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[六级听力] 2012年大学英语六级听力冲刺训练(06)

发表于 2012-8-14 10:13:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
' a( L" Z- N6 a0 J$ e& p
+ I3 ]4 t9 h$ I1 u+ l' f1 x; \" t  ?" X5 J7 `. q0 w
  Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you' ve just heard:
5 x; x1 ?6 Y) [8 c; W. A& i  19. What' stheman' s problem?8 h' Z0 T, Z& V  d* J+ y
  20. Why did the hotel clerk say they didn' t have any rooms for that night?
& T" f% t  B! h' s( W  21. What did the clerk say about the breakfast in the hotel?
- D0 K# T) f( L  u  T3 h& ~  22. What did the man imply he would do at the end of the conversation?
* b8 z1 o5 c  B; v2 ~  Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.. \7 z8 ]6 I4 m" n8 L
  23. A) An employee in the city council at Birmingham.0 h* j7 P! m; D+ `# u3 G$ c+ B% x9 ^
  B) Assistant Director of the Admissions Office.
' Z" d. z& g3 ^& U7 r& v4 t+ N* |  C) Head of the Overseas Students Office.9 Y/ ]/ c9 e1 `! h4 X5 x( m
  D) Secretary of Birmingham Medical School.7 u5 x* T0 u: }, W
  24. A) Nearly fifty percent are foreigners.' [  o/ ^" D9 }% c% y8 w
  B) About fifteen percent are from Africa.' T" |4 o0 ^3 {- K$ i
  C) A large majority are from Latin America." h& K- L! |# M7 l5 O& \5 t2 D
  D) A small number are from the Far East.
4 [* S+ [6 F- _  25. A) She will have more contact with students.
; q5 r. `# Z: R  ]1 V/ b  B) It will bring her capability into fuller play.* u0 p* |6 A" K
  C) She will be more involved I policy-making.
+ B. T1 m  t, o9 v" O( s, B. t  D) It will be less demanding than her present job.
) k! k/ N  q2 g, t* ~& f  答案:/ k5 Z4 V8 a6 S: `8 s5 v) h
  23.B) Assistant Director of the Admissions Office.* F3 u! o2 a4 e0 i+ c8 P' \
  24.A) Nearly fifty percent are foreigners.
) z! V4 M: A4 L
3 O* @8 s  Z! Z' Z  25.C) She will be more involved I policy-making.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 10:13:43 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  原文:
, b, b1 b# v( {3 ^4 [* i* ~& i  Conversation Two:+ n1 h0 y9 s& n
  M: Sarah, you work in the admissions office, don' t you?' K9 [% K# B5 Z  l$ M
  W: Yes, I' nvHp ve been here ten years as assistant director./ D6 ^0 T5 U% t4 p* i0 Z3 v
  M: Really? What does that involve?1 d, j, v9 w0 p9 J8 [1 o6 r; b
  W: Well, T m in charge of all the admissions of postgraduate
" n  I3 d( k1 j9 e  students in the universit.) h! ^, D; T/ m5 R" c9 H3 G; B9 M# U
  M: Only postgraduates?
5 W6 @: t; F! W& ~  W: Yes, postgraduates only. I have nothing at all to do with
4 S  m7 J" t) ^' v0 j7 o  undergraduates.
3 O# q' p# h1 f: o/ Q% y9 Y0 _% Q  M: Do you find that you get particular-sort of...; j# a$ o  j2 T6 K$ E
  different national groups? I mean, do you get large numbers from Latin America or...; [  r9 G& U7 V5 h
  W: Yes. Well, of all the students enrolled last year, nearly half were! w" j2 [9 B, `, C8 @8 F
  from overseas. They were from African countries, the Far East, the
9 y# W7 q5 l+ R( p" b% P  Middle East, and Latin America.7 o+ G  Z& A* T6 L5 E& t  L, C) j. x
  M: Em. But have you been doing just that for the last 10 years, or,1 ]: L) G) c9 J2 o7 e/ m5 r. M
  have you done other things?
3 b' M5 Q3 W$ \  W: Well, I' ve been doing the same job. Er, before that, I was secretary of the medical school at Birmingham, and further back, I worked in the local government.
3 N; ~' H7 d8 L  M: Oh, I see.
+ H. X$ j8 S, R9 I5 C0 S  W: So T ve done different types of things.$ l5 X6 L/ ]: H+ x) ?5 [" ^
  M: Yes, indeed. How do you imagine your job might develop in the future? Can you imagine shifting into a different kind of responsibility or doing something...
, X( N' _  t, L3 D  W: Oh, yeah, from October 1,I' II be doing an entirely different job.
. Y* V+ o) o3 M8 s  There' s going to be more committee work. I mean, more policy work, and less dealing with students, unfortunately-T II miss my contact with students.; M: G. @" u1 z+ [9 V. l2 z( l
  Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you' ve just heard:- K$ W7 j! D# H' M% u
  23. What is the woman' s present position?6 t$ {1 W. V& I! v! B, `; [: d
  24. What do we learn about the postgraduates enrolled last year in the woman' s university?, g9 u- z! z7 g% q6 R
  25. What will the woman' s new job be like?
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