ l7 j
D) To clean the yard. 7 F$ u; U6 `) z/ [4 v9 A4 c$ N
M: Your yard is always so beautiful, Cathy. You must have a gardener.) V8 x; Q% q; `4 L
W: Oh, no. It would cost at least $ 50 a month to hire someone to do the work, so I do most of it myself. I enjoy taking care of the flowers, but I have to force myself to do the weed&shy;ing and cut the grass.8 P- P  e  z# P4 N! Y+ ~8 w# ?- N! X, m
Q: What does Cathy like to do?+ T- G: C' y/ |4 `2 _; C3 Q& c
注:weed 杂草       grass 草% g, Y$ w" b/ m( t4 ~0 e1 ^
[P31-9]3 Y0 q' g$ q: r/ Q/ F
A) The man thinks the woman is wasting her time. , E0 ^+ [) z2 L5 I! \
B) The man thinks the woman should make full use of her time.
8 n. @3 t- C$ q+ M  DC) The man can wait and there is no need for her to hurry.
. `5 H, E8 X5 k$ ]: L/ t2 U2 WD) The man is eager to know the woman's answer.& D) n1 _6 G( `6 o, ?; y% f  G
W: I have to think about your offer. I can't say "yes" or "no" at the moment.6 E) d3 ?( j* U0 T* x5 Z% o
M: You can take your time.  It will do if you let me know your decision in a day or two.: f% m& A" C" t! c8 E- u; ?
Q: Which of the following is true?; c  D- u, A  N4 n. M4 l5 M
注:1. You can take your time. 不着急。  There's no rush.     What's the rush?
) _% v' u) {% T) e* J9 h3 Y, ]  ~: v# o9 e& b0 P: x7 c& f- [
    2. do =do some good/ work/ help 解决问题,起作用,好用,好使
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 10:13:44 | 显示全部楼层


</p>[P33-2]" y0 y% t# ^9 _7 r; \
A) It was pretty good.
8 Q+ ]2 q" A! M. mB) It was rather dull.
! B! I. g# \5 b6 _9 g. vC) It was not well organized.: n7 n9 x" T8 x# f# T
D) It was attended by many people.- G: }% d' O' \9 h3 r
W: Let's talk about the preparations for the party./ P) B" l5 A) c/ G* l
M: Right. We really need to plan better this time. Remember what a mess it was at the last party!& D2 p/ N5 v# z$ G2 {4 i
Q: What do we know about the last party?
7 B% l7 s0 V+ y注:1. dull (人)笨;(书)boring;(刀)钝       2. mess 乱糟糟
9 n0 ?- t/ ~  Y/ G& C4 }+ |[P36-3]
; S* @5 b5 C, z$ bA) She has to change the time for the trip." J! N1 \6 J. W; V5 E
B) She hasn't decided where to go next month.  s3 }1 M) ]; g0 L$ A& a- m4 [
C) She can't afford the time for the trip.! I, p; r0 V4 A( a' J
D) She will manage to leave this month.! p/ h$ A) e3 I
M: You’re going to make a trip to San Francisco, aren’t you?
5 w3 O4 g! {* \2 FW: Yes. But I haven’t got the plane ticket yet. I’m thinking of postponing the trip to next month since this is the busiest month for the airlines.   {' d; t* L6 D- m
Q: What do we know about the woman from this conversation?# y& S7 V2 `1 i8 H6 O1 _8 X
注:trip 旅行;摔跟头
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